
NH Progressives have begun to run campaign ads urging Biden not to run again in 2024

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This article just came out on the Hill mentioned how some progressives from New Hampshire have already launched a statewide campaign urging Biden not to run again because of how unpopular and old he has become, they believe that Biden is likely to lose in 2024, especially if he runs against a fresh new GOP candidate such as DeSantis. They also of course don't how he still comes off as a status quo/establishment president.

"Jeff Cohen, the co-founder of RootsAction, said the campaign is 'just getting started' and the advertisements would soon run in more states."


I am worried that progressives will not only ruin Biden's electability, but also cause the Democrats in the party to tear each other which would ruin the chances of the Democrats holding onto to the Presidency, Senate, and winning back the House in 2024.

Edited by Hardkill

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Bad idea.

Biden will not be running against DeSantis, but Trump. Who he already beat handily, and Trump is weaker than ever.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Biden will win. Abso-fucking-lutely. 

Any doubt? 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Go get a proper president, guys. So maybe I'll consider migrating to your country. Rn it is so meh

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Seems like a waste of time to me. If Joe wants to run again, he will get the nomination. This progressive campaign is not going to work.

Also, I’m pretty happy with the job Joe Biden has done in office.  He has been pretty progressive. Who do they realistically think they can run that will not only do a better job, but actually be electable?

Most progressive candidates are not electable for something like President. They are too radical. Progressives can mostly win smaller, niche elections.



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34 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Bad idea.

Biden will not be running against DeSantis, but Trump. Who he already beat handily, and Trump is weaker than ever.

I am inclined to believe that. 

Although there have been some polls out there lately showing that a majority of GOP voters now prefer DeSantis over Trump to be the GOP nominee in 2024. “Republicans and conservative independents increasingly want Trumpism without Trump,” said David Paleologos, the director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center.

GOP pollster, Frank Luntz, recently held a focus group of voters who had voted for Trump at least once during the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections. He said that they are getting tired of Trump and that "They still appreciate him, they still think he was a great president, that hasn't changed," Luntz said. "But they now look at him and they say, 'Why all this chaos?'"

Do you buy that? Or do you think that the all of the Trump supporters and even the vast majority of regular Republican/conservative voters in the US don't really mean that and will probably come back home to Trump by 2024?

19 minutes ago, aurum said:

Seems like a waste of time to me. If Joe wants to run again, he will get the nomination. This progressive campaign is not going to work.

Also, I’m pretty happy with the job Joe Biden has done in office.  He has been pretty progressive. Who do they realistically think they can run that will not only do a better job, but actually be electable?

Most progressive candidates are not electable for something like President. They are too radical. Progressives can mostly win smaller, niche elections.

Yeah, these progressives are really getting my nerves with their foolishness. 

They definitely have got to get over there Bernie or bust mentality.

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6 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Although there have been some polls out there lately showing that a majority of GOP voters now prefer DeSantis over Trump to be the GOP nominee in 2024. “Republicans and conservative independents increasingly want Trumpism without Trump,” said David Paleologos, the director of the Suffolk University Political Research Center.

GOP pollster, Frank Luntz, recently held a focus group of voters who had voted for Trump at least once during the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections. He said that they are getting tired of Trump and that "They still appreciate him, they still think he was a great president, that hasn't changed," Luntz said. "But they now look at him and they say, 'Why all this chaos?'"

Do you buy that? Or do you think that the all of the Trump supporters and even the vast majority of regular Republican/conservative voters in the US don't really mean that and will probably come back home to Trump by 2024?

This could be the biggest curveball of the 2024 election. There is a small chance that Trump loses so much support that DeSantis ends up on top.

I think it's a long-shot, but it's possible.

And if it's DeSantis vs Biden, that is a very dangerous situation as DeSantis has a strong chance of beating Biden.

Edited by Leo Gura

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

And if it's DeSantis vs Biden, that is a very dangerous situation as DeSantis has a strong chnace of beating Biden.

On what basis can DeSantis beat Biden? 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Professor who correctly predicted every presidential election since 1984:


"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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9 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

Professor who correctly predicted every presidential election since 1984:


Yeah, I put that clip up on his forum recently. 

I am totally with Professor Lichtman. He’s a brilliant US Historian who has always been on point.

Edited by Hardkill

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22 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

This could be the biggest curveball of the 2024 election. There is a small chance that Trump loses so much support that DeSantis ends up on top.

I think it's a long-shot, but it's possible.

And if it's DeSantis vs Biden, that is a very dangerous situation as DeSantis has a strong chance of beating Biden.

There is also the concern amongst many people in America that Biden is already in his 80s and looks like a doddering old man. My dad who is the same age as Biden doesn't think that he would be able to handle another 6 years of being POTUS given how extremely taxing of a job it is, especially for such an old person.

Do you think this could negatively affect Biden's electability?

Edited by Hardkill

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34 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Do you think this could negatively affect Biden's electability?

I agree he is a bit too old, however I don't think that will be enough for him to lose, unless he has some kind of health crisis.

Trump is nearly Biden's age, so this criticism is not strong.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

I agree he is old, however I don't think that will be enough for him to lose, unless he has some kind of health crisis.

Yeah, I personally believe that too.

What happens though if the economy enters into a recession next year or the year after, which unfortunately is what most economists, business elites, and investors have lately been forecasting?

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2 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Yeah, I personally believe that too.

What happens though if the economy enters into a recession next year or the year after, which unfortunately is what most economists, business elites, and investors have lately been forecasting?

I think the economic hit has already happened. In 2 years things should look more positive than now. We are in the most negative outlook right now.

But yeah, if Biden loses, it will be because of the economy or DeSantis.

Edited by Leo Gura

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12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I think the economic hit has already happened. In 2 years things should look more positive than now. We are in the most negative outlook right now.

But yeah, if Biden loses, it will be because of the economy or DeSantis.

I see...

So, we are just going to have wait and see what will happen with 100% certainty with both the economy and who the GOP nominee will be in a year or two from now.

There actually is also the possibility that the Republican party could end up tearing itself apart so much that Trump ends up officially splitting up the GOP in two conflicting parties, which would destroy the right-wing's chances of taking back the white and maybe lose more than that. Especially if Trump does happen to lose the GOP nomination. That's exactly how Teddy Roosevelt totally ruined the Republican's party chances of winning the presidency in 1912.


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Trump is a problem-solver? Lol

All he knows is how do it is create problems.

Bill O'Reilly is such a joke.

Edited by Leo Gura

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If Biden doesn't run who would be the most likely Democratic candidate? Kamala Harris? 

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10 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Trump is a problem-solver? Lol

All he knows is how do it is create problems.

Bill O'Reilly is such a joke.

Yeah, that's truly comical.

But Trump is truly skilled at dividing and destroying everything around him. He can easily divide and destroy the Republican Party if he wanted to.

Edited by Hardkill

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What’s crazy is that Trump’s loss in 2020 had little to do with Trump, and a lot to do with COVID.


Edited by How to be wise

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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Except Trump's response to Covid is what killed him.

If he responded to it properly he would probably have been reelected.

But his improper response wasn't some fluke, Trump is incapable of properly responding to any major event. Which is why he should not be President, why he is no longer President, and why he will never again be President.

Everything boils down to that. No one in their right mind would trust Trump to handle a major crisis in a proper and humane way.

In a sense he and we got lucky that no other major crisis arose on his watch because it would have been disastrous. Everything Trump touches turns to shit.

Edited by Leo Gura

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