
What is the solution to the atomization of society?

5 posts in this topic

TITLE: Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of Community in America


TITLE:  Charles Murray on Coming Apart

These two videos discuss the decline of civil life in America and atomization of society.

Basically society is becoming far less socially connected, and people are becoming more isolated. This is a problem as lack of civic engagement can damage government function, breed crime, and create other issues.

the situation seems to have worsened recently, see this graph:

this is dangerous because lonely societies can breed totalitarianism: 



What is your opinion? Is this a problem? What are the solutions?

Edited by Raze

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TITLE: Robert Putnam book talk on "Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis"


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The atoms need to recognise their quantum duality as waves! :P

The solution will inevitably depend on how we frame the problem: is atomisation an emergent phenomena of some system (like “late capitalism”, neoliberalism) or is it something which has been intentionally created and promoted (“anarcho-tyranny”, divide and conquer)?

If it is the former, some new system (one or another form of post-liberal communitarianism) might be able to solve the issue. If it is the latter, a revolution will have to replace the people who are promoting the problem.

So which is it… Questions to be answered!

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head… And as I climb into an empty bed, oh well, enough said… I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go… Over…

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