
What is considered a healthy mental state?

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What does it mean to be mentally healthy? Does this depend on the individual or is there a baseline for mental health? 

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@Snt_lk I think it would be something you'd need to contemplate on for yourself.

If you're working in a sweatshop in china the consensus around what 'mentally healthy' means is going to be v different, imo, than if you're in therapists office in San Francisco.

Personally, I think the end result of long term internal family system therapy therapy is what id see to be mentally healthy.

Edited by Ulax

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@Ulax I’ve never heard of family systems therapy, but I looked it up and it looks like a treatment that involves the whole family’s participation.  

I find it difficult in theory to get each member of a, what I would call a “toxic family” to admit, let alone participate in family therapy.

In your example of the difference between a sweatshop worker and someone doing therapy in San Francisco, don’t they share the same goal in terms of mental health? 

The sweatshop worker will have more obstacles to overcome but don’t they both want a sense of freedom from negative emotions and feelings?

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19 minutes ago, Snt_lk said:

@Ulax I’ve never heard of family systems therapy, but I looked it up and it looks like a treatment that involves the whole family’s participation.  

@Snt_lk My understanding is that 'internal family systems therapy' is very different to 'family systems therapy'. The internal one is the one i'm talking about.

20 minutes ago, Snt_lk said:

In your example of the difference between a sweatshop worker and someone doing therapy in San Francisco, don’t they share the same goal in terms of mental health? 

The sweatshop worker will have more obstacles to overcome but don’t they both want a sense of freedom from negative emotions and feelings?

@Snt_lk In a way I'd say yes, in a way no.

I think they share the same unconscious goal of survival. However, their life experiences, present circumstances, and thinks like culture will, imo, give them very different ideas of mental health. For example, a sweatshop worker is much less likely to believe they are worthy of having mental health days because they'd probably get laughed at by their boss for mentioning the idea of it, if not beaten.

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@Ulax I see the difference in IFST now. I’m intrigued and will look into it. Thanks

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@Snt_lk You're welcome

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Mental health refers to a person's overall psychological well-being and the ability to cope with the demands and challenges of daily life, and what constitutes mental health can vary from person to person.

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