
suicide from a "practical" point of view

18 posts in this topic

I wasn’t sure if this topic belongs to this segment, but definitely doesn’t belong to the serious emotional issues because I want to discuss and analyze suicide but from a more practical point of view using real logic as much as possible. I have always heard and read that suicide is bad and should be avoided because you would pay for the consequences (bad ones) such as: going to hell, reincarnating to a lower level of life, being eternally in the other realm suffering, and many other theories. But nothing of this makes sense to me because not everyone is under the same circumstances in life, so “God” (or whatever you call it) just can’t judge everyone the same way, right?


I will give some examples of different scenarios to show why.


1.     Lets say 2 people commit suicide. One of them had a really great quality of life in general terms but eventually got something like bored, depressed and finally committed suicide. The other one was born under the most miserable conditions you can imagine and suffered a lot all their life, and finally to end the pain of his misery he ends his life too. Why would God judge both in the same way and both will suffer bad consequences? It seems a little unfair to me. 


2.     Fool example but just to explain my point: A person is on a boat in the middle of the ocean and the boat starts to sink. He will literally be dead in less than 20 minutes by drowning, but also he has a fire gun. He decides to shoot himself (commit suicide) by a headshot instead of waiting to die. He is going to die anyway in some minutes. Why would God judge him for dying in the way he considers less painful or whatever reason? It seems a little unfair to me. 


Also, why would God judge for such a decision if God itself put the person in that particular situation? The person commiting suicide didn’t decide to be in a situation where there is unbearable pain and suffering. If one simply cannot take the pain anymore and thinks it will stop with death, why would God judge? I just cannot understand why taking your own life is said to have the worst consequences. And also, what happens to the people that commit suicide without realizing they did it? I mean the people that were in such a bad place mentally that they were not conscious at all of their act. Why would God judge those people too if they commited suicide without knowing they were commiting suicide, they simply did it because of their mental state.


Why would people commiting suicide be judged in the afterlife? Please if someone can give their opinion on this. I think I explained my point about why something about the theories doesn’t smell right. 


Thanks for any input

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It’s stupid. God even encourages suicide apparently based on the “Conversations with God” books. 

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God is non-judgmental. I can imagine hundreds or thousand people dying and I'm perfectly fine with it. In fact - I enjoy it. 

Unfortunately or fortunately God can't die.

Life and death are sides of the same coin which called illusion or the great game that I'm playing with myself. 


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God dosent judge you you judge yourself. If you kill yourself cause you are bored how bored do you think you will be in the void. It can get alot more boring and lonely. We need to transcend our emotions on this life and keep only love in our hearts.

Edited by Hojo

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The only one who ever judges you, is you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Hello, I might have some information on this topic but it goes against much of what is taught on this forum.  Most of the people here are young and healthy and have not faced death genuinely as a standalone without the use of drugs, which is... not really the same thing.  I've had an autoimmune disease that started in my late twenties and heart issues in my mid-twenties, and have had close calls three times with the autoimmune disease and many moments of sitting through a weak or erratic heartbeat.

I used to think that there was no consequence for suicide as well, that all things were taken into account, but that isn't what I found.  Feeling frustrated for the condition of my mind/body I decided to let a nasal infection run its course and allowed it to fester for about a month without treatment after trying two times to fix the issue - I thought it could be a way out while still having the time to back out if I needed to.  I thought I could get my mental and emotional state ready for this process, that I would have a choice in this matter and God would simply follow suit with what I decided.

That wasn't remotely the case.  My mind began to pseudo-hallucinate violent and demonic images that rested as an underlay and started to bleed out into the outside world through allegory and metaphor, synchronicity and things like this.  It was... my karma.  The actions I took on others, that others took on me, and things passed down from generation to generation and I caught it literally red-handed essentially "feeding" on my life, creating rumination, depression and things that went against Life itself.  

You see, God has a plan in place for each Life, even if it is a hard one, nature is quite brutal in that you need to accomplish what you came here to do regardless of how you feel about it.  I would say the only time it would be okay to commit suicide is if you are in severe pain from illness and almost dead, severely disabled to the point of not having any life and are at the end of your rope.  But if you have options, or the disease/life is hard, but something where you have many roads instead of just one converging one, then you need to explore those avenues.  Life is set up where it wants and expects you to be an ally to its growth.  You are here to develop yourself in whatever way you can - if you can't do it through a well set up life, then do it through emotional maturity and spiritual merit, there are many ways that Life will assist in this.  If you don't, and you allow Death energy to take the reins, it will, but it won't be how you want it.  You won't come to the end of your life knowing and feeling that you did all that you could, you will come to the end of it having let your weakness take control of your life, having desecrated the miracle that is you.  Suicide is a desecration of your soul's journey.  

What I found through this process was that I needed to remove this shadow, this individual and collective darkness from my system.  I learned there are three modes - the lower, which is heavy and this is darkness and evil, the middle which is our world, and the higher levels which is enlightenment, heavenly realms and so forth.  You are expected to play your part, you can't cut yourself out of the net until destiny decides for you.  Each human is a blessing, a jewel in the net and cutting into the net damages and unravels it.

What I suggest for suicidal people is to take on Faith and allow a higher power to work through them.  Religion can provide comfort in these moments.  Religion is not just some words in a book that people have mistaken, these are real, genuine currents of spiritual antiquity that are ready and there for souls who have lost their way, to get them on track, to clean them off, to act as an ally during the hard times.  You can do it alone if you are strong, but if you are not you do have the option of working with an entire pantheon of material and holy energy that is designed to elevate you and protect you.  Suicide then becomes not necessary.  One is then bestowed knowledge and gifts that mean more than Death.

When I decided to make the doctor's appointment to get my antibiotics - I got into the car with my family, and saw signs - many churches - a truck that said - "Turning over a new leaf." A car who's license plate - I don't fully remember but had the word hope in it - the music we listened to was a guiding force, one of the songs being called "divine mercy" - I found an old fortune cookie in my purse on the way there, "You have been bestowed with the wisdom of the ages" and when I got to the doctor's office - the heart monitor had a saying on it: "Thank you for your service."  Life itself, as you wake up, speaks to you, to guide you towards something more - much more incredible than most people understand, until you take it by the hand as it asks, but can't insist and tell yourself that you will indeed walk with it.

Hope that helps!

P.S. - I don't expect anyone to take on my Faith, but to find what works for yourselves.  If you are in a time of weakness and need support spiritually, this can be a fantastic way to find strength - but by no means would I or could I say that my way is best, ultimately, it's up to you to choose what works, just try not to choose Death - see if there are other solutions available first. 



Edited by Loba

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5 hours ago, cataplin said:

Why would people commiting suicide be judged in the afterlife? 

People, suicide, judgement, afterlife. 

Bananas, onions, pink chair, donkey.

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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5 hours ago, Hojo said:

God dosent judge you you judge yourself. If you kill yourself cause you are bored how bored do you think you will be in the void. It can get alot more boring and lonely. We need to transcend our emotions on this life and keep only love in our hearts.

People don’t kill themselves because they’re bored my nigga ¬¬

You don’t override the deeply ingrained fear of death to kill one’s self through boredom. 

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3 minutes ago, michaelcycle00 said:

People don’t kill themselves because they’re bored my nigga ¬¬

You don’t override the deeply ingrained fear of death to kill one’s self through boredom. 

blink-182 respectfully disagrees ;)

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The only one who ever judges you, is you.

Thanks Leo!, so this would mean that the result of committing suicide is conditioned to what the person think and feel about it. Even if they try to look for excuses or want to think that it is ok, if deeper in them they know that it is unfair to life or God that they do this then they would pay for the consequences. But if they genuinely think and feel that they have the right to do it then they would have no bad consequences or would not be judged  in a hard way. Still it sounds strange to me that the result is conditioned from one to another. Anyway, I'm confused, I guess there is no really way to know if there is a difference between dying intentionally or unintentionally.


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17 hours ago, Vlad_ said:

God is non-judgmental. I can imagine hundreds or thousand people dying and I'm perfectly fine with it. In fact - I enjoy it. 

Unfortunately or fortunately God can't die.

Life and death are sides of the same coin which called illusion or the great game that I'm playing with myself. 


Its the ego that enjoys it not god. And the ego is in ignorance and denial. 

Edited by effortlesslumen

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18 hours ago, cataplin said:

I wasn’t sure if this topic belongs to this segment, but definitely doesn’t belong to the serious emotional issues because I want to discuss and analyze suicide but from a more practical point of view using real logic as much as possible. I have always heard and read that suicide is bad and should be avoided because you would pay for the consequences (bad ones) such as: going to hell, reincarnating to a lower level of life, being eternally in the other realm suffering, and many other theories. But nothing of this makes sense to me because not everyone is under the same circumstances in life, so “God” (or whatever you call it) just can’t judge everyone the same way, right?


I will give some examples of different scenarios to show why.


1.     Lets say 2 people commit suicide. One of them had a really great quality of life in general terms but eventually got something like bored, depressed and finally committed suicide. The other one was born under the most miserable conditions you can imagine and suffered a lot all their life, and finally to end the pain of his misery he ends his life too. Why would God judge both in the same way and both will suffer bad consequences? It seems a little unfair to me. 


2.     Fool example but just to explain my point: A person is on a boat in the middle of the ocean and the boat starts to sink. He will literally be dead in less than 20 minutes by drowning, but also he has a fire gun. He decides to shoot himself (commit suicide) by a headshot instead of waiting to die. He is going to die anyway in some minutes. Why would God judge him for dying in the way he considers less painful or whatever reason? It seems a little unfair to me. 


Also, why would God judge for such a decision if God itself put the person in that particular situation? The person commiting suicide didn’t decide to be in a situation where there is unbearable pain and suffering. If one simply cannot take the pain anymore and thinks it will stop with death, why would God judge? I just cannot understand why taking your own life is said to have the worst consequences. And also, what happens to the people that commit suicide without realizing they did it? I mean the people that were in such a bad place mentally that they were not conscious at all of their act. Why would God judge those people too if they commited suicide without knowing they were commiting suicide, they simply did it because of their mental state.


Why would people commiting suicide be judged in the afterlife? Please if someone can give their opinion on this. I think I explained my point about why something about the theories doesn’t smell right. 


Thanks for any input

How can i discuss something logical, which is unlogical

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10 hours ago, cataplin said:

Thanks Leo!, so this would mean that the result of committing suicide is conditioned to what the person think and feel about it. 

This assumes you can still think when you're dead.

Judgment is thinking.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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