Tyler Robinson

I'm feeling suicidal

89 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Please stop with the emotional blackmail 

I only asked you to leave me alone. I did not ask you to leave the forum. 

This is where I said I have a problem with your communication. You're constantly engaging in some form of psychological manipulative behavior to set me up and make me look like a bad person. 

That's what is making me anxious. 

You don't speak from good faith and cry victim when I raise a genuine concern 

You're not the bad person and the rest of us can see that. He was obnoxious and manipulative. Let's just be happy like he says lol.

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 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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I'm sorry you're suffering, but in a way you're doing it to yourself preety. Apologies if that sounds harsh. I know because I go through the same sort of stuff with anxiety and depression.

You spend ALL day every day on this forum creating a lot of the drama you suffer from. Yes people can be dicks and hurtful, but that's life, you can't control them. You can only control yourself and how you react to it. You've been here years and it's just been getting worse, the entire environment can't just change to suit you. We've already put in a lot of work catering to protect you, and it just doesn't end. The world doesn't work like that.

You have to take responsibility for yourself and the situations you're in. If your environment sucks, you don't endlessly expect it to change to meet your every whim. You leave the environment. 

Do you even have a job, or hobbies at all that don't have anything to do with here?

It's no wonder you're anxious and depressed, when you're stewing on things that happen here literally 24/7...

Edited by Roy


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Why can't you just use a physical journal? It will be a healthier process and you won't have to deal with people being able to read or comment on it.

You aren't going to solve your trauma and issues by sitting and thinking about them all the time. That's not how you heal. You need to have things to occupy you in life to give you perspective and meaning.

If your entire identity is revolved around "curing" yourself, it's gonna be extra hard to succeed at that because you're putting so much unneeded pressure on.

Obsessing over your problems does nothing. I've learned the hard way, trust me.

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I'm awkwardly surprised when someone says that - We've already put in a lot of work catering to protect you,

Really where is the effort? Please show me.

All I have been begging for through the years is a way to stop people from commenting on journals so journalers can get some peace of mind. When was the last time this was properly addressed?

If the issue is not an endemic issue on this forum, then why was another mod speaking about it here, 

This mod has clearly stated that this is a regular problem so I'm not the only one experiencing this, although I'm more vulnerable to it than others but others are frustrated too, so I'm not the only one. 

The mod states - 

I think a little bit of phone user experience optimisation when tagging users. That function misbehaves often on a phone and tagged names usually cannot be deleted.

Maybe quick tips section for new users including some key navigation points. Or maybe a short intro video for new users made by you? 

A button "Privatise" in journal section that will lock the journal from ability to comment but can still be modded if the user shit talks about other members.


The ability for journal owner to delete comments from other users.


And if that wasn't enough than what about this comment from another user - 


For the forum at least by balancing out the demographic (I know, easier said than done). Of course the ideal being a one to one female to male ratio, and a wider spread of ages. More female mods maybe?

Banning the use of the word "Leo" in forum topic titles. Banning the use of the phrase "I became enlightened" or the like in titles (boo! hiss! I know yeah yeah).

And for the love of god being able to control who can post in your journal or even blocking everyone from posting in your journal. Personally I don't care about this, but others do very much.


Because they have a desire to be "seen" and express themselves in a public space for their own satisfaction, but they just don't want the interaction. Imagine going to a park because you like open spaces and fresh air, but you don't want strangers coming up to you all the time asking who you are.

As for features maybe certain folks don't want a theme park, just basic grass.



Then why is this user Akashic complaining about the same - 

Thank you for all the work you've done on self improvement and spirituality Leo. And also, for this forum in general. They're all high quality and there's nothing else like them on YouTube really. Anyway, I'm wondering if you can add an option for the journal section to lock it from being commented or followed. It would be really helpful to prevent vandalizers and trolls from harassing the members.

I hope you get to read this, and keep being amazing! @Leo Gura



So much for putting great effort in catering to protect me that you mods cannot even implement a simple way of preventing Intrusive journal comments when me and other users have repeatedly been requesting this for years here. Still not a single thing implemented by you mods. Yet you are going to tell me that you put in effort to protect people. You cannot do just one thing a member (and others too) has been begging for for years. 

How do you even say that you are protecting people? In what way exactly? 

Even the most basic request is not being implemented. I'm gobsmacked. 

How many times have you sent a PSA in the journal section to not comment on journals and give warnings to people who comment. I haven't seen a single comment from mods about this. 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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As you can see above I'm not the only dealing with this endemic problem that is a big source of our misery on the forum. Other journalers too. 

Let me tell you. A few days ago a user called Mighty Dao was being followed by the user  @thisintegrated. 

They followed their journal. The user felt nervous and threatened and left soon after that. 

That user has also been a victim of trauma. 

It is users like us who are being chased out of the forum. Now the user hasn't come back in days since the incident. Because they obviously feel intruded on, threatened and anxious. 

We feel very insecure. We are a minority on the forum and this is the place we rely on. 

This user has also deleted their journals on several occasions after they were followed by people trying to bug them 


It takes a lot of effort to write and maintain a journal. It's a place where we're most vulnerable about our problems. And when someone follows or comments on the journal, we can feel anxious and end up deleting entire journals and losing all our effort that we had been putting in for months. 

This is a harrowing experience. 



Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@LastThursday I request you to make everyone on this thread understand why the journal function is important to us and how Intrusive comments can ruin our healing experience. Thanks. 




 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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You shouldn't try to hold Mods accountable for the structure of the forum as we have no control over that. They are not at fault for something they have no control with.

Personally, I don't recommend relying on one thing for healing (especially if it continuously exacerbates things for you than the opposite, that should be a sign), you should try to have a diversified approach to healing. Many people here have their own healing work too and don't demand others to be a certain way for them. Unfortunately, even if therapists aren't always the most helpful, they are one of the only options for one-sided relationships, which is what you claim to seek; in conjunction with others like journaling (privately), reading materials, meditation, and so on. 

People here are not trained therapists nor did they sign up to be in a therapeutic relationship with anyone here when they joined the forum. Being spiritual does not mean one should expect to be taken advantage of for their more generous sides. People here often also have their own struggles as well and this place is designed to be more of a give and take rather than one-sided scenario. And if your needs are greater than that can give, therapy is your best option, as that's one of the only options where the relationship can be expected to be "one-sided". 

All that I said applies just as much to anyone else here seeking chronic healing from this place so it's not meant to be a personal thing but I think some here are in denial about what to expect of the forum.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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Here is the truth -

If users can't comment or participate in people's journals, then there is literally NO purpose to having a journal section. It would just serves as a place for those making the journals to feed their own narcissism, or make people feel sorry for them when reading it. The entire section would become meaningless and redundant. The purpose of an internet forum is for open interaction. If that interaction is toxic, they will be punished. Just like any other section.

Having a public journal and also wanting the exception for nobody to be able to interact, is like running an open stand at a convention, and then telling the people that come by to look at your stand to fuck off. It makes an inexcusable amount of sense.

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I already stated how public journaling is much more helpful to me than private journaling. 

I would have done private journaling if that was helpful. I have to do what's helpful to me versus what is helpful to the general population. 

I'm not holding mods accountable. I'm asking them to improve the place for mentally ill people. Otherwise it feels like this place has zero empathy for mentally ill people, no wonder this place saw a bunch of suicides in the past. I'm not asking for therapy. It is so unusual. Even in real life, people are automatically expected to show empathy to mentally ill people, then why should this place be exempt from such obligations?

Every community is supposed to be safe. 

No one is asking for therapy. I'm asking for privacy and space and not therapy. The journaling itself is the therapy for me. Even my therapist actually advised me to journal long term because even they are not fully equipped to deal with the burden of my problems.. 

This website claims self help. So when I am asking for tools that will contribute to my self help which is as simple as asking for space and privacy, why I'm being constantly denied this basic tool and constantly being gaslighted instead as though I'm demanding for something huge? 

Is this really such a big deal that this simple basic demand cannot be fulfilled? 

Please ask others if this is such a big demand. 




 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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5 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

The journaling itself is the therapy for me.

This forum is NOT your therapy. This forum is your heroine and you refuse to admit that. You need to ween yourself off and quit like any other addict.

You've already claimed it's made you suicidally depressed on multiple occasions.

Pardon my language, but does that not give you a fucking hint that maybe you should distance yourself from this place?

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1 hour ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Even in real life, people are automatically expected to show empathy to mentally ill people, then why should this place be exempt from such obligations?

This does not automatically happen in most places on planet earth. At the best of places, one could expect a give and take in general. When you say show empathy, what you're asking for is really special privilege and treatment, not simply empathy. Please see more clearly what you're asking. 

The reality you're in right now is one of give-and-take. And generosity (ie special treatment) is a bonus/gift, and not an ongoing expectation. This may sound harsh at first, but it would really help you not to get so down because others are not behaving the way you want them to.

The reason you feel that shouldn't be the case is because some people got more growing up than others. And this you can heal and balance out somewhat in a therapy relationship and your own recovery.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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6 minutes ago, Roy said:

If users can't comment or participate in people's journals, then there is literally NO purpose to having a journal section. It would just serves as a place for those making the journals to feed their own narcissism, or make people feel sorry for them when reading it. The entire section would become meaningless and redundant. The purpose of an internet forum is for open interaction. If that interaction is toxic, they will be punished. Just like any other section.

I'm asking for the ability to control who can comment. I didn't say absolutely zero commenting. There are some who might want feedback. There are others who don't. If we are given the power to delete comments in our own journals, isn't that helpful? It serves both purposes. People who wish to interact with other users can do so as much as they please. But those who don't want will be able to stop such intrusions either by deleting those comments or by switching off those who they don't want to be commenting on the journal. 

I did not say that nobody should be able to comment on any journal at all. 

I said to give us some sort of autonomy to control our own content and who can comment. Heck if you start a YouTube channel even there you have control over who can comment on your channel and delete bad negative comments. Why should this place be different? 


Also it is incredibly annoying and cumbersome that everytime someone leaves a toxic comment, we have to run to mods to stop the user. Are we children? 

It's an incredibly childish to constantly complain to mods about every little thing. Some new user comes to the forum and then starts commenting on journals. This happens every week.. 

Why can't we be a bit more matured and be given some autonomy over our content so we don't have to run around like children complaining to mods for our privacy. 

Sorry but this is incredibly childish and annoying 




 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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9 minutes ago, Roy said:

This forum is NOT your therapy. This forum is your heroine and you refuse to admit that. You need to ween yourself off and quit like any other addict.

You've already claimed it's made you suicidally depressed on multiple occasions.

Pardon my language, but does that not give you a fucking hint that maybe you should distance yourself from this place?

That's your projection sorry. But for me it serves as a healing place. I'm going to do what serves my best purpose. If journaling helps me then  I'll do that. Trauma takes years to heal and sometimes decades. Read online on how  journaling helps people and you'll have a better idea. And public journaling has great benefits. But this website has ruined this important healing function by not providing adequate autonomy to users on who can comment and who can't. 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@Proserpina can you please explain to these mods that this is a common need for all journalers and I'm not the only one demanding this? 

They think that I'm asking for privileged treatment when I'm simply asking for space. 



Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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I think if that's the main goal is to add additional functionalities to the forum, you can always start a thread and/or poll on it to see if Leo would be okay with that. I think those are reasonable requests, and sometimes do get traction.

But please don't make your whole healing contingent around this, you can heal with or without this forum. Your healing is inevitable, in time. There are many more ways to heal and places to visit is what I'm saying.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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@Roy can you at least agree that being able to delete toxic comments on the journal can be helpful? This does not take away someone's ability to comment but it gives some control to the journaler to delete something they don't want to wake up to?



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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2 minutes ago, puporing said:

I think if that's the main goal is to add additional functionalities to the forum, you can always start a thread and/or poll on it to see if Leo would be okay with that. I think those are reasonable requests, and sometimes do get traction.

But please don't make your whole healing contingent around this, there are many more ways to heal and places to visit is what I'm saying.

These requests have relentlessly been made over the years, you simply have to look around, the examples I stated previously. 

My question is - how many mods have approached Leo with such requests? 

Maybe if mods tell Leo, he will take it more seriously. At least try. 

Whats the harm in trying? 

You guys must be having meetings with Leo or private discussions. You're the staff. You can bring it up to Leo and then let everyone know. 

I'm tired of telling Leo. He gives zero response 




 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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26 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

These requests have relentlessly been made over the years, you simply have to look around, the examples I stated previously. 

My question is - how many mods have approached Leo with such requests? 

Maybe if mods tell Leo, he will take it more seriously. At least try. 

Whats the harm in trying? 

You guys must be having meetings with Leo or private discussions. You're the staff. You can bring it up to Leo and then let everyone know. 

I'm tired of telling Leo. He gives zero response 



That is this part of the universe giving you a response, in the form of a non-response (or other ways like this thread).

We do not regularly talk to Leo or have meetings (though that could also change and not a fixed thing like everything else on this planet).

Mods don't have more power or say to change the forum structure than a regular user (as of now) like you all think we do, and that's probably for the best to avoid corruption. 

You should recognize that Leo is the only one who can make major changes on this forum and no responses/changes are similar to a "not now" or "no", and then you can make your decisions based on that.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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Leo doesn't even bother to read regular user messages. Most messages are left unread.

How about mods send him a message since he will be more likely to read them? 

Please some mod, send these two options to Leo and see what he thinks about this. Please. 

My last request on this forum 


I'm asking for this request, either of these can be given to journalers as an option - 

Option A - Allow journalers to delete comments they see and don't appreciate on their journals.

Option B -  Make a rule that lets users to comment only after obtaining permission from the journaler, give the journaler a notification every time a user wants to comment asking for a permission. That is anytime a user wants to comment on a journal, they are automatically asked to take permission from journaler before the comment can be posted. Once the journaler  gives the permission by clicking "yes" then the comment will be posted. Do this for every comment every time. 

Give any of the above options to journalers. So both parties are satisfied. People who want to comment can still comment. At the same time if the journaler does not appreciate how a user comments they can either delete or not give the permission to comment. 

This way we will have more autonomy over our personal content. 

It will be great if either Option is alloted to journalers. 

This is probably my last comment. 

Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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