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Soul touching scene from Stellan Skarsgård

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This scene touched my soul so deeply while watching episode 10 of Andor:

I agree that disney is milking the star wars universe. But this is leading to the birth of gems like Andor and the Mandalorian.
And this scene is just masterpiece, It captures a dark side of reality I have just encountered in my life.

It's been six years of constant grind trying to solve the wage slavery problem and make myself useful in this world, have some impact, attain fulfillment. Hard day job, side hustles, investing. Sleepless nights, stress, just for all
to come crashing down.

And I've realized that nothing in life is promised. My ego, my anger, my unwillingness to yield .. .and now the only way out is to abandon my decency, my humanity, and use the tools of my enemy, that is the only way to succeed now. Most of us won't make it. We are damned for what we do, for what we are.

Edited by Andrey

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It is a difficult journey indeed. 

This was a good monologue.

wishing you luck on your journey going forward.

my advice - a good way to move forward is to no longer pose life as a problem to be solved. 

drop the fight and work with the flow of life. feel your inner excitement toward whatever simple activities you enjoy and engage in those as if being yourself. 

Slowly passion begins to build around the things you find yourself engaging in. slowly you will find yourself with more time than you thought to be engaging in these passions, and eventually more resources as well.

A purpose naturally begins to spring out passion as it is in the nature of passion to seek to be shared with others. But it should not be forced. It will be a possibility that you realize more than a problem of "How can I impact the world". 

The ego cannot win in a fight against the flow of the eternal Dao.

A Call to Live Differently:

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