
Puzzled By Leo's Approach To Enlightenment

12 posts in this topic

Leo is saying in his latest video and in general that there is point in experiencing enjoyable  stuff like higher states of consciousness, experiencing beauty,love and all that.

So he advocate using affirmations, visualizations, setting goals and stuff that help us achieve those things.

But is this the thing that will make you blissful in your life? Won't it just create more misery and cravings? 

Isn't it preferred to just practice being in the moment, learning to be content with what is, even if it's just thoughts or unpleasant sensations?

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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@Vercingetorix those 2 ways don't exclude esxh other. They actually compliment each-other perfectly.

 There is nothing holding you from your goals more than ego.

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33 minutes ago, Vercingetorix said:

Leo is saying in his latest video and in general that there is point in experiencing enjoyable  stuff like higher states of consciousness, experiencing beauty,love and all that.

So he advocate using affirmations, visualizations, setting goals and stuff that help us achieve those things.

But is this the thing that will make you blissful in your life? Won't it just create more misery and cravings? 


If you think it's gonna solve all your problems and that you're neurotic and or dogmatic about it, yes.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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I do all those things. I feel it contributes to the bliss that is my life. It has not caused me any misery or cravings. On the contrary, it has made me notice a world I did not see before. 

Edited by Nahm



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7 hours ago, Vercingetorix said:

Isn't it preferred to just practice being in the moment, learning to be content with what is, even if it's just thoughts or unpleasant sensations?

Different teachers recommend different things, I don't find it puzzling. They are simply telling you what worked for them. He also advocates drugs, it worked for him, he is now a god, it may work for others too, or it may happen that you wake up in a puddle of vomit next day. Same way, being in moment may take you there, and for some it makes their life boring and dull.

One must start from where he is right now.

The error is in assuming that everything a teacher says will surely work for each and everyone on the entire planet. It may or may not work for you. Leo is teaching his own path, you need to listen, decide and choose your own path. You cannot walk the path of others, it has to be a path of your own heart.

Others/teachers can help you to choose a path, thats all they do, they do not "make" you enlightened or do not hand you over a bag full of "experiences" that you can open and taste each one. You must get it all by yourself. There can be many ways. Choose wisely.. :)

My Blog : : Pure Experiences : : Pure Knowledge

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8 hours ago, Vercingetorix said:

So he advocate using affirmations, visualizations, setting goals and stuff that help us achieve those things.

But is this the thing that will make you blissful in your life? Won't it just create more misery and cravings? 

Isn't it preferred to just practice being in the moment, learning to be content with what is, even if it's just thoughts or unpleasant sensations?

I'd suggest that you not only listen to Leo but to a whole set of spiritual teachers. Like for me I mostly listen to ppl like Leo, Alan Watts, Rupert Spira, Mooji, Matt Khan and a few others sometimes. By that I get a lot of attitudes to this journey and can kind of see where the teachings overlap and what I should go after.

You gotta see that Leo has his individual way for going after enlightenment that first of all must fit to his personality, will include all the failures that he does on his journey and so on. And every one has such a journey. You cannot pick one and say that this how it should be done.

So just chill, look at a few teachings and construct your own.

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I noticed how the original question wasn't about drugs, nor any of the follow up messages. However when someone comes along to promote drugs, they don't give a balanced view at all, or state why they may not be suitable for some people.

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2 hours ago, Neo said:

I noticed how the original question wasn't about drugs, nor any of the follow up messages. However when someone comes along to promote drugs, they don't give a balanced view at all, or state why they may not be suitable for some people.

Leo always remind people they shouldn't do drugs if they aren't doing self-developement seriously, there is even a warning message.

This is a problem yes, because many people think they master everything, and will still do it and failed, but for people who are really doing shit to work themselves, these videos are helpful.

So what should Leo do, not capture these videos and not helping those who could understand it, or capture it and maybe crushing emotionally some people here and there (which could indirectly lead them to the path later) ?


I'm specifically mentioning that threads unrelated to drugs effectively get "hijacked" constantly.

Well, it's expected, the more Leo talks about it, the more you'll hear it here.

You can either accept it or fight it in your mind, but that's not gonna change, it will only get "worse" in your perspective.





There is nothing to be sorry of, I'm trying to help you xD

I know I seem too serious/cold, and I'll work and that, but I just want to help some people, that's all I want.


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin I'm specifically mentioning that threads unrelated to drugs effectively get "hijacked" constantly.

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I was confused about this too.  Great advice here.  Words have limitations.  It's like expecting a one-sided coin.  Ain't gonna happen.  Every video is a snap-shot.  There is no one line of consistency possible.    We've gotta use the fragments to inspire ourselves to look within and work from within.  Instead of 80/20 outer to inner you need 80/20 inner to outer.  A shift of paradigm and habits.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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