Julian gabriel

Please Psychoanalyze Me

3 posts in this topic

I uploaded this video a month ago of me speaking as honestly, openly, and vulnerably as I could for 30 minutes.

I would be curious to see what any of you may think I could be missing in my view, or if you have any other observations of any kind.

Basically, I just want to figure myself out and I want help doing that, thank you. 

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Passion was never sensible. That's the whole point. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Stuck in your head, like me.

Decisions are usually not permanent. You don't have to permanently commit to them.

What's better? Not knowing which decision is right or knowing which decision is wrong? Not making a decision keeps you stuck at the former. Making a decision keeps you at the latter. It's a trial and error process. The idea of making the perfect decision, counter-intuitively, prevents you from eventually honing your interests and making the right decision.

Naturally, pursuing a passion on the side is more risky. High risk high reward. It's equivalent exchange. The path of least resistance is always available. You can always take the easy route. There's a reason why you're drawn to a more risky path. It's not about how calculating how risky it is. It's not about how much money it makes you. These factors are not why you're making the decision. It's about a deeper connection to reality and your values. Something that you feel like is worth more than money or being "safe",

If you haven't already watched this, decide to do it:


Describe a thought.

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