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The relationship between solipsism and conspiracy theories

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 As you guys know ..I'm a solipsist..I don't believe in an external objective world full of others.

And my argument that since all of one’s perception of reality occurs within one’s consciousness, one cannot be sure that there is a reality outside one’s consciousness. From within the mind (where all perception is) we cannot prove external reality exists at all. There may be nothing to correspond to what we perceive. It may all be in one’s head.

I think it's a Strong argument. I don’t know how you’d disprove it! However, you’ll note that anyone advancing that argument nevertheless behaves as if people are real entities they have to interact with to get results. They act as if .

What's the relationship between solipsism and conspiracy theories?  Well ,Either we’re all real people with this inability to prove something exists outside our heads, in which case it’s business as usual for any conspiracies  why should such a wonky argument make a difference? ..or the conspiracy theorist is the only one who exists. In which case big deal, you’d still expect the figments to act like people, like they all always do, and conspiracies can go on without a hitch! Inside the only existing person’s head.

I suppose that someone who’s paranoid and believes that there are conspiracies against him or her might well be a solipsist.

It occurred to me decades ago that “it was all about me.” It was a sign of growing maturity on my part.

So be careful before you entertain solipsistic worldview quickly without taking into consideration the of which is that you will feel that the whole world and all people are in a conspiracy against you .trying to hide from the fact that you are the only one home. 

However, it's easy to get out of this mentality..because if you were truly a solipsist you wouldn't believe that there is other people or world out there trying to fool you anyways. Because truly and with all the meaning In the are the only one home . Gotta just make peace with that .

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the subject of solipsism is very slippery. the reality is that you can't get out of your pov, and from this it follows that there is nothing but your pov. it is impossible that there is. It is as if it were an absolutely inaccessible dimension, since if you accessed would be your pov. So, reality is your pov, and everything inside your pov is just something inside your pov. For example, the people of Australia, it's just an idea in your pov. The people you see on the street are things into your pov. do they have pov? It seems obvious that yes, that absolutely everything has it. Everything into your pov is alive. so how can they have pov if there is nothing outside of your pov? here is the tricky thing. you are not you, you are the absolute reality, let's call it god. there is only one pov, that of god, and it is an infinite pov, since reality is infinite. nothing is finite, it only seems so. so, your pov and other people's pov, is the same pov. the only pov. there are no other people, no other things, it just seems so. the same as your pov seems finite, and that of those people too. it is a trick to divide the absolute into relative infinities. it's the same pov with different appearance. if you take a psychedelic and you become infinite, it means that you have merged all the povs for a moment. the appearance of separation has been broken, but it immediately returns since that is its inertia. 

So, at the end, only your pov exist, and this could be sayed to the infinite POVs.

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It hurts my mind thinking about it.  What does "me" even mean when the PoV you have seems to identify with whatever its contents are. 

I once took LSD and my PoV was just a geometric fractal dancing in 2dimentional space. I was totally convinced i was that shape till the moment i opened my eyes.... Its really strange.


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Solipsism is when you take your limited human perceptions as fundamental. Non-duality is when you take the limitless nature of consciousness as fundamental.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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18 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Solipsism is when you take your limited human perceptions as fundamental. Non-duality is when you take the limitless nature of consciousness as fundamental.

True spirituality is when You dissolve the boundary between the two :P

Words can't describe You.

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4 minutes ago, Sincerity said:

True spirituality is when You dissolve the boundary between the two :P

A.k.a non-duality.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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6 hours ago, Someone here said:

 As you guys know ..I'm a solipsist..I don't believe in an external objective world full of others.

Just by saying "I'm a solipsist" You engage in identification --> selfhood --> self vs other illusion, so in fact You do believe in others, simply because You believe in "yourself".

To be a true solipsist You have to not be one ;)

Edited by Sincerity

Words can't describe You.

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@Maru one time on shrooms my conciousness was being pulled out of the back of my head. I was told that i was wearing too many shirts(layers) of memories on and I had to forget everything (take off the shirts mentally) in order to leave. It felt like my awareness was a rock wrapped in a plastic bag and someone was pulling the handles. Instantly I focused out of my body into trance and 3d reality dematerialized and it felt like I wasn't my body but I was in 2d and I moved around by moving my eyes around and my body was where my focus was. It felt like alien were hacking my brain.  Shit is weird man. We just gotta go with the flow lol whatever that means. When it seems like we've lost our bodies and holds on reality the identity seems to dissipate rather quickly.


Edited by Hojo

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16 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

the subject of solipsism is very slippery. the reality is that you can't get out of your pov, and from this it follows that there is nothing but your pov. it is impossible that there is. It is as if it were an absolutely inaccessible dimension, since if you accessed would be your pov. So, reality is your pov, and everything inside your pov is just something inside your pov. For example, the people of Australia, it's just an idea in your pov. The people you see on the street are things into your pov. do they have pov? It seems obvious that yes, that absolutely everything has it. Everything into your pov is alive. so how can they have pov if there is nothing outside of your pov? here is the tricky thing. you are not you, you are the absolute reality, let's call it god. there is only one pov, that of god, and it is an infinite pov, since reality is infinite. nothing is finite, it only seems so. so, your pov and other people's pov, is the same pov. the only pov. there are no other people, no other things, it just seems so. the same as your pov seems finite, and that of those people too. it is a trick to divide the absolute into relative infinities. it's the same pov with different appearance. if you take a psychedelic and you become infinite, it means that you have merged all the povs for a moment. the appearance of separation has been broken, but it immediately returns since that is its inertia. 

So, at the end, only your pov exist, and this could be sayed to the infinite POVs.

Let’s say it is a world where solipsism holds true and it is the construct of one’s mind.

In that case, there are billions upon billions of “true” worlds, as you would perceive your world as the only world, and everyone else just a part of it.

But, let’s say a solipsist runs into another solipsist. They think that the other is wrong, and merely a part of their imagination and their mind.

They are stuck in a loop of whoever is “right” when in reality there is no true answer because there are so many different people arguing what is true and what isn’t. as they both  see  themselves as the only real person and the only real mind.

Solipsism is a philosophy that, like others, technically, can’t be proven wrong with logic, because it’s wholly subjective.

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16 hours ago, Maru said:

It hurts my mind thinking about it.  What does "me" even mean when the PoV you have seems to identify with whatever its contents are. 

I once took LSD and my PoV was just a geometric fractal dancing in 2dimentional space. I was totally convinced i was that shape till the moment i opened my eyes.... Its really strange.


Solipsism is the position of the utter skeptic. It is the assertion that you cannot be certain anything exists but yourself, and you cannot even be sure of what exactly you are, only that you exist in some fashion.

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11 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

Solipsism is when you take your limited human perceptions as fundamental. Non-duality is when you take the limitless nature of consciousness as fundamental.

Most non-dualists are also monist idealists. That is, they maintain that all reality is mental, a view which cannot easily be distinguished from solipsism which maintains that only my mind is real. (Of course nobody wants to be called a solipsist so idealists all take great pains to make this distinction.)

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11 hours ago, Sincerity said:

Just by saying "I'm a solipsist" You engage in identification --> selfhood --> self vs other illusion, so in fact You do believe in others, simply because You believe in "yourself".

To be a true solipsist You have to not be one ;)

Good one. Very clever argument. 

Thanks for opening my mind to this possibility :)

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