
No More Conserving, Only Serving

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8 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

@Leo Gura I asked about Jewish supremacy but you didn't even offer a legit answer or argument. You simply shut it down. I just don't get it. At least you could have offered a proper argument. That's literally banning free speech. Because you literally did not even allow a discussion nor offered a legit answer. Even a question is such  a threat? A question is not hate speech. I'm myself a left wing person but I'm not on the right side but curiosity will always exist. Why do you think this is wrong even without an explanation? I'm surprised. It's a very innocuous question and I think people will always ask this. People will always try to seek a closure on that question. I mean I just don't get it. 

It's not even a conspiracy. Just being open and frank yet it's considered salacious. 

I didn't like how you didn't address it at all. You just glossed over it. 

It's a question that is asked too often these days and I didn't find it illegitimate. 

Can you please tell me what was untrue about it? 

Any arguments please.

We are not going to be debating the Jewish question here. Read the Forum Guidelines.

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7 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

We are not going to be debating the Jewish question here. Read the Forum Guidelines.

You're being incredibly strict. But it's your forum so whatever floats your boat. 

I have no idea why things are like that here. Surprised. Maybe times will change you. Goodluck. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@Tyler Robinson

3 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

You're being incredibly strict. But it's your forum so whatever floats your boat. 

I have no idea why things are like that here. Surprised. Maybe times will change you. Goodluck. 

That passive-aggressiveness is real in that post :D I'll make thread about that topic. (Not the jewish thing, but about freedom of speech.)

Who told you that "others" are real?

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1 minute ago, Kksd74628 said:

@Tyler Robinson

That passive-aggressiveness is real in that post :D I'll make thread about that topic. (Not the jewish thing, but about freedom of speech.)

I always thought the Left was about  freedom of speech. They are literally the liberals. 

The Right abuses freedom of speech. But the Left should endorse it. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@Tyler Robinson

42 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

@Leo Gura I asked about Jewish supremacy but you didn't even offer a legit answer or argument. You simply shut it down. I just don't get it. At least you could have offered a proper argument. That's literally banning free speech. Because you literally did not even allow a discussion nor offered a legit answer. Even a question is such  a threat? A question is not hate speech. I'm myself a left wing person but I'm not on the right side but curiosity will always exist. Why do you think this is wrong even without an explanation? I'm surprised. It's a very innocuous question and I think people will always ask this. People will always try to seek a closure on that question. I mean I just don't get it. 

It's not even a conspiracy. Just being open and frank yet it's considered salacious. 

I didn't like how you didn't address it at all. You just glossed over it. 

It's a question that is asked too often these days and I didn't find it illegitimate. 

Can you please tell me what was untrue about it? 

Any arguments please. 


   I'm happy to discuss this bit here with you.

   The main issue with why your thread could have been locked is either the following: Against forum guidelines, how you wrote, mind virus.

   Firstly, the Jewish supremacy topic is either literally and is is related to, other conspiracy theories like holocaust denial, the Jewish Question, and more crazy and magical based conspiracy theories involving the elites like Greys, reptilians, adrenochrome production and so on. The reason why immediate action was necessary, and that Leo posted to you at the end 'Don't start talking about this crap', implying a warning state here, is because talking about conspiracy theories tends to encourage talking about conspiracy theories some more, and bring in related conspiracy theories, which end bringing in more conspiracy theory talks, and more people who like to talk and are identified to those ideas, and soon the entire forum gets poisoned with majority being conspiracy theorists, which also increases the burden of moderating and policing the forum more. Therefore, the strict locking down of conspiracy theories before it starts.

   Secondly, it may have to do with your exact wording in your opening post:

"Jewish supremacy is everywhere throughout the United States. 

Why shouldn't it be challenged? 

Whats wrong in calling out the fact that most institutions of power in the United States have Jews everywhere in almost every position? 

Why is this challenging considered anti-semitism?".

   Jewish supremacy is everywhere in the USA? That's just bad generalization, which invites further generalizations and opportunities of bringing in related theories.

   Why shouldn't it be challenged? Maybe because of the 2,000 years of the right-wing demonizing the Jewish community, which forced upon them a nomadic type of culture and externalized their strong stage blue values and tight knit community and support and belonging for the majority of Jewish members? Maybe the persecution of the Jewish community in Germany under the Nazi party, which that traumatic event still carries with it a collective in group trauma past from generation to generation where part of Jewish children are born chronically depressed? Which created part of the Israel-Palestinian conflict?

   What's wrong in calling out all powerful institutions of the USA having Jews everywhere? In every position of power? Does that include Jews working in the white house? Is Biden in collusion with the hidden Jewish state? Are they also part of manufacturing adrenochrome as well, maybe the flesh and blood of the deceased are recycled to create more diamonds right? Are they also working with Reptilians and the Greys to finally realize their dream of 'God's chosen people'? See how crazier discussions dealing with conspiracy theories gets????

   Why is this challenging considering anti-Semitism? I don't know, and I have limited research and knowledge into this topic. I'm assuming that anti-Semitism is opposite in meaning of Semitism, which is expressing a xenophobic/ethnocentric/racist view of the Jewish people? It may have to do with largely the alt-right conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and similar, and some alt-left conspiracy theorists mostly taking factual information and always exaggerating and making hyperbole claims, weaponizing these partial truths and corrupting them so much that it becomes offensive and hard to have a good faith discussion with steel mans of this issue.

   Thirdly, conspiracy theories are a type of mind virus that can spread very easily to some who are not doing well, and are lost. Conspiracy theories are like a negative, corrupting version of the life purpose, which is largely appealing for those who don't have a purpose or have gained clarity and understanding of their meaning in life and what godly purpose they are here for. So, at least I gave a summarized point from Leo's perspective from recalling bits and pieces of his video on what conspiracies are video, but almost all conspiracy theories are delicious distractions, fundamentally escapes from dealing with a harsh reality of Nihilism and meaninglessness to not know why you exist and what your purpose is on earth.

   In conclusion, don't be hurt or triggered your thread is locked. It is locked for good reason, and only I can give my best guess of what that reason is, until Leo posts otherwise to clarify why he did what he did.

Edited by Danioover9000

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2 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Tyler Robinson

   I'm happy to discuss this bit here with you.

   The main issue with why your thread could have been locked is either the following: Against forum guidelines, how you wrote, mind virus.

   Firstly, the Jewish supremacy topic is either literally and is is related to, other conspiracy theories like holocaust denial, the Jewish Question, and more crazy and magical based conspiracy theories involving the elites like Greys, reptilians, adrenochrome production and so on. The reason why immediate action was necessary, and that Leo posted to you at the end 'Don't start talking about this crap', implying a warning state here, is because talking about conspiracy theories tends to encourage talking about conspiracy theories some more, and bring in related conspiracy theories, which end bringing in more conspiracy theory talks, and more people who like to talk and are identified to those ideas, and soon the entire forum gets poisoned with majority being conspiracy theorists, which also increases the burden of moderating and policing the forum more. Therefore, the strict locking down of conspiracy theories before it starts.

   Secondly, it may have to do with your exact wording in your opening post:

"Jewish supremacy is everywhere throughout the United States. 

Why shouldn't it be challenged? 

Whats wrong in calling out the fact that most institutions of power in the United States have Jews everywhere in almost every position? 

Why is this challenging considered anti-semitism?".

   Jewish supremacy is everywhere in the USA? That's just bad generalization, which invites further generalizations and opportunities of bringing in related theories.

   Why shouldn't it be challenged? Maybe because of the 2,000 years of the right-wing demonizing the Jewish community, which forced upon them a nomadic type of culture and externalized their strong stage blue values and tight knit community and support and belonging for the majority of Jewish members? Maybe the persecution of the Jewish community in Germany under the Nazi party, which that traumatic event still carries with it a collective in group trauma past from generation to generation where part of Jewish children are born chronically depressed? Which created part of the Israel-Palestinian conflict?

   What's wrong in calling out all powerful institutions of the USA having Jews everywhere? In every position of power? Does that include Jews working in the white house? Is Biden in collusion with the hidden Jewish state? Are they also part of manufacturing adrenochrome as well, maybe the flesh and blood of the deceased are recycled to create more diamonds right? Are they also working with Reptilians and the Greys to finally realize their dream of 'God's chosen people'? See how crazier this discussion gets????

   Why is this challenging considering anti-Semitism? I don't know, and I have limited research and knowledge into this topic. I'm assuming that anti-Semitism is opposite in meaning of Semitism, which is expressing a xenophobic/ethnocentric/racist view of the Jewish people? It may have to do with largely the alt-right conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and similar, and some alt-left conspiracy theorists mostly taking factual information and always exaggerating and making hyperbole claims, weaponizing these partial truths and corrupting them so much that it becomes offensive and hard to have a good faith discussion with steel mans of this issue.

   Thirdly, conspiracy theories are a type of mind virus that can spread very easily to some who are not doing well, and are lost. Conspiracy theories are like a negative, corrupting version of the life purpose, which is largely appealing for those who don't have a purpose or have gained clarity and understanding of their meaning in life and what godly purpose they are here for. So, at least I gave a summarized point from Leo's perspective from recalling bits and pieces of his video on what conspiracies are video, but almost all conspiracy theories are delicious distractions, fundamentally escapes from dealing with a harsh reality of Nihilism and meaninglessness to not know why you exist and what your purpose is on earth.

   In conclusion, don't be hurt or triggered your thread is locked. It is locked for good reason, and only I can give my best guess of what that reason is, until Leo posts otherwise to clarify why he did what he did.

One can even have a discussion in a healthy way. This is the problem with conspiracy theorists. They even shut down meaningful discussions. This is like saying shut down something because trolls are going to infect it. But instead, we can remove those trolls and still have a discussion. You can remove all the bad faith parts including the conspiracy theories. Then glean it. 

And discuss just the valid parts. I don't find it invalid to judge the concentration of Jewish people in different influential positions nor do i find it offensive or illegitimate. But people are always going to question something they see as an anomaly. You want equal participation of all races and I don't find that invalid or unfair. It's only fair that positions of power should be equally distributed. No one should have an upper hand there. And that's a fair point. The jewish history is actually irrelevant. Because one is speaking about current trends and this is completely irrelevant to their history. Although historical context can be used as a support. Yet a lot of people who offer valid opinions are not necessarily aware of the historical context and that's okay, it's not a crime that they don't know history. Some people criticize from a bad faith position. Yet others are trying to seek equality of all races and do not want one race dominating another. The same discussion can be had in good faith without it being anti semitic or conspiracy laden. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@Tyler Robinson

44 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

I always thought the Left was about  freedom of speech. They are literally the liberals. 

The Right abuses freedom of speech. But the Left should endorse it. 


   It's actually crazy to think that historically the right used to be for establishment and anti freedom of speech, like with Ronald Reagan or Nixon as presidents, and the left wing were the counter culture movement, humanism and anti establishments. Nowadays both wings did an ideology swap and now the right wing is for freedom of speech and deregulation of speech and the left wing is for establishment and regulation/censorship of freedom of speech. That's just roughly 60 years of political evolution.

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@Tyler Robinson Did you get the idea for that topic from Kanye? :D

I think I remember you fangirling over him a while back  

Either way, it’s a conversation that has a high risk of devolving into conspiracy, racism and stereotyping (which are all against forum guidelines) without offering any clear benefit worth that risk

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Do not start a debate about the Jewish question.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, something_else said:

@Tyler Robinson Did you get the idea for that topic from Kanye? :D

I think I remember you fangirling over him a while back  

Either way, it’s a conversation that has a high risk of devolving into conspiracy, racism and stereotyping (which are all against forum guidelines) without offering any clear benefit worth that risk

Nope. I don't know Kanyes motivation. My motivation was to get some clarity over power struggles with respect to races. But I'm not the only one. This query is like an open wound. Unless it's not properly and fully addressed, it will always keep coming up in different ways for decades. Ironically that's what feeding the conspiracy theories. At some point, most people will freely acknowledge it. It won't be suppressed for too long. That's inevitable imo. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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15 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

@Tyler Robinson

   It's actually crazy to think that historically the right used to be for establishment and anti freedom of speech, like with Ronald Reagan or Nixon as presidents, and the left wing were the counter culture movement, humanism and anti establishments. Nowadays both wings did an ideology swap and now the right wing is for freedom of speech and deregulation of speech and the left wing is for establishment and regulation/censorship of freedom of speech. That's just roughly 60 years of political evolution.

That's been my observation as well. Although the right wing uses freedom of speech as a weapon of radicalization so it's cannot be viewed as a heralding of righteousness. 

Whereas the Left is acting intolerant and oppressive with its cancel culture dynamic. 

It seems that both have plunged into some variation of intolerance. 

One wants license and the other engages in virtue signaling. Both use it as a weapon  either way. The right weaponizing. The Left demonizing 

None is better than the other. 

Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

This isn't true.

Most people are moderates.

Okay, so then if most Republican voters are actually moderately conservative, then why have most Republican politicians been so far to the right for decades? Why do moderate Republican politicians  keep decreasing in number while about half of the Democratic politicians in America are still moderates?

Edited by Hardkill

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3 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Hardkill Ideology and group-think.

How does that explain why there are only so few moderate Republican politicians but about 50% of moderate Democrat politicians?

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16 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

How does that explain why there are only so few moderate Republican politicians but about 50% of moderate Democrat politicians?

Closedminded people are inherently more ideological, fundamentalist, dogmatic, and stubborn.

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29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Closedminded people are inherently more ideological, fundamentalist, dogmatic, and stubborn.

You mean even some moderates can get too closeminded?

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3 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

You mean even some moderates can get too closeminded?

How would you describe the republican moderates? 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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10 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

How would you describe the republican moderates? 

Like Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, John McCain, Larry Hogan, and perhaps Mitt Romney. 

All of these Republicans have been willing to make reasonable compromises and have been for serious bipartisanship.

They also don't constant criticize moderate Democrats as "the radical left," when those Democrats aren't.

Furthermore, they've always been much more principled and have always been for some amount of economic regulation. 

Staunch conservatives and right extremists, on the other hand, like Mitch McConnell and Newt Gingrich have always believed that compromise is a dirty word and had always made it clear to the public that their number goal has always been to stopping any Democratic president from making any significant achievements. Republicans have very little to no principles.



Edited by Hardkill

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