
Leaving Home And Ditching College

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I'm 17 years old. By the time I finish my senior year in June, I'll be 18. For the last several months I've been thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of going to college, and now I've just recently started to consider the advantages and disadvantages of continuing to live with my parents. Not to sound arrogant or cocky at all, but simply to give context and perspective, I've done really well my entire high school career. Though I am waiting to hear back from many colleges regarding admission decisions, its safe to say that I can go to some of the best schools in the country. I also am fortunate enough to be able to afford these colleges too-- money is not an issue. What is an issue for me though is the time that I cannot get back. Though I'm trying to consider every angle of this, I'm starting to get the idea that it's a waste of time (and my parents' money considering that I don't just lightly make a decision to spend upwards of $200,000 in anything). I'm not interested in spending money that isn't mine and drinking until I go unconscious. Don't get me wrong, my parents aren't millionaires, but they've been saving a lot of money for a very long time. Just to be clear too, my passions have largely to do with creative endeavors and conducting business/ creating a tribe/ creating brand. I currently am pretty passionate about making music. In terms of the relationship I have with my parents, I can only say that it is deterioting very rapidly. My ideas about life, college, the status quo, etc. are becoming so drastically different and incompatible with those of my parents that our relationship is starting to get pretty toxic. We just don't see eye to eye. To be a little clearer here, too, I'm an avid student of personal development. I realize that my schooling is not my education, and that doing well in school is in no way predicative of future success. That being said, however, my unquenchable drive to be excellent, and to better myself, is probably one of my most valuable assets. I guess I just want to know and hear other people's opinions. I would appreciate any feedback from people who have been in similar situations or have had to make similar decisions, that is: move out/ not go to college. Has anyone been successful? Has anyone failed miserably Thanks!!! Joey

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Four years ago I was also in your spot but I was pretty lost in terms of what I could potentially pursue. 

Sadly, I ended up going to college without a purpose in mind until I found one in my junior year.

That really changed everything for me.


If I were 17 again, I would personally try to find my purpose/passion first before trying to decide on this fork in the road.

5 hours ago, Jcent said:

Just to be clear too, my passions have largely to do with creative endeavors and conducting business/ creating a tribe/ creating brand.

That's great! If you make the decision not to go to college, I'd recommend trying to intern with someone who has built up a tribe/brand before. 

From that experience, you could decide if that type of creative endeavor is right for you.

If it is, you could go off and built your own little tribe (oops, getting a little ahead of myself here :D).


I wish you the best of luck Joey!

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One guys opinion of course.

There's just that one decision for guys really. Income to support a family, or do whatever the fuck I want because no one is dependent on me. 

Do you want a family?

Maybe do whatever you want now, family later?

Go for both, but it's twice the challenge.

You like challenges?



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@Jcent  Don´t overthink this life shit. Best decisions are never the ones we think up. What decision feels the best? You wouldnt get a better guidance system even from NASA.

Follow me on Instagram for quantum and energetic healing.

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College is good for proffesionals that are going to need the degree like:

  • Doctors 
  • Engineers 
  • Lawyers et cetera

Your post shows that you have entrepreneurial tendecies and college is not the best choise for entrepreneurs unless you are lazy or have the habbit of not finishing things.

If so far so good check if you have any of the following characteristics that identify that you don't need college:

  • Strong work ethic 
  • Obsessive personality
  • Fully undecided
  • Great in sales 
  • A bit rebellious
  • Competitive and self-disciplined
  • Good at making friends
  • Have a mentor

Disclaimer, this is just some juice from a book about college i recently read which was written by a successful entrepreneur.

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From the vibe I get from your post, I'd say college wouldn't be nessesary for you.

That being said, continue being strategic. Imagine RIGHT NOW that you made the decision to not go to college.


Do you have a place to live when you finish high school? How about a source of income to support yourself? A tangibal business opportunity? People to invest in you? A marketing plan for selling your music? A backup plan in case music doesn't work?


Start looking at these questions now. This is a serious thing you're considering and is going to alter the course of your life drastically. 


It's okay if you don't have it all figured out either. The most successful people committment first and act second. But since you have the luxury of time to plan, don't waste it. Play some chess with your life.


About your parents: they sound like caring people so realize they want you to take the "safe" route. They will likely not support your decision if you choose to drop college. So don't expect their help. 


The disapproval of parents is one of those things almost everyone has to go through. But everyone has to leave the nest. Work double as hard to become a success and they will likely start changing their tune. Or not, but either way it doesn't matter. Not if it's something you know you need to do.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@Jcent I'm in the same exact position as you haha. It was getting toxic for me as well with my parents because I was thinking of not going but in the end I feel it is for the best. From a strategic standpoint if I didn't go I would waste more time. I'd have to work a full time job just to survive. In college I'll just have 3-5 classes and if I save now I won't need a part time job. Worst case scenario in college I'll be spending the same amount of time or maybe a little more as I would out in the real world with a full time job but learning things at least through the college education.  I should have much more time though to be doing my personal development and finding my life purpose. Much more time to follow my passions. As long as I keep myself focused and don't go partying too much. I'll have my food and room paid for. If I save now the expenses should be minimal and I'll have lots of time. I also won't be stressed on money if that type of thing freaks you out.

In college you might be able to network well with lots of people so maybe that would help with the whole business and brand and music idea? Also for me it gives me an opportunity to grow socially being around all these people and to really figure out relationships. Plus it will be really fun and enjoyable to go. I'll have lots of good experiences.

Who knows. You might learn more about yourself being around all these people and taking classes you are interested in. You might find more passions or hobbies or find new ideas. Maybe you could join or start a club. Meet like minded people. Overall for me it is the better option but that is just me.  The way you go may help determine what you learn, discover in life and in yourself, and experience. They both have pros and cons. What about your intuition and what do you honestly feel is best? Only you can decide but I would give it some deep thought.  Hope this helps. 


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