
Own your bullshit.

15 posts in this topic

You're full of shit, and you know it. So am I.

You keep deceiving yourself and those around you. You cannot help it. It's just how it is. Just stop pretending. It's ok. No matter how many books you read, no matter how hardcore your practices, no matter how many hours of meditation, no matter how many times you trip... you're still full of shit. And maybe you'll be that way forever. It's alright. You tried your best. Feel the relief of that. Feel that acceptance sinking in. Everyone is doing the best they can. If they could do any better, they would. Simple as that.

Own your bullshit. Because thinking that you're not full of shit is the biggest bullshit of  all. 

It is all perfectly fine. It's ugly, it sucks, it hurts, but it's all fine. It is what it is.


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It called being a sophisticated type of chimp, it called being a human.


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Homo bullshiticus.

The bullshitting animal ;)

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Homo bullshiticus.

The bullshitting animal ;)

Homo homini bulshitus

Recently Tamed Feral Buddhist Critter .                    Restful Cube 

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I don't own any bullshit, it doesn't belong to me and this thread is another example of someone trying to pass bullshit to others but I suggest to you disown the bullshit before it owns you.

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That's just a very cleaver and creative way to be full of shit.

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On 28/12/2022 at 2:19 AM, ivankiss said:

Everyone is doing the best they can. If they could do any better, they would.


Eye opener

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Speak for yourself. I see things for what they really are. 

When you’re not bothering anyone, just being who you are, and people decide to constantly give you shit and criticize you about it even though it has nothing do with them, could it really be me who is full of shit? No. 

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On 2022-12-28 at 2:19 AM, ivankiss said:

Everyone is doing the best they can. If they could do any better, they would. Simple as that.

I resonate with this bullshit. ??


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Further than just buying the bullshit is believing the bullshit, that is when you get owned by the bullshit so everywhere you look it's nothing but bullshit. Transcend the bullshit to see beyond the bullshit.

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The deal is done, the negotiation is in your imagination.

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i used to have a reddit page called /r/itsallbullshit where i would extensively lie about reality

but i don't really like drying my uterus out with the pretentious bullshit-awareness-acceptance-tripe-bullshit


not that there's anything wrong with dry uterus.

Edited by vishnusavestheday
p.s. i don't even have a uterus

"Holy fuck. Holy fucking fuck. That body of yours is absurd." -Sri Ramana Maharshi

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