
Al-lad Response Thread

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after all the psychedelics do you still feel trapped in monkey mind during the day? A lot of what you said resonginated with my personal expeirences, however after serious inquiry while tripping last year there was a serious release of energy it felt like getting hit by lightening after that day I've felt pure nothingness inside my heart space and my mind is silent unless I engage it to do practical things. when I walk I can feel me consciousness as space like awareness, the body is just apparent if I push the awareness outward in everyday life I can not find myself as an object, Is this how it is for you? The thing I would say is wether you engage in material life or denounce it the one reality is still the same, it's a beautiful dynamic expression, our true self uses this body as a way of experiencing its self and realizing our selfs through forms is its highest joy. Thank-you for your time namaste.

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No, it's not like that for me. I have a lot of monkey mind still. I'm a very conceptual sort of guy. My brain is always on, being creative. So it's very hard to shut off.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Leo that was a beautiful video, you seem much more balanced and centered in that video with how you passionately explained everything, i could see the glow in your eyes and i couldn't agree more with what you said. Based on your explanation it resembles almost exactly what happened to me after i had a DMT breakthrough then took pure 99.9% LSD(first time) a week or two later. I was able to understand the DMT experience much more profoundly and work with the experience because it wasn't so chaotic and you could work with the experience. Its been 8 months and i agree it was one of the most insightful experiences i felt like i became an enlightened monk for a night and expressed words similar of Alan Watts effortlessly.

Although i didn't do it alone i did it with a close friend in my house he shared a similar experience and since he never had any spiritual awakenings or self actualization experiences that i am aware of because i was never able to talk to him about some deep stuff i knew myself but on that night i was able to talk to him about almost everything and he understood clearly. Its fascinating what these substances can do when used correctly and respectfully.

I agree that one experience replaces 100s of your videos as its been over 8 months and i still am so grateful for that experience because even though its a faint memory now the glow still shines from it. I understand that my experience wasn't from AL-LAD but from listening to your video my experience on LSD was very similar although i probably didn't go as deep because i wasn't alone and as it was our first time as we were guiding each other to not get lost in our minds because realizations were coming one after the other for almost 4-6 hours straight and it was very exhausting at times as we were caught talking to ourselves multiple times.

Of course now i understand its better alone so you allow yourself to let go and actually go in a deep trance but all is experience and all is well. At times when i played some beautiful music i was enjoying going into a deep trance but he was afraid so i had to turn the music off and comfort him that its all good. The vibration of the bass seemed to really hit the spot for me and since i already had done DMT which already scared my life out until i kept doing it till my body got used to the experience and i could surrender better, this deep trance i was looking forward too.

All in all what i realized that night was worth every second of it, it confirmed everything that i already knew and believed in similar to what DMT had given awareness too but this was much less chaotic and much more enjoyable and smooth ride to work with the experience better.

Looking forward to trying AL-LAD in the future and thank you for sharing your experience.

Edited by pluto


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Made this on AL-LAD a year ago, it certainly promoted my way to think into the painting, as if I could travel along the paths I draw. :)

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@Leo Gura There was a point in your AL-LAD vid. where you looked very very humble. Sort of not your classical "Ima school yall with some knowledge". Later you came back to your teaching role. It was quite a beautiful transition. Well done Leo. You seem to be growing a lot! :-) 

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 @strwbrycough When you get to the state of having no thoughts do you still get creative insights randomly, or do you only get them when you choose to engage the mind?

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Ok, I have just almost finished watching the video(left the last 10 minutes for later) and I think it is one of the most important videos on planet Earth, (if the planet is even real tho right xD). 

Just wanted to point out that some of the effects Leo was describing were 100% how I would describe my meditative experiences on simple old weed. I think it is not being talked nearly enough, but I think a good strain of weed and a person with the right intent and readiness can achieve a lot, even ego death. I haven't achieved Ego death on the substance yet (or don't remember if I did xD) but it has to be possible, since it's possible to have Ego death even without any substance intake, right?). Weed is a magnifying glass

"Shamanic" use of weed is so rare in western culture that this medicine has turned into a joke.


I really really really really want to stress how amazing this video is, it's wisdom supreme. You don't HAVE to do psychedelics, you only HAVE to if you want to experience heaven. To reach heaven with weed, a 'party' drug, if you do it as consciousness work of surrender.

Work starts when you get back to reality. Remember your intent. Deeply. If you are to think about one thing, it would be your intent.

Then comes the question: Can you let go even of that. 

I cannot let go of the truth. I have a commitment to find truth. I cannot let go of the truth. But I can surrender to it.


Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodoster Hindu and Arab mystics have a long history of hashish use for spiritual purposes. The problem with weed is that people do make it a chronic recreational habit. They seem to get addicted to it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Dodoster Hindu and Arab mystics have a long history of hashish use for spiritual purposes. The problem with weed is that people do make it a chronic recreational habit. They seem to get addicted to it.

Yes it is amazing. When black becomes white. When problem becomes peace and wisdom. When thoughts are just thoughts and beliefs are just beliefs. Being remains, no thoughts now..... Only the white black infinity.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@blazed You won't understand unless you have a psychedelic breakthrough. Words cannot describe it.

The thing is, I don't need to draw any lines. I'm not ideological. I am a researcher. I try stuff with an open mind and see what works and what doesn't. It's as simple as that.

But people take all this stuff ideologically. I don't care about any of that.

It's up to you to discover how to escape the matrix. I'm just sharing things that have worked for me. Make no mistake though, the matrix is far wider and deeper than you ever imagined. You need all the help you can get, and you really don't have time to waste on ideological position-taking.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo GuraWhat about watching yourself in the mirror, it can become pretty trippy experience of self reflection if one looks long enough. I think it raises my wakefulness level and I become more aware of the nothingness, which is everything we know.... Then I snap my fingers, and create sound and continue exploring existence, while with open eyes, because there is no outside us, which means extroverts are just as introverted as introverts like me :D .

I guess what I'm saying is self enquiry in front of the mirror can be pretty intense experience of reality!

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Leo Gura  "your mind is always on", "im a very conceptual sort of guy" im sure you notice these statements are riddled with identity. You have already had the experience you can see identity doesn't exist. Why not just let the mind be and you stay by your self? Don't engage or try to force it to shut up, just stay as space like awareness..When we feel "i" or say "i" it's really amazing it's the denotion of The spiritual principal in all, I am consciousness. In a round about way Leo this is to the t the definition of "being cognition" from your video so why wait to be you already are?

On 2/28/2017 at 3:21 PM, Leo Gura said:

No, it's not like that for me. I have a lot of monkey mind still. I'm a very conceptual sort of guy. My brain is always on, being creative. So it's very hard to shut off.


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1 hour ago, blazed said:

Escape the matrix? Where will you go?

If we had a highly conscious AI character on our computers and it wanted to escape into our reality today how would you proceed with that?

I'm just curious man, and a little confused, probably a misunderstanding but it seems like you're seeking, like there is an End game to this, like some infinite power to obtain.

And here I am thinking, the experience of now is absolutely everything. I am god, and this is what god want's me to experience right now, until I die and become something new alltogether.

The colour white doesn't exist, white is just a really intense black, but black nothing is the only thing that is real - everything else is projecting movies on top of movies. Even our shallow as shit forum posts. Everything is so small compared to the nothingness, it's eye-opening, and it's always there, right behind your back :x


-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Maxi  that's the fun part when you leave the mind out of things you can notice everything happens spontaneously just as it always has but we were too caught up in thought stories to notice very subtle . Insights pop up naturally, everything has a fresh flow to it. 

Edited by strwbrycough

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14 minutes ago, blazed said:

When I calm my mind to the point there is no ripples nothing exists... and when I start thinking, here I am again...

Everything has a polar opposite. Everything is in infinite cycles that you can't escape from.

Wisely said, Namaste 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@blazed Consider the possibility that there are depths of consciousness you couldn't imagine in your wildest dreams.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Here's what i have noticed about psychedelics, especially weed.

The less often, the more Enlightening the experience.


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@Leo Gura would you mind considering my question, I am really thankful for everything you've done I've watched every video and taken your life purpose course. I'm not trying to make a senseless debate or ideological war. Just you've seen the real you, why not be instead of think?

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@strwbrycough It is what it is. I'm not sure what you want me do. It's not in my power to be or to think or not think.

If you're trying to guide people towards enlightenment or whatever, I'd suggest you actually try your advice out on folks face-to-face to see if simple solutions like: "You're already enlightened. Just be." are helpful to them.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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