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Salvia Experience Books

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I'm looking to find some books about the Salvia experience as research for artwork in the future. I was wondering if anyone knew of any good trip report books (or any substance for that matter)? 

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Salvia was created by the devil. It's consciousness raping itself - the inversion of divine. 

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Personally speaking, I found "Sage Spirit - Salvia Divinorum and the Entheogenic Experience" by Martin W. Ball very interesting and well worth the read

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I did Salvia once and literally became a couch and felt the being of the fabric, and people sitting on me, giving them comfort and pleasure.

It was a completely foreign experience of reality, to switch from the boundaries of my humanness to become an inanimate object.


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Salvia is the best and worse psychedelic I've tried. I really recommend it but it's not for everyone that for sure. It makes you die every time in weird twisted ways but there is great power in going through these experiences

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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SourceCodo beat me to it, but yeah, Erowid is a great site for trip experiences with any drug. 


The few times I've done Salvia was the highest I've ever been. It's stronger than any other hallucigen I can think of so it's a good thing the trip is short. 

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On 2023-01-05 at 0:39 AM, Roy said:

I did Salvia once and literally became a couch and felt the being of the fabric, and people sitting on me, giving them comfort and pleasure.

It was a completely foreign experience of reality, to switch from the boundaries of my humanness to become an inanimate object.


 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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While I've never smoked Salvia personally, nor even chewed a hallucinogenic quantity. I've studied this very subject at least a decent amount. And what I can gather from reading trip reports is that it isn't the breakthrough experiences where you become a coat of paint on a barn and exist in that state for 30 earth years, or even where you become an alien humanoid and live that life for years that's a mindfuck.


It's when you become a different human being, in another state in your own country from the same century and ostensibly in the same reality from which you came. And everything works there exactly the same as you'd expect "reality" to, and you live years like that, then eventually return to your original human self to find that from the perspective of others around you, you were tripping for 20 minutes, even though you know you just spent a considerable period of time (like a decade) in the same reality they're in but as a different person elsewhere. Now that's a genuine mindfuck, because it's nearly impossible to explain it away as insanity, even for the strongest of materialists (if they have that specific experience themself which very few have).  

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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Seems like salvia is a rare thing 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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On 1/9/2023 at 10:14 PM, JuliusCaesar said:

 when you become a different human being, in another state in your own country from the same century and ostensibly in the same reality from which you came. And everything works there exactly the same as you'd expect "reality" to, and you live years like that, then eventually return to your original human self to find that from the perspective of others around you, you were tripping …

In that case you should be able to verify the realness of the experience by reaching out to the person you incarnated as or discovering some other evidence of their existence.

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14 hours ago, Phoebe said:

In that case you should be able to verify the realness of the experience by reaching out to the person you incarnated as or discovering some other evidence of their existence.

Of course, though the overwhelming majority of experiences of this nature tend not to involve such a scenario. But usually instead feature people becoming inanimate objects, or alien creatures you can't normally access. 

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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@Roy I just wanted to second this experience.

In my salvia experience back in 2015, a radical shift occured in my perception of Being. 
I was observing a pretty idyllic college scene in my friend's dorm room. I was sitting on an oversized beanbag and all of my friends were sitting on the couch in front of me, joking, laughing and passing around a joint. While sober, there is depth to visual perception. I see my own hands and body in the foreground, I see some furniture like the floor and coffee table as the midground, and I see my friends on the couch with the wall behind them as the background.

After the hit of salvia, the foreground, midground, and background all became the same plane. So my visual perception transformed as if it were "reduced" onto a flat land, like it all collapsed onto a piece of paper or the canvas of a painting. The floor, coffeetable, couch that my friends were sitting on, and the wall behind them all meshed onto the canvas. Flattening occured not only of sight, but also sound and feeling. It all became plastered on a single plane. It was wildly cool, but here's the thing...I wasn't myself. I became the beanbag and the floor beneath me. My perception seemed to have collapsed downward from my body to the beanbag and the floor beneath it, and I was just residing in flatland. What's interesting is that there was a kind of "rolling of the parchment" occurring on the left side of my field of vision, like I was watching a 2D sidescrolling videogame; Flatland was being rendered (?) from the left side. To this day, I can't explain the strong directionality towards the left.

Anyways, my friend (whom I recognized as my friend...more on this in the next paragraph) then handed me, seemingly a bean bag, a pair of 3D glasses. I arose from being a beanbag to being a vague cloud of perception somewhat higher up in my clothes and belly. I stared at the 3D glasses laying in what appeared to be my hand. But I did not know what my hand was nor did I know what the glasses were. It seemed that inanimate object awareness disappeared for new objects introduced to flatland. I did not know the glasses were a separate "thing". I did not know what it meant to actively "thing." Are the glasses me? Is my hand me? Where does glasses start and hand end? I could not let go of the 3D glasses because I didn't know it was a "thing". So I stared at it in my open palm, unable to understand. Meanwhile, my friend was asking me to put them on, which was totally outside the scope of possibility. 

Here's an interesting note. The perception that my friends are my friends and human beings are living things was still intact! Human life seems to have a living resonance that prevents it from being loosened up by this drug in the way that inanimate objects, sounds, and sensations got blended together and flattened. The same thing happened with my friend's cat - I knew that Princess was a living thing. I proceeded to stare at Princess as I shifted from being a beanbag to being a floating cloud of perception coalescing back into my body. I remember feeling like Princess was my peer...on the same level as me. I recognized Princess and Princess recognized me. A human being is no lesser or greater than a cat in the realm of living things. 

Anyways, Salvia is batshit insane. It is by far the most mind-boggling psychedelic experience I've ever had, but I've predominantly done high-dosage shrooms and LSD. Salvia comes without warning and fires a sawed-off shotgun shell right into your perception...leaving some things intact and some things totally annihilated. I couldn't speak for the next hour, I didn't even want to. Piecing together the radical nature of what just happened gave me a new understanding of the comfortable structure of perception inside of which I reside as willful prisoner. 

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Leo has a blog from March 2020 about it.

The most important thing is To Have A PHYSICAL Partner there with you. If you're male, then 21+ year old man. If you're female - my recommendation is to not do it at all. If you really want than with a group.

Do not, under any circumstances, do it by yourself! Both sexes.

Edited by Eternal Unity

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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It's easy to order online. Legal is most states.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Eternal Unity why Do you think it is not for female? 

In my opinion, females are psychologicaly more capable to handle crazy things/heavy events. Becausr of their emotionally rollercoaster by nature they are used to it. But that's not the only thing. They are for sure more comfortable with experiencing the unexplainable

A man always need to understand and control situations. A woman can be comfortable in chaos, they are more in tune with experience and less in understanding things. Great mindset for salvia I think 

Edited by OBEler

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@OBEler A female friend of mine took it and ended up in a hospital. She was not ready... 

"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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37 minutes ago, Eternal Unity said:

@OBEler A female friend of mine took it and ended up in a hospital. She was not ready... 

Also my friend cooked truffle tea for the first time and handed it out to other 3 people, dosage was high. There was 1 female and she went batshit crazy , screaming out of her lungs

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@Jowblob for females the same dose is always higher. 

Screaming batshit crazy is just energy release. Women use the situation to scream, because they want to release negative stored energy.

Ask them after the trip how they feel. I think they even would say it was hard but necessary and overall good.

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