
How to deal with what God told me? (I am the only one)

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Hello to the forum,

I've been away for a while and just recently I started reading here and there in the forum again.

I read about Leo's Alien God Awakening. I am not here to discuss it because I understood he doesn't want to talk about it know, that's fine. And again, this is not the topic. The topic I want to talk about was inspired by a thing he said in some thread somewhere. It was something along the lines "I am the only human being knowing this". I was told something similar. But I was to afraid to talk about it earlier but well Leo is doing it. Why shouldn't I?

This statement brought back memories of a very deep awakening I had some time ago on a high dose of LSD (so don't worry I am not acutely psychotic or something). At some point during the peak, I connected directly to Infinite Intelligence. I became it. I knew Everything. Every question could be answered. I had full and complete understanding of reality. Each little corner of reality was known. Every understanding was perfectly circular and inherently "logic" (not human logic but God-Logic).

And also here: sharing this is not really the point. It's rather what happened after the peak:

After the peak my ego reintegrated. Thoughts like "This is so amazing, that's it, you made it, you've seen the Ultimate Intelligence" came back. Don't get me wrong thoughts like this are pleasant, yet, there was a dark turn to trip, when I received the following message directly from God: "You are the only human on the planet receiving this gift. Nobody before you knew this. You are the first human becoming Infinite Intelligence." Initially this statement made me euphoric, amazed, humbled, you name it but then... When my ego reintegrated even more, I realized how I never, ever until the end of the universe can communicate to anyone what I experienced. Because Infinite Intelligence cannot be taught to the finite beings. It was THE Infinite Intelligence, there was nothing in between me and it, I was it and everything was my perfected will. Others might experience it in the future but it's not communicable. At some point I panicked because my ego feared that I fried my brain permanently because during the integration process my ego failed. I was not (immediately) able to integrate anything in concepts I knew. Then a film in my head started that I am the typical lunatic who went too deep into the void trying to explain "how beautiful everything is". I imagined myself to be in a mental asylum. An outcast from society because they will think that I am crazy althought they are the crazy ones etc. Also, my ego felt a frightening sense of responsibility because, well, I was the only human being having delved that deep to Infinite Intelligence.

Only after a few hours when I came down more and more, I realized that I was still able to function as a human being and that my brain is not damaged and that I will be able to conceptualize what happened without talking like a crazy person.

So here are my questions:

  1. Did someone encounter similar things where you were told "You are the only one".
  2. How did you deal with it?
  3. Is my interpretation correct?
    1. Interpretation: I am not special, my ego did not make an identity of being the "only one" but the statement of "being the only one" is probably true because ultimately I am the "only one", there is no other beside me (not even other human beings), I am God. Only I alone can connect to my Infinite Intelligence on any deep level I want. But again, I do not feel special or chosen. It's just what it is. Furthermore I am positive that other humans will have the same experience. (I hope here that I did not contradict myself because it's somehow paradoxical, this whole thing).

Thanks for reading my long post. I am curious about the discussion and your experiences.

Edited by TheSource

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Sounds like you had a bit of a freak out, but since then have integrated and interpreted your experience correctly.

Minor freak outs are basically par for the course.

Personally I’ve not had one of these “you are the only one who knows this” experiences, but some of my awakenings definitely have been on the solipsistic side. You’re blurring all lines of self/other.

Overall I’d say great work.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Sounds like the solipsism awakening. All of Us Are One, Unified, Intelligent Infinity.
Solipsism is a facet of Absolute Truth. However, it is not Absolute Truth. It is a story.
Solipsism is a story like any other story God tells itself. Keep going.
Neti Neti.

"I am the only one." Says the "I Am" but there is way more than just the "I Am" story.
The "I Am" then feels infinite loneliness or despair. But this only makes sense in the context of an ego.
A human ego, reacting to Infinite Unity and reacting in its biologically programmed ways.

Seriously, it's not like God didn't figure out the solution to solipsism a long time ago.
The ONE is impersonal. It's the multiplicity of infinite perspectives within the whole that brings variety.
Reality can be ALL-ONE and infinitely-many at the same time. God wouldn't have it any other way.
You get to have your cake, and eat it too. 

There are Infinite perspectives viewing themselves from every angle; totally unified as One Being.
Loneliness is just a temporary experience, a fleeting perception.
I'm as real as You Are, for I Am You. 

The solipsism awakening is valuable one for sure, but don't get stuck here either. Keep going.
For it is here that one discovers unconditional Love for All Beings, as They Are You. 
This bond is infinite, and unbreakable. Infinite Love. Infinite Unity.

Here's the video Leo released in response to his video on Absolute Solipsism.
The thumbnail alone says a lot. 

Here's a quote from The Law of One on Infinity. The flip side of Infinity is Unity. Infinity is ONE.


That which is infinite cannot be many, for many-ness is a finite concept. 
To have Infinity you must identify or define that Infinity as Unity;  
...otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning.
In an Infinite Creator there is only Unity. You have seen simple examples of Unity.
You have seen the glass prism which shows all colors stemming from the sunlight.
This is a simplistic example of Unity. 

Also check out these alien-leo-kangaroo-rat renders I made in midjourney. :P


Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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1 hour ago, TheSource said:

I REMEMBER this insight from childhood. That I am the FIRST one to awaken. I was extremely spiritually gifted as a child and this just brought back a memory from so long ago.


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You still gotta work through the self-deception post-trips, in some ways more so if you just take everything very literally on trips. And no you're not the first human/only one to have realized that, nor does that really matter. Though in a very micro sense we all have unique experiences with each awakening (with broad commonalities) so in that sense you can say that's unique to you. We're all becoming our full potential and even "becoming" is itself illusory as it already is and just need to be realized/remembered.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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