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Tyler Robinson

Emocouvia my new word

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So I reflected on the aspects of productivity and motivation and much of it is high energy, high vibe, fighting, struggling, pushing forward, being passionate, excited, fierce and pumping, moving upwards and gaining momentum etc. It's like fire. It's very motivating 

Then I watched some videos about self love and healing and taking care of the self and I noticed the gentler aspects of self improvement which are not about being Type A. Just no pressure, relax, letting go, taking care of oneself.

A sophisticated system of - 

Gentleness /Empathetic connection - softness, pleasantness, caring-ness, compassionate emotional intelligence - sophisticated soft delicate gentle vibe. There's an emotional sensitive sweetness to it. I'll call it Emocouvia(my new word lol) This is relax, balance, rest, peace, calm.  Emocouvia is about moving downwards, being gentle, balance, peace, resting, soft, Empathetic, sweetness, listening, flowing calmly and freely without the tension of upward mobility. 

Both systems are necessary equally. You need days where you want to feel active, charged, motivated and excited to inject your work with passion and pushing forward, making progress. 

But you also need days, when you want to wind down, be on the down low, be gentle and passively protective,just compassionate and gentle with the self, emotional yet not overly emotional, just soft with how you feel and connect and gentle with yourself and everything around you. Being a bit sensitive and pleasant and appreciating pleasant vibes. 

Sort of a refuge for the tired wounded hyper stimulated self yet with some gentle tacit passive motivation still woven into it. 

So I used the words "emotional" and "cove" and created my own word Emocouvia to describe this soft vibe and state of Gentleness combined with soft (less loaded) emotion. 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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