
Chiropractic Care For Chronic Pain/fatigue

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So I've been suffering with chronic pain(Fibromyalgia) and Chronic fatigue for well over a year or so now that has worsened over time.  We exhausted all the causes hence those being my diagnosis.  Well, some pain doctors tell you to certain things, but you know you can't really bring yourself to do the things he suggests when you're in that kind of pain.  You flat out don't feel like doing it, because it really hurts.  The other thing would be things like Lyrica, which only do certain things for it with that it'd need to be pain related medicine.  That's a huge problem though.  Meloxicam was found to be the one that was the most effective, but after taking it for a whole month each day, my kidney function was low.  So, now I an take them, but only once in a while and I must drink more water.  Ok, so I'm drinking more water and my kidney function is going back up, but it'd be even better if I didn't take them at all.  So there in lies the problem.  It seems medicinally that it's just not something I can take care of.  


It was highly recommended that I see a chiropractor and just who they knew and heard was the best, so I'm starting with that soon.  The reason he was recommended is that he flexible with payment for people with low income.  Most insurances will not pay for chiropractors.  I'm on Medicare, because I'm disabled and that has to do with mental health.  Unrelated.   So obviously it's out of pocket.  


So has anyone else had experience with this?

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Why don't you see a physiotherapist? They are like chiropractors but with actual education.

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I was never  told about any. Everyone is telling me chiropractor around here and how wonderful they are. 

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Well, personally i would never see a chiropractor even if i got paid. You might as well pay some random person on the street to fix your pain. Also, are you sure your pain isnt connected to your mental health? There is a strong body-mind connection and bad mental health can cause phyiscal pain. In Scandinavia we have something called psychomotor physiotherapy which is very well suited for this. I'd highly recommend it if they have it in your area. 


Before you even consider going to a chiropractor, you should watch this video. 


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@SMS_Kelesis I have had very positive experiences with chiropractors in the past so I can only recommend seeing one. If conventional medicine is doing more harm than good it's time to look into alternative possibilities.

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After seeing a regular visit with my endocrinologist the fatigue may have a cause that she can help with. Last year she said something about the pituitary being "empty/small/or something." Another test last year showed some low numbers and that could be the fatigue, but the new tests haven't been done yet. Still she's with me on the idea if seeing a chiropractor. 

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Try going vegan and avoiding wheat flour

Also, research about autohemotherapy.

I have been struggling with chronic knee and abdome pain for quite a while. Also have a lot fatigue and used to feel sleepy all day long.

I am not still a 100% vegan and avoiding all wheat, but reducing it works wonders

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I have had strong pain and fibromyalgia and fatigue for the last 3/4 years, always increasing in intensity . Years ago I also went to a chiropractor and it was completely useless. I also saw other doctors and they were useless as well, a waste of money. Traditional medicine lacks the foundation for fully understanding these kinds of problems. 

I began meditating at the beginning of this year after having read the book "the power of now" by Eckhart Tolle. 

It turned out clearly immediately that ALL my pain was not a purely physical problem but it was due to trapped emotional energy. But I had no idea about it before.  Now it is gradually decreasing while I am in the process of releasing the stuck emotions.

I don't know if this is your case or not . You can know it based on how happy and fulfilled you are in your life, in your relationships, your work , family, etc.  The more you feel overall out of touch from your true self, the more it is likely that a big component of your pain is psychosomatic.

things you can start doing immediately are:

  •  acupuncture (very important, whatever the cause of your pain this will alleviate the symptoms from the root)
  • mindfullness meditation every day
  • beginning to practice yoga
  • Begin educating yourself on the mind-body connection and on how emotions work ( you can read the book I wrote before )
  • diet can help a lot ( see in your experience what fits for you ) 

Good luck .

Observe reality as it is, not as you would like it to be 

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also, try Wim Hof breathing method! it worked wonders for me!

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Work with a Naturopath or Functional Medicine Dr. You need someone to do all your blood work, It could be a million different things. 

There's an amazing book called Fix your Fatigue that I'd suggest reading.

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