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Disaster Capitalism

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Did Americans destroy ex Yugoslavia? Tito made some bad decisions, primarily not allying with Stallin, but it is apperant what is going on here. There are many foreign company productions in these places that they appear like banana states of the West.

Is what is being said here true?

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Americans did not destroy ex-Yugoslavia. Not directly. They even helped financialy because the economy back then was unsustainable because of corruption and stealing. However, they helped to destroy it by supporting separatist tendencies among republics in Yugoslavia. 

Also many republics wanted to be independent, including Slovenia, where i live. And that's a good thing. Historicly we were always under this and that monarchy, but finaly in 1990s we were free. "Brotherhood and unity" among the people was fake so it was better to go separate ways. Also Serbia was a ruler of Yugoslavia and other republics didn't have the same power. And money went to Serbia as well.

Serbs wanted big Serbia, and they started attacking republics when they decided to go separate ways.

Vatikan also had it's fingers involved because they wanted all Yugoslavia to be catholics.

Later in war east countries, mostly Saudi Arabia with Wahabism and jihhadists, was involved in Bosnia, because they wanted to establish there islamist califat.

Decades before the war there was Tito. A dictator and murderer. After the WW2 Comunists killed 100s of thausands of people. And then he came on position of power. However it was a good thing Yugoslavia separated from Russian influence. Stalin was psychopatic murderer, as you know.

Edited by Bojan V

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14 minutes ago, Bojan V said:

Stalin was psychopatic murderer, as you know.

I had no idea. Just googled that he executed a million of his own people. I thought he was just a dictator that stood for communism and unification of the globe, nothing else. I'm not able to study history atm, which is why I'm asking this.

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7 minutes ago, at_anchor said:

I had no idea. Just googled that he executed a million of his own people. I thought he was just a dictator that stood for communism and unification of the globe, nothing else. I'm not able to study history atm, which is why I'm asking this.

That's ok. Also there was a time when Tito and Stalin were "friends". I think Tito, when he was in Russia ( back then it was Soviet Union), learned many bad things from Stalin.

Edited by Bojan V

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@Bojan V I just read that they were enemies, that they tried poisoning each other, that Tito was stubborn and wanted to unify with Albania against Stallins plans. Tito also did not allow the king to return.

I think average Americans if placed in the same situatiin as Serbs in Bosnia would do exactly the same thing, since they wouldn't want to have an Islamic president. If it happened to be so, they would probably all either flee or convert to Islam.

Edited by at_anchor

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55 minutes ago, at_anchor said:

@Bojan V I just read that they were enemies, that they tried poisoning each other, that Tito was stubborn and wanted to unify with Albania against Stallins plans. Tito also did not allow the king to return.

I think average Americans if placed in the same situatiin as Serbs in Bosnia would do exactly the same thing, since they wouldn't want to have an Islamic president. If it happened to be so, they would probably all either flee or convert to Islam.

Yeah, at first "friends" and then enemies.

Bosna is certainly a complex problem. Bosnians, Croats and Serbs there are not in friendly terms at all. I don't know what would be the best solution there. Republika Srbska in Bosnia is under major influence of Serbia. Some of them want to break away from Bosnia and join with Serbia. Croats in Bosnia want more influence, and Bošnjaki ( muslim Bosnians) also want more power. All three constituent entities are pulling away from each other. I am half Croat, but i have to say that Croatian politicians in Bosnia are not working in the interest of the whole Bosnia. And of course catholic church is not helping either.

Also the problems there originate from the past from the Otoman empire (todays Turkey) when they invaded a whole Balkan area.

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20 minutes ago, Bojan V said:

Republika Srbska in Bosnia is under major influence of Serbia.

It probably is and was, but it is likely that if tomorrow Serbia all of a sudden disappeared from the map and Bulgaria or Albania took its pplace, people in that entity would fight even harder for separation, which would then be supported by Russia and then you see,it has nothing to do with Serbia. It has everything to do with national identity that has gained momentum and the Orthodox Church. It is simply that people there were of a particular religion in the past and decided to baptize their children all the same. There simply is no way that Serbs in that entity would all of a sudden become Bosniaks without Serbia.

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   Union and division, both sacred processes, Holon, both the part and the sum of it's parts, balanced yet asymmetrical.

   Par for the course of evolution and development of societies.

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2 hours ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Union and division, both sacred processes, Holon, both the part and the sum of it's parts, balanced yet asymmetrical.

   Par for the course of evolution and development of societies.


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3 hours ago, at_anchor said:

It probably is and was, but it is likely that if tomorrow Serbia all of a sudden disappeared from the map and Bulgaria or Albania took its pplace, people in that entity would fight even harder for separation, which would then be supported by Russia and then you see,it has nothing to do with Serbia. It has everything to do with national identity that has gained momentum and the Orthodox Church. It is simply that people there were of a particular religion in the past and decided to baptize their children all the same. There simply is no way that Serbs in that entity would all of a sudden become Bosniaks without Serbia.

Yes. I agree on that.

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