
Pick Up is just weird man

51 posts in this topic

funniest and cringiest thing I’ve seen. Actually thought this shit was fake 

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@kray I keep seeing videos on that moron on all sorts of channels.

Imo, that guy represents a perversion of pickup. His version of PUA is a joke.


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@KH2 yeah they are either recovering “incels” or they are literal sociopathic addicts. 

helathy-ish “chads” will probably stick with a good girl and settle down sooner than later 


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20 minutes ago, KH2 said:

Every single dude I've ever met, who prioritizes getting women to sleep with him over anything else in his life, is a fucking sausage. Without exception.

Sausageness is a spectrum, but they're all valueless sausages

Cause ussually these dudes struggle with women anyway

There's never been a point where I'd think "wow, this guy seems really cool. I should hang out out with him"

This paragraph is pretty nonsensical and it's disappointing given your normal standards. 

Just now, John Paul said:

@KH2 yeah they are either recovering “incels” or they are literal sociopathic addicts. 

helathy-ish “chads” will probably stick with a good girl and settle down sooner than later 


Another shit and futile comment which ultimately makes no sense. 

"healthy ish "chads" " is such a vague attempt at a noun that you might as well have just said mr beans. 

good girl is subjective. 

shouldn't judge people on whether they settle down or not. 

You guys are being NPCS, but maybe I'm being an even bigger NPC by taking my time to pointing it out instead of taking useful action and focus on myself.


Edited by Optimized Life

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also shoutouts to the NPC OP who pointed out about 1% of pickup and made it look bad when we all know pickup is just interacting and flirting with women, nothing wrong with it and these guys are clowns not puas

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Maybe it would help to have more empathy than to look to down on & endlessly make fun of the part of society who has it worse, aimless (and probably badly raised) men ? 

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This kinda stuff is cringe and doesn't represent serious game.

These kinda videos are just clickbait.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Pickup is exploitation



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Leo is weird. Have you not noticed this. He is an anomaly. If pickup serves him then who are we to judge.I think most people should hardly  be taking his personal development advice. Some people are could use pickup I think.


Edited by Bob Seeker

A Call to Live Differently:

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Owen's words on the topic :

Yes, pick up may be creepy. Do you know what's more creepy? NOT knowing pick up

This is not a Signature    [TBA]

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 @Bob Seeker Don't talk about our daddy like that


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Rather than making this whole thing about "pickup", reframe it as, learning how to be social in a healthy and easy way -- the way that many people naturally are. The goal is to become natural.

All the unnatural parts of your game are bad game and must be eliminated over time, like polishing the edges off a stone.

Some people start off very rough and require a lot of polish.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

Rather than making this whole thing about "pickup", reframe it as, learning how to be social in a healthy and easy way -- they way that many people naturally are.

Yea, I meant mostly the fringes of pickup. Nothing wrong with socialization with strangers in a healthy, non creepy way.

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3 hours ago, kray said:

Yea, I meant mostly the fringes of pickup. Nothing wrong with socialization with strangers in a healthy, non creepy way.

Yea but most pickup isn't like that. Some of it can be a form of sexual harassment. Imagine you're simply walking in a park or grocery shopping, you don't want someone to ask you your number or start flirting with you, you end up feeling your sense of privacy invaded as a woman, not to mention feeling objectified on top of everything else. 

I mean we as women are not your Guinea pigs for your social experimentation and polishing. 

Find better ways to be friends with women rather than harassing them on the street in the name of social skill development. 

Whatever I just wrote is not a valid concern at all? 



Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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4 hours ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Yea but most pickup isn't like that. Some of it can be a form of sexual harassment. Imagine you're simply walking in a park or grocery shopping, you don't want someone to ask you your number or start flirting with you, you end up feeling your sense of privacy invaded as a woman, not to mention feeling objectified on top of everything else. 

I mean we as women are not your Guinea pigs for your social experimentation and polishing. 

This is a valid critique of guy’s learning social skills. It’s one that gives me some of the most pause when talking about this.

Honestly I don’t have a good solution to this problem. It’s a sort of a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation.

If you take guys with low social skills and tell them to go improve their themselves by talking to women, there will be collateral damage in that process. It could be relatively minor, as in a slightly awkward conversation. Or it could be more serious. But hopefully, over time they will learn and correct any creepy behavior. In the long run this is good for women.

The alternative is that these guys do nothing. But this is not a good solution either, because then they will not get the experience they need to fix their creepiness. They’re still just as creepy, and in fact will likely become even creepier. In the long run this is bad for women.

Another solution could be that guys just work on these skills in controlled learning environments, like Toastmasters. I do like this solution, because everyone is aware it is a learning experience and is consenting to practice. But the problem is that these environments tend to be of limited real world value. It’s lacks the messiness of real socializing and dating.

So I don’t really know what the answer is. As much as possible, any teachings here need to be win/win for both men and women. If either gender has their needs ignored, it will create dysfunction.



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6 hours ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Imagine you're simply walking in a park or grocery shopping, you don't want someone to ask you your number or start flirting with you, you end up feeling your sense of privacy invaded as a woman, not to mention feeling objectified on top of everything else



The thing is that TONS of couples meet this way. So you can't just rule out the grocery store as a way to meet a partner.

What's creepy is going out specifically to approach women at a grocery store. If you happen to see a girl you think is really special and cute when you're out and about doing what you do normally, going and talking to her isn't weird most of the time if you possess basic social skills. It's probably how a sizeable chunk of couples meet, lol.

Edited by something_else

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1 minute ago, something_else said:

What's creepy is going out specifically to approach women at a grocery store.

But a lot of immature men actually do hang out in malls, grocery stores and parks to do just that. They call it day game. They literally ask out a woman and when she walks by, they approach the next woman. It can be annoying and so shallow. Having a man bump into you accidentally at a grocery store is not a bad thing at all, it can in fact be a nice experience once in a while to have a gentleman help you with groceries and then connect with you. But the random immature guys who bug every girl at the store, they can actually make the whole experience unpleasant and one can feel invaded. These men also tend to have a pestering mentality and they act very entitled and get angry when a woman ignores them. 

I would recommend that men should have the basic social calibration to approach a woman hanging out at a club. That's far better and less hostile/creepy. Everything has it's own place and time. For the reasons stated above, day game is kinda shallow and creepy most of the time. 

Just my 2 cents. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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It's only weird if you try to get attention from women who don't want you. You can tell by their body language if they want you or not. 

I left this forum because a moderator has a problem with me talking positively about myself and giving advice. This reflects the forum as a whole. This place is negative, bitter, hateful and anti success. If you don't notice this that's because you're one of them. I hope some of you benefited from my posts. Take care.

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CockCalvin seems legit ??

The other ones are cringe though. 

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