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Top American Historian explains on Majority Report how the GOP became truly extreme

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A top professor of American History at Vanderbilt University, named Nicole Hemmer, was recently hosted by Sam and Emma on The Majority Report. She gave a brilliant in-depth explanation on how and why the Republican Party shifted so far to the right over time.

She talks with Sam and Emma about how the legislation and policies from the Great Society era, particularly the Civil Rights and Voting Right legislation in the 60s, really led to the beginning of the GOP's gradual shift to the right in the late 60s and the whole 70s decade. 

Then also talked about how Neoliberalism/Reagan further contributed to the party's continuing shift to the right by the late 70s/early 80s.

Moreover, professor Hemmer greatly elaborates on the reasons the Republican Party really accelerated their shift radically to the right around the late 80s/early 90s.

She then discusses with Sam and Emma on how and why the GOP kept continuing to more and more and more to the far right during the rest of the 90s, into the early 2000s, and onwards.  


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