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Gain Deep Insights : Left/right Hemisphere Meditation

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This is only for people who already have a meditation practice going. If you are a total newbie start with mindfullness/ breathing techniques and come back in a month ;) 


L/R Brain-Hemisphere Meditation (Gain deep insights!!)

( since i´m german – please excuse any erroRrs in mey spelllllling haha )


1. Idea:

When you don´t moove your body, and have no sensory input, no sight no hearing, your brain will go to "sleeping mode" sooner or later (alpha/beta waves). Now what if only one half of your body is in sleeping mode and you function from the other half only? How would your perception change? How would your sense of self change? How would your thought patterns change? Or will one active hemisphere be just the same as both hemisphere´s beeing active.

Note: Of course this methode is not able to shut down one hemisphere completly and simulate what it would be like to only have one half brain. It is a very primitive methode and i would love for your ideas to make it more advanced ;)


2. The Method:

You alternately shut down the sensory input from one half of your body.

Since we can´t controll touch/feeling and can neglect smell pretty much, we focus on controlling only hearing and sight.


3. How to do it – Preparations:

you put an earplug in one Ear to reduce hearing on that side to a minimum!

You close your eye on that same side to reduce sight to just black + some minimal "distortion noise"

you can also put an eye-cap if you find a pirate who´s kind enough to lend you one ;)

Also have paper and pen ready!


4. The Process:

beeing shut of from sensory input on one side , now just relax and watch your thoughts and write them down whenever the thought is significant to you.

you will get a feeling for it , just trust your intuition!

If your right ear and eye is closed you also don´t use your right hand to write but you write with your left hand. (since you don´t want to awaken the right side)

If your left ear and eye is closed you also don´t use your left hand to write but you write with your right hand. (since you don´t want to awaken the left side)


5. Duration:

After 20minutes on one side you switch sides for a total of 40minutes. Of course longer sessions are possible and recommended for intensified results.


6. Analysis of the script:

First you only collect data by writing your thoughts down, then after the 2nd or 3rd session review what you wrote down and find patterns. I won´t write down my findings here to not influence/bias your research. It will be really interessting to share and compare results in some days and over the weeks.


7. Some things to look for:

Look for "dominance" of one of your sides

Look for the "emotional state" that you feel, is there a difference L vs R?

Look for thought patterns, are there any thoughts that ONLY occure on one side in your script?

What about the amount of verbalized thought L vs R

What about concrete thinking vs abstract thinking?

What about accessing random memories VS making plans

What about beeing associative VS thinking linear

Do you feel more comfortable on one side?

Does one side feel more alien , like "not beeing fully yourself" to you?

Do you feel tired only on one side?


If there are patterns when you review the list you will see them!!


The list is of course unexhaustive, so please share your findings and ideas on what to notice.


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