
Home Workout

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Hi people. 

I am new on the forum and been following Leo for quite a bit of time. 
Recently I've been making changes to my lifestyle, generally speaking. This includes working out (that I used to do, then I stopped for logistic reasons and university).

Since I can't get to a gym at the present moment, I was wondering If any of you know some sources of information that I can actually use to build up a well-rounded fitness program. 

I am looking for some muscular training (without gym machineries clearly) and stretching to improve my overall flexibility. As for cardio, I've been running for two weeks on alternate days. (Approximate time for training: from 20 to 60 minutes) 

So if you have suggestions (also from your own personal experience) it would be much appreciated!

Thanks guys! 

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You can get an old bow flex on eBay for very cheap. It takes up about 2 square feet when folded up. IMO bowflex have great value. I used my first one almost everyday for about 10 years before it started wearing down. 

Also, you can get into great shape just doing cardio, sit ups and push ups. Sounds like you're looking for muscle mass though. For that you need to lift weights or bow flex. 

Maybe lift stuff in your home? Furniture and appliances?



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Thanks for the reply. I'll try to look up for that bowflex. It might do but right now I have no money to invest on this, so for a while I will have to do w/o it. But surely will take it in account for the future.

And yes, my main goal is to get in shape OVERALL. That means I am not only looking for cardio but also little bit of muscle growth (not heavy body-building style) and flexibility.

I have got a couple of dumbells but I can't change them in weight and can't afford a whole set.

But hey thanks for the hints. I will accept any other input to make my workout more efficient.


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Agree with what has been said above though, If you are into serious lifting and muscle gain, the only way is doing heavy weights, home workout just won't do it unless you are ready to invest into barbell and at least a pair of 45lb (20 kg) weights ( and few lighter ones).

Also there is a certain sense of companionship and  spirit in gyms. You get to meet like minded people , share tips and tricks. You need as much as 30 minutes to get a good workout. 

If you want to avoid gym but still want to do a hard work though,try to split your training into home and outside ( say park or street) 

Focus more on muscle mass, slow contraction and reps/sets. 

1.  pair of dumbells ( not too heavy) 

2. flexible bench that can be moved to horizontal and inclined angle

3. ( optional) for more serious gain, consider a large barbell (the long bar)  and a set of weights that you can challenge yourself with. Thus is however tricky because for some heavy lifts you need a rack or a partner. 

4.  ABS Wheel - amazing tool for core, greatly underestimated and mocked by bodybuilding community. 


This is where you should do most of your cardio, speed , circuits. There are many cool workouts you can do outside besides jogging. Not to mention, you don't sweat over your carpet and have a fresh air and sense of freedom. ( especially after dark) 

1. TRX is an amazing tool, that you hang on a tree, old gate, wall ( need to have a hook) , street lamp and can work your ass of. Any part of body can be practiced. Great both for cardio and strength excercise

2.  Kettlebell (weight depending on your strength and fitness level). There is so much you can do with it and it requires minimum space. Although better used outside. 

3. Jumping rope - great for warm-up as well as vigorous cardio once you improve a bit. 

4. A mat to lie/ sit on. 

In your Outside session, focus on circuit. Ideally work with time ( or count reps).  Usually you only need like 20-30 minutes to completely destroy yourself if you are short on time and prepared to "sweat blood"

An example of "Outside" would be:

1. Burpees (60 seconds) 

Break 20 sec

2. Rope Jumping (60 seconds) 

Break 20 sec

3. deep lunges in 20 meter lengths ( for 60 seconds) 

Break 20 sec

4. high jumps on spot, tapping your knees with your palm in the midair ( 60 seconds) 

Break 20 sec

5. star jumps on spot ( to cool down from previous) ( 60 seconds) 

Break 20 sec

6. TRX - whatever you like ( 60 seconds) 

Rest 60 seconds and restart the round. Do 3 rounds in total. 

Looks easy, but can ruin you for couple days if you are unused to it. There are literally hundreds of options here, research internet and be creative. 

Sorry for long post, wanted to give you a practical example. 

Hope that helps. 

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