
Sharing my thoughts on pick up

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“Guys who are naturally good with women are those who’ve approached thousands of women to the point where it changed their brain chemistry. Literally through trial and error your brain forms new neural pathways. That’s how you become better with practice. It’s because you receive the information faster. That’s where “smoothness” comes from.”

what do yall think ? 

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That quote is all wrong. Guys who are "naturally" good with women are exactly that, natural. They never had to approach thousands of women, or practice lol. They were born smooth, or at the very least were lucky and had a good environment and role models growing up.

For the same reason someone might be born athletic, or tall. Some people just get gifted certain things. Others have to deliberately work to get the same results.

I sat beside my friend Leanne in high school math. Math was so easy to her she barely had to spend any time learning or studying it, yet it took me 4x as long to grasp the same concepts and equations. So I had to ask her for help constantly. I'm grateful she obliged so much or I probably would have failed haha.

It's just random chance she was naturally good at math and I wasn't. So I had to do extra to "catch up". It's the same thing with learning pick-up, you are putting in extra work to catch up to guys who have success with women.

Edited by Roy


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@Roy how you become naturally good with women without talking to them ? Btw have you approached thousands of women ? 

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You are putting women above yourself, thats why they are natural they dont do that...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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11 minutes ago, Majed said:

@Roy how you become naturally good with women without talking to them ? Btw have you approached thousands of women ? 

I never said anything about not talking to women. If you are socialized properly growing up, you talk to more than enough women to not be a retard around them. The problem is if you're a hermit in your youth and get addicted to video games and screens like a lot of kids these days it stunts your development. So by the time they graduate and don't get handed girls to socialize with they don't know what to do anymore. Technology is damaging our ability to socialize properly.

Idk how many women I've approached or conversed with. Maybe 500, or 1000? You have to realize Leo's advocation for "approaching thousands of women" is a freak statistical outlier and unrealistic for most regular people. Nobody has time to design their life around that. Unless you really want to go ahead. Most guys could probably get a girlfriend they like or have sex with the number of girls they want doing only a quarter of that. You don't need to be James Bond to convince a girl to be with you. There are 8 billion humans, it's not rocket science.

That kind of grinding is only necessary for the most degenerate basement lurkers that dug themselves a really deep hole.

Edited by Roy


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@Roy actually no, most guys like 90% suck with women in general, they have no game at all, even the most good looking males with muscles and stuff, they have no game. To develop game you need to approach thousands of women. Most guys in modern society are not socialized properly because the most natural thing in our environment is not to socialize but to stay home on the laptop. That’s not the exception, that’s the rule.

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@NoSelfSelf dude i ain’t putting nobody on a pedestal, i’m taking responsibility for my sex life 

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1 minute ago, Majed said:

actually no, most guys like 90% suck with women in general, they have no game at all, even the most good looking males with muscles and stuff, they have no game.

Don't project your worldview onto others. You're only hurting yourself. Part of personal development is realizing the bubbles of perspective you hold and dissolving them with new ideas.

If 90% of guys suck with women, why are most of them getting laid? While you have a minority of guys hanging out with other guys (lol), having to learn pick-up? If you described what pick-up is to the good looking guy that's already doing good with women, they will laugh in your face. They won't comprehend why someone would need to do it.

Careful not to become an NPC repeating talking points from YouTubers.



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12 minutes ago, Majed said:

actually no, most guys like 90% suck with women in general, they have no game at all, even the most good looking males with muscles and stuff, they have no game. To develop game you need to approach thousands of women. Most guys in modern society are not socialized properly because the most natural thing in our environment is not to socialize but to stay home on the laptop. That’s not the exception, that’s the rule.

This is projection. Go out to a nightclub and you'll see how wrong you are about this. Guys who suck with women are a minority. It's an increasing minority, but it's still a minority.

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@Roy getting laid isn’t synonymous with the kind of results you get from doing pick up lol most guys don’t fuck dozens of women. Same thing with money, most people aren’t rich, this doesn’t mean they can’t pay the bills. Pick up is about having exceptional results relative to normal people. Look at some point you need to take responsibility for the different areas in your life and stop running on auto pilot 

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@Majed Yes you are because you are looking at being good with women aka having sex with them,when you do that they are in your head all the time and thats pedestalization right there...there shouldnt even be women in your head but what do i know ;)

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@something_else when i was at the night club i was the only guy to make out with dozens, some women where talking about how i’m very attractive and get all the girls, another one told me that she never encountered someone like. So yeah

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7 minutes ago, Majed said:

when i was at the night club i was the only guy to make out with dozens, some women where talking about how i’m very attractive and get all the girls, another one told me that she never encountered someone like. So yeah

This tells me how little experience you have in night clubs because any decent one will be filled with guys making out with and flirting with girls. You also can't possibly pay attention to every single section and person in a decently sized night club to know that you're the only guy pulling girls.

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@something_else maybe you’re right, but look in of itself those guys who are talking to women and pulling girls, are doing pick up, that’s literally what pick up is, even though they may be not doing it deliberately 

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@Majed No,what im saying is havin woman in mind is why you cant have game because you are looking how to get them instead focusing on you..

When you talk to girl you are imagining what to say then you say it,when you plan where to move  you are planing where to move  based upon what you imagining it to be there is no women in game its you...

If you have woman in mind you are pedestalizing her to see what she would like, approaching her based on what you think she would like to hear etc.

In the process puting yourself second aka beneath her...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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