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Attaching to concepts of experiences = a source of suffering, not realization.

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The ego usually plays a game: It likes to imagine itself like he can "catch" experiences of Awakening/Enlightment/NonDuality/Love/Consciosuness...etc after they had passed, the Consciousness, if its not aware enough, might "believe" this mind ideas and thoughts might be actual Love/Experience, and this the terrible mistake. Thinking "you got it" its terrible for you. Please let go of this. This just creates suffering because is indeed an attachment and it's just shows once again that the ego is the enemy of the fundamental skill of "letting go".

This topic might be controversial for some people here but the more time it passes, the more I am clear that no intellectualization or conclusion about spirit/Reality/You/God should happen. All ideas and concepts the moment you catch them let them go as fast as you can. Because they are just thoughts and ideas! That is rubbish, you don't want that. You want ACTUAL EXPERIENCE. Ideas and conclusions are not only not the goal, but a distraction. 

I know this might make me hated here but that's my view. In the big scheme of things, I am just sharing this so everybody can move closer to God and higher state of Awareness. If that means that these message its not going to be popular or liked at first, then I'm fine with it.


Edited by Javfly33

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There's a fine line between grasping the concepts and experiencing what they point too. The self that think it's "enlightened" is the ego self. Personally I wish I was told to drop all concepts from the beginning and meditate(let go), my journey would have been alot less painful. Filling the mind with concepts, stories, and relative truths counterintuitively slow your progress and create resistance.  

It's a tricky one because if no one tells you that you're God, would you ever investigate and deconstruct your identity? I don't know.


Edited by Godishere

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7 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

All ideas and concepts the moment you catch them let them go as fast as you can

Yeah, but it's extremely difficult. when there is a ego dissolution, then there is the need to conceptualize the experience. This, as you say, is a mistake. For example, talk about solipsism, etc. everything that comes from the ego is ego. If what we are looking for is an opening to the unlimited, thinking in this opening closes it. the ego cannot understand. the dimensions and frequencies in which it works are not compatible with the understanding of the absolute. To see this make easier to let go the need of grab the absolute with the mind.

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