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Important lesson about Fatal Frame, and predatory capitalism.

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   Arguable one of the most terrifying games of all time, from the story to the game mechanics it's almost always going to keep the players on edge. Here are a list of games:

Fatal Frame 1


Fatal Frame 2, also in my opinion peak Fatal Frame:


Fatal Frame 3, to me it's roughly in the middle of 1 and 2 in terms of quality:


Fatal Frame 4, very low quality and bad, almost as bad as Nintendo's Metroid other M, also the point of decline for the Fatal Frame series in game mechanics because it converted from PS2 to Nintendo Wii, and given the soul drained wolves of Wall street treatment by big companies:


Fatal Frame 5, slightly better than 4 in terms of graphics and a little bit of game mechanics, but that's nothing. Still no soul and at this point safe to assume the entire franchise is dead. But hey, Nintendo says it's much better at least they included sexily clad female attires, mind numbing super easy gameplay, nonsensical lore and story threads, ruining character development of Mio, and high frame rate graphics, because that's what really is at the heart of what makes Fatal Frame so good and I don't care about the original vision of the game I want more money and attention while marketing this game as family friendly. I wish a company or the customers sues me to death so that I wise up to my idiotic attempts at cash grabs, min-maxing, for profit and western marketing because I can't understand legal copyright issues between western countries and difficulties playing with the Wii and this game, so I hope I receive karmic retribution for not just Fatal Frame but all the other small franchises I bought and milked to death for mere cash grabs because I'm also empty inside:


   What do you guys think the lesson is here?

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