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Tattoo As A Tool For Self-actualization

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I've been into PD for a few years. I've seen almost all Leo videos (except enlightenment) and even did the life purpose course. My health, confidence, and sense of purpose make me feel I'm on the right track. Nevertheless, this is a lonely hard process and still can't quit my strong negative thinking completely.

For this reason I thought of getting a tattoo with a powerful positive message that finally stays in my head once for all. Do you think it can be helpful?


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I don't think it will do much for you in the long run. A tatoo is just a symbolic message on your body. If you find the personal development journey challenging, I would consider you slow down your pace and focus on building your soft infrastructure. This includes mindfulness, attitude, your confidence, etc. Do some inner work and fix that first, then the journey will get A LOT smoother. And as you are building your soft infrastructure, be the wise turtoise -not the foolish hare. Take it slow. 

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@Gladius No.

Sit down and meditate/self-inquire.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, Gladius said:


I've been into PD for a few years. I've seen almost all Leo videos (except enlightenment) and even did the life purpose course. My health, confidence, and sense of purpose make me feel I'm on the right track. Nevertheless, this is a lonely hard process and still can't quit my strong negative thinking completely.

For this reason I thought of getting a tattoo with a powerful positive message that finally stays in my head once for all. Do you think it can be helpful?


I've done similar thing, but by changing all of my passwords to an affirmations. No more effects, than having a note on the door. Tattoos are definitely not the 20% of thing that will give you 80% of results.

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Yes !!!!!

Go for it.

Tattoos are great reminders.

Be sure before you have it.

It must be something you TRULLY believe and the feeling it gives you when you read it loudly is very great and liberating. It must give you joy and not anxiety.

Post a pic If you do it.

Good luck

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Nah not a good idea.  It'll be like any other's there for the first month or two, then after that you don't even pay attention to it and forget it is even there.

I have a tattoo on my finger and even though it's right there in front of me when I'm writing, I barely even recognize it.  Although it does give me memories of why I got it in the first place when I do happen to take notice of it.  But even then, not very often.

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If you use it as a way to commit, it can be a good thing. It's not a tool, however. You should also be aware there are many people, who use tattoos as an ego boost, because tattoos make you feel special. It can be a trap.

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