
Highly conscious beta male?

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@Leo Gura Does making being more conscious make you beta? I heard that if you are less conscious you tend to be alpha but being conscious makes you beta is it true? That's why nice guys finish last I guess

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Beta males are actually insecure and low consciousness. Alpha men are abundant and more congruent with woman's needs. Alpha men understand what a woman wants. They don't neglect her. Beta men dominate women out of insecurity. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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When you become more conscious you stop taking such hierarchies seriously. Besides, the beta comes right after the alpha. He is the one calling the shots if the alpha isn't around and not the one who finishes last. The ones that finish last aren't actually nice individuals. They're bitter, wimpy and insecure.

So if anything, being more conscious would make you sigma 9_9

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Forget all the alpha and beta BS, it's holding you back. Just keep working on raising your consciousness. This is what Actualized is actually about, that's why you're here on this forum.

57% paranoid

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being conscious takes you out of the dating pool altogether... you can only have sex with yourself... a true incel... 

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18 minutes ago, Kshantivadin said:

you can only have sex with yourself

For that you would need God level consciousness, that's what I tell myself.

57% paranoid

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If you see the world through this paradigm of Alpha, Beta and whatever, not only is that a false paradigm, but it affects your self-esteem and personal development. 

I think that the belief that being more conscious = being inferior as a man, is toxic and false. It came from toxic men who want to control other men by scaring them that if they will follow something that men traditionally don't follow, they won't be considered "real-men".  Ironically, this is exactly what men should do if they have guts, push through it and not listen to other men.

Being more conscious is not what attracts every woman to a man, because not every woman is going to be at the same level but it doesn't really matter, for a really conscious man, attracting the right woman whom he feels free to be himself, without playing "Alpha" or "Beta", is better than attracting every woman anyway.


Edited by Lila9


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I feel like we as a collective might benefit from retiring the beta alpha labels. They just seem to confuse people. 

Being more conscious gives you more access to understanding reality and your self. Typically this also includes letting go of self-doubt and self-consciousness people harbor within themselves.

Ultimately learn to become more conscious for its own sake. And if you're worried about being a "beta", learn to socialize with men and women more effectively. But they are disparate pursuits.

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Yes, being highly conscious definitely makes you more beta.

Don't listen to people who say silly things like style, hygiene, social skills, empathy or independence matter, you just gotta be a dumb arrogant brute and women will fall head over heels in love with you.

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@NoSelfSelf That's just like, your opinion, man.

Joining a sex cult was the best decision I ever made.

If I'm wrong, then I don't wanna be right.

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@CultivateLove Okay you take a bus ill take bike ,we will meet at bar at this street at this time,probably that will be my opinion that we end up at same place with different means, mindblowing stuff...

If you have cult mentaility watch out because we dont operate here like that...


Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@Antor8188 Nah I think that's mostly a myth.

If you're fulfilled you will be attractive imo.


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4 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

Okay you take a bus ill take bike ,we will meet at bar at this street at this time,probably that will be my opinion that we end up at same place with different means, mindblowing stuff...

Hey man there's no need to objectify women like that bro, they're not some loud dirty space any bum can waltz, bike or take a bus into. I'm just talking about being arrogant here, not devaluing women.

7 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

If you have cult mentaility watch out because we dont operate here like that...

No? Seems to me it's the exact mentaily one needs to fit in here :ph34r:

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19 minutes ago, CultivateLove said:

@NoSelfSelf That's just like, your opinion, man.

Joining a sex cult was the best decision I ever made.

If I'm wrong, then I don't wanna be right.




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What is "alpha" is relative.

For example, if you follow Andrew Tate's philosophy you will be seen as alpha from that worldview but you'll only be able to sustain relationships with very low-conscious women.

For higher conscious individuals then someone like Sadhguru might be seen as "alpha" since he's clearly a leader with an assertive personality. Then you get access to higher-conscious women but lose access to the lower-conscious ones. 

If you develop your consciousness to a high enough level the entire concept of beta vs alpha will look completely ridiculous to you as it's all ego-driven and not grounded in reality.

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On 22.12.2022 at 8:23 AM, Antor8188 said:

@Leo Gura Does making being more conscious make you beta? I heard that if you are less conscious you tend to be alpha but being conscious makes you beta is it true? That's why nice guys finish last I guess

Alpha male is a term inspired by the animal kingdom.

It is a combination of status and leadership. Thus, if you mislead people and have status you cannot be an alpha male.

Woman are attracted by status and not necessarily by leadership. As woman are more prone to negative emotions than male, they are easier to manipulate and psychological weaker.

That is why many woman fall for males, who are actually not alpha, but they believe that these childs or juveniles are.

Edited by IAmReallyImportant

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20 hours ago, IAmReallyImportant said:

Alpha male is a term inspired by the animal kingdom.

It is a combination of status and leadership. Thus, if you mislead people and have status you cannot be an alpha male.

Woman are attracted by status and not necessarily by leadership. As woman are more prone to negative emotions than male, they are easier to manipulate and psychological weaker.

That is why many woman fall for males, who are actually not alpha, but they believe that these childs or juveniles are.

Status and leadership, and majority of the doctrine that has been taught immemorial was developed and propagated by men. So men brainwash women with propaganda then get mad that they fall for the propaganda. Women are only more prone to negative emotions because they don't suppress them, but when men who suppress emotions get around women and children they actually become more prone to negative emotions than both women and children because they have spent their entire life before then suppressing them. 

This is why most men in the presence of women and children are psychologically weaker and for a man to properly relate to his wife and child he actually has to full develop emotional maturity. Its easy for men to relate to the average man because he only has to show a limited amount of emotional expression around them. 

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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1 hour ago, Razard86 said:

Status and leadership, and majority of the doctrine that has been taught immemorial was developed and propagated by men. So men brainwash women with propaganda then get mad that they fall for the propaganda. Women are only more prone to negative emotions because they don't suppress them, but when men who suppress emotions get around women and children they actually become more prone to negative emotions than both women and children because they have spent their entire life before then suppressing them. 

This is why most men in the presence of women and children are psychologically weaker and for a man to properly relate to his wife and child he actually has to full develop emotional maturity. Its easy for men to relate to the average man because he only has to show a limited amount of emotional expression around them. 

How can status and leadership be propagated when status and leadership also occur naturally in the animal kingdom?

I believe that women are more inclined to negative emotions for evolutionary reasons, because negative emotions are warning signals and women are physically much more vulnerable and at risk than men.

This is still the case today. When someone is mature, they let go of or transform negative emotions and don't see them as negative. If you are constantly tearful and worry about little things that don't really mean anything, then of course that is a weakness. If you are emotionally mature, you don't have to show emotions all the time, but you don't have to suppress them either. Talking to other people about your problems and constantly having to discuss everything is unhealthy and immature.

You can derive it from simple logic

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