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Aaron p

Best way of dealing with others who are in delusion/self-deception?

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Have you ever been talking with someone who is clearly wrong...and you can see that they are wrong but they whole heartedly think they're right...and you can see that its not your ego trying to win, but an authentic observation that the person is simply objectively wrong or in some way delusional, or warped by their own mind...

I have been noticing this more and more as I'm starting to see the corruption of humanity and the corrupt nature of knowledge...and how easily it warps and changes like a game of Chinese whispers played in a hurricane.


But the real challenge is ballancing that with the knowledge that its basically guaranteed that i am deluding myself in some ways about life also. I know this because i remember being one of those people who were completely deluded and brainwashed before and if i couldve been that self-deceived before, how do i know that im not deceiving myself right now in just as much a powerful way....i remember how vehemently i rejected any opposing information, i would never EVER crack...and yet i was completely and utterly wrong and deluded. 

My problem lies here...i have grown in my awareness of the trappings of the mind, as a result i can see the delusions that other people are in, while i know that i probably have a plethora of self deception mechanisms myself, i know just from direct experience and can sense through simple awareness, the delusions of others...and these "others" can be quite damaging to myself and people who i care about. 

I know theoretically that even the belief that there are others than myself is already a self-deception at a very deep (or shallow) level...but in terms of where im at in life, how the fuck do i deal with people like this...also for people who have significantly developed their do you deal with gradually becoming more conscious and isolated in your correctness...its gotta feel like your the only sane person and all others are just monkeys twisting reality in an emotionally reactive way out of sheer ignorance? 

Edited by Aaron p

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4 hours ago, Aaron p said:

also for people who have significantly developed their do you deal with gradually becoming more conscious and isolated in your correctness...its gotta feel like your the only sane person and all others are just monkeys twisting reality in an emotionally reactive way out of sheer ignorance? 

Assuming that I am correct about some things other people have trouble seeing, I also know that trying to correct them without them asking for it is pointless, as you just trigger their egos and they dig in more.  So basically I don't bother with unsolicited corrections.  I'm frankly done with all that shit.  I understand how mine and others' psychology works much better now, so I have less inclination to engage in pointless interactions.


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Just let them be unless there's an opening. If it's too much create some distance.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪ 星空のディスタンス ♫┆彡 what are you dreaming today?

                           天国が来る | 私は道であり、真実であり、命であり。

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You thinking that you need to “deal” with them in some way is the self-deception. 

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@Aaron p

You know how vampires can only enter a house if you give them permission? That's basically how I tend to deal with people.

Unless they've given me permission, I tend to not say anything. They did not ask for my opinion on their life or for my help.

If there is an opening, you still have to make an assessment of where this person is at and what they're able to hear. Often I'll just drop little breadcrumbs. If the opening is large or if you're specifically in a learning environment, then you can share more.

It's all about reading the context.



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15 hours ago, John Paul said:

You thinking that you need to “deal” with them in some way is the self-deception. 

I just let people delude themselves. If their delusion is too much, I'll tell them something that'll strike to the core, then walk away. You can't change them, plant a seed then stop expecting from them.

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@Aaron p just work on constantly reducing your own self deception. Keep speaking your truth (but don't preach). There's nothing better than doubt to bust self deception.

57% paranoid

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