
Keeping things real regarding the police

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A perspective on the widespread corruption within the UK police force.

Yes, imo, policing is very difficult and mistakes are somewhat inevitable. However, there's also seemingly a lot of red corruption.

Posting this in light of Leos recent blog posts regarding the police. I think it paints a fuller picture.


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Every major institution will have corruption issues, and they will be greatest in areas where survival is most at stake.

It's precisely because policing is so rough that corruption is common.

Of course corruption needs to be tackled. But this ironically requires better funding of police. The worse you fund them, the more pressure they will have to be corrupt.

Edited by Leo Gura

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There are bad apples in every profession. Often bad cops can push out the good cops. Part of human nature. It's our job to find them, but sometimes we are complacent or the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.  Seems like this is universally true in every country... they are varying degrees of corrupt, of course the lower the spiral dynamics stage of a nation, the more concerned you usually have to be with their populace in general, with a few exceptions. 

Edited by sholomar

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The connection between Red and Blue on Spiral Dynamics is a really interesting one. There is almost a weird switch being flipped from, "I am a scumbag who will break the rules." to "I hate people who break the rules."

You can see the light bulb go on for criminals that actually reform and clean up their life, they start to see why their selfishness was bad and why rules exist in the first place. It's kind of amazing how those two worlds of psychological development are so close together.

Then you have cops who put on the mask of following rules and working for Blue, but they have one foot still in the door of Red and will abuse their position for person gain. Example: Prison guards profiting off selling contraband to inmates.

@Leo Gura I'm wondering if you could share a thought on this. I've always found the gap between these 2 stages the most difficult to grasp on SD.


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@Roy There's a transition zone between Red and Blue where people profess that they have "found the Lord" but then they still struggle to let go of their Red bad habits, "wickedness", and "sin". Blue religion can be a nice cover for the ego to commit sin and they pray it way the next day. Such people can be genuinely guilt-ridden, but still run by many old bad habits. They are trying their best, but that's not usually enough.

There is a transition zone between every stage.

Edited by Leo Gura

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