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Nazies in Washington welcomed?

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Leo will mention in his videos sometime how bad nazies are, and rightly so. Alright


this is 2018




Nonetheless the same Ukranian neo nazies  also, nowadays, get welcomed in the US.




How can it be?

Leo, whenever you mention nazies in your videos, why won't you mention this funny fact too?


Edited by rnd

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Ukraine is in then middle of their own WW2 right now.

Did you really think that Ukrainian nationalists would not be fighting that war?

The whole healthy function of nationalism is to defend a nation against agressive and criminal outsiders who seek to do it harm.

In order to defeat Putin the US will fund Ukrainian Nazis and the like. Because they are preferable to Putin's Nazis.

Who else will defend Ukraine as passionately as Ukrainian Nazis?

This is how proxy wars work. The enemy of your enemy is your friend.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura If Ukraine banned these far right groups a long time ago, would there be an invasion?

Is not the whole Russian propaganda show, that Russia tries to liberate Russian speaking Ukrainians against battalions like Azov.

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2 hours ago, Guru Peter Jordanson said:

@Leo Gura If Ukraine banned these far right groups a long time ago, would there be an invasion?

Is not the whole Russian propaganda show, that Russia tries to liberate Russian speaking Ukrainians against battalions like Azov.

Yes, but it’s not strictly propaganda. It might be better termed an overreaction. 

Andriy Biletski, the founder of Azov Batallion (and previously Svoboda) was released from prison and recruited on 24 February 2014 (by the CIA and MI5) to lead a fight against the Euromaidan protests - all part of the western coup to depose Yanukovych who was later tried for treason.

Here’s a leaked 2014 phone call between Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt where they discuss coup logistics: 


Putin has referred to this as a “fascist coup” which is only part of the story. It was more a Western coup which made use of fascists. 

Yes, they are useful friends to Washington.


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We might view it as an overreaction.

There was an article I read that stated that the Russian army were adviced to install peace keeping troops in the donbas region (through UN or something). That would have eliminated most of the problems that this invasion had caused and secured most of the goals that this invasion was started for (guarding the donbas people against the Ukrainian far right operations etc.).

As their military was to greedy and power hungry. They decided to show of some muscle to world, as they were humiliated before by the west. Also the Russian Orthodox church wanted Kyiv for Russia and install it as capital of Orthodox Christianity. Basically many interest were involved thus this "overreaction" came to fruition.


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On 12/16/2022 at 1:49 AM, rnd said:

How can it be?

Well, consider that the US is not there for ethical, humanitarian or moral reasons, but for geo-political and economic reasons.

This means, if local nazis will help us further our goal, we will use them. It's as pragmatic as that.

Nothing new here actually, it's an old and quite overused US trick.

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Except the US is also there for moral and humanitarian reasons.

In this case moral and geo-political reasons align.

Edited by Leo Gura

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So, NATO is dancing with The Devil They Know.

Although, from what I understand, the antisemitism from the Azov Regiment has apparently been very minimal and non-threatening to Jewish people in Ukraine in recent times.

Edited by Hardkill

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