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Evilwave Heddy

Let's Pursue Microbiology

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Riight..this is a journal that I'll be keeping on top of for the next 2-3 years.  Been meaning to start one of these in a while but wasn't too sure about it. I'm almost finished the LP course and have a fair idea what I want to do.  Microbiology.  It may be a bit vague at the moment, but I plan on honing in on exactly what it is in Mb that I want to focus on.  This will be updated every sunday and wednesday evening. I don't plan on having to much information...just whatever is on my mind at the time of typing. (Might just post a few pictures of what I'm learning etc. so when I look back on this...bllaaah.

What I'll be doing

Currently unemployed, so in the process of looking for a job.  Then once i got a job start saving money for the next 2-3 years for college.  In the meantime I will be starting from scratch with Biology, Chemistry and Physics as you need a good understanding of them.  From JC to LC and doing a JC test when I feel the time is right.  

What I've done so far

I've only just started the JC science textbook (which is basic science like Cells and the Digestive system).  It actually just hit me there and then how much I don't know and how much learning I gotta do.  A bunch of memories from school also hit me when I was going through this textbook,  memories of just messing around and not taking any interest in it....maybe there was interest, but I was so distracted by my friends that I couldn't help myself.  Gawd..if only I had of put my head down there and then.  But I don't like to think about the past in a negative way too much so let's let that thought go.   But yeah, I was really interested in everything that i learned in the first few chapters of the textbook that I kinda look forward to learning more. (As basic as it was)

To do

  • Set up a temporary daily routine while unemployed and searching for a job. (ASAP)
  • Set up a daily routine when I got a job (Hopefully get 2-3 hours of learning in everyday, maybe more the weekend)
  • Up at 6 everyday rather than 8 or 9. (Will start this tomorrow)
  • Keep this journal going.
  • Meditate every day for 30 minutes. (Won't speak about this too much)
  • Try implement yoga into my mornings. (Won't speak about this too much)


That's all I got right now on my mind. See yah Wednesday.

Edited by Evilwave Heddy

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I'm gonna write these out sometime in the morning when I'm fresher because right now I'm wrecked tired and it's only 4pm and my eyes are killing me. The last 2-3 days have been awesome.  The most productive i've been in years.  I did about 4-5 hours a day studying Biology...and about two hours a day finishing up the LP course.  I still feel I need to do more studying/learning throughout the day, considering I have about 10 hours of free time during the day.  I also don't wanna push myself too hard, but the last few days have flew by.  So far I'm loving it and am prepared for the excitement to wear off.  I looked at few tests on advanced Biology, Physics and Chemistry and I just panicked and x'd outta it. lol  No need to think about that now.

Okay, so the last few videos on the LP course were actually quiet helpful.  I need to do a bit of research on what exactly I'm wanting from this.  I have a bit of an idea...but it's not concrete yet.  I'll do this research tomorrow.

Moving on from that....

I'm struggling to get up at 6.  I'm gonna need to train myself to get up or something because I go to sleep around 8 or 9pm and wake up up around 8 or 9 the next day.  12 hours sleep though. Lmao  And I'm really tired right now.  I probably need to eat some good shit or something to get more energy because what I'm eating at the moment is shitty tbh.

I only did a meditation session today.  While walking my dog I said fuck it, threw my coat on the ground and sat in the middle of the field (more like the edge of the field..but still.)  Will get this to become a habit.

I also have a journal before going to bed that I would fill in.  It's not exactly  journal.  It's a mental bank self hypnosis thingy....there's a thread somewhere here on about it.  Been doing it for almost a month now.

...I think that's, till Sunday.

This journal is just whatever to me.  I don't care what anyone reading thinks and I'm just gonna throw random shit on it like it were a real journal.  So if it seems a bit random or not tidy...then there's your answer.  Much love.

This stuff fascinates me...and this is just basic fricken science.


Some other basic crap.




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25 minutes ago, Evilwave Heddy said:

I probably need to eat some good shit or something to get more energy because what I'm eating at the moment is shitty tbh.

Moderate exercise outside or just a few minutes of fresh air (and some deep breaths) will give you energy too.


26 minutes ago, Evilwave Heddy said:

I'm struggling to get up at 6.  I'm gonna need to train myself to get up or something because I go to sleep around 8 or 9pm and wake up up around 8 or 9 the next day.

Make yourself an alarm which is really annoying. Put the alarm further away, so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off. Then just stay up, do not lay down again for "just a minute more."

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4 minutes ago, JKG said:

Make yourself an alarm which is really annoying. Put the alarm further away, so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off. Then just stay up, do not lay down again for "just a minute more."

Yeah I've tried this multiple times...but I get back into bed and fall sleep immediately. lol  I guess I just gotta commit to staying up.  Thanks for the advice man. :)

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Didn't do much these past few days.  I did however set out a routine for this week which I'll be starting tomorrow.  Tryna get back in gear today, preparing for the coming weeks and putting the head down.  I feel that I might be pushing myself a bit too much but we'll see in a weeks time if I need to make changes to the routine.  Other than that I feel ready.

I started reading "So Good They Can't Ignore You" and it kind of turned me off my life purpose a bit.  I'm gonna try finish it in the next few days just to see where it goes.  It basically states that following your passion is a dumb idea.  People who are happy working in basic jobs are happy because they know the ropes and are experienced in it.  Ergghh...I can't really explain it myself here and now, but it goes a bit like.

I've made out a checklist for 90 days.  To stop drinking and commit to meditating and affirmations/visualization.  I plan on just checking these off before bed everynight and see how that goes.  I want to stop drinking because it's a waste of money and I feel I might be becoming an alcoholic... lol.  I know if I prevent myself for at least a month i can continue, but the craving comes after 5 days of the last drink.  Been trying to be mindful and aware of what i'm doing...but heck I dunno what to do.  Weird thing is, is I feel amazing the day after drinking.

I think that's all to comment on at the moment.  I love sundays.  I just wanted to share this music I've been listening to for the past few days.  Hopefully try find more like it. :)


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2 hours ago, Evilwave Heddy said:

I started reading "So Good They Can't Ignore You" and it kind of turned me off my life purpose a bit.  I'm gonna try finish it in the next few days just to see where it goes.  It basically states that following your passion is a dumb idea.  People who are happy working in basic jobs are happy because they know the ropes and are experienced in it.  Ergghh...I can't really explain it myself here and now, but it goes a bit like.

Don't worry - as Leo says in the book audio overview, you have to build your capital on something you're passionate about. Craftsman mentality/mastery happens only when you are passionate about what you're doing. None of the people who are described in the book hated what they were doing - and they invested a LOT of time into the mastery process. Basically he's saying not to follow your passion like a retard and how that can backfire.

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@Lynnel Thanks man, you made me get back to reading it as soon as possible.  After reading through it a bit more, I can understand where Cal Newport is coming from.  Glad I picked this book up now because it's pretty important. Much appreciated.

Edited by Evilwave Heddy

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Happy Sunday....

I did a lot of contemplating this week.  

Monday and Tuesday I stuck with the routine I had set out which involved 5 hours of studying each day.  

All was good until Wednesday.  Woke up later than planned then ended up getting distracted by learning more about Nikola Tesla and Edward Leedskalnin.  I spent the day just understanding more about what they did. That then led me onto searching about resonance and magnets and how bees are being affected by our technology so on and so forth.  So by the end of Wednesday I was rethinking my Life Purpose.  I was asking myself questions like....Should I pursue Physics and follow in the steps of Tesla?  I also succumbed to a bottle of wine for the night, which I had had planned to only drink one a week.

Thursday came then and yet again woke up late and feeling guilty for drinking that bottle.  I tried prevent myself from feeling guilty and just accept that it happened but meh.  So I spent the majority of the day just deciding what to do with my life.  After looking through some of the  Life Purpose material I realised that what I was doing was good and on track. (Which was learning/studying Biology, Chemistry and Physics)  I need more experience in these three fields to pin point what I want to do.  (Still sticking with Microbiology..but that's not definite.)

Friday hit then and I had a meeting with a guy who is helping me find a job.  I got hung up on that for the day then...just contemplating on where to go and how to get one.  Considered joining the Navy, but then remembered I get really bad seasickness.   Not a good day as I wasn't staying positive and I was thinking about all the bad.  Friday ended with another bottle of wine which I considered my "weekly" bottle which is okay.  I didn't feel guilty about this bottle because of that.

Saturday, I just procrastinated because I had it in my mind that Monday I will be starting fresh and sticking with that routine that I have set up for me. Some of Saturday was spent reading books and getting it in my head that Sunday and Monday will be great...the rest was spent just watching a few videos on Youtube.

And here we are today..Sunday.  Feeling much better and ready to start again.  I just pressed the reset button and it feels like last Sunday again.

Talk soon.

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