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Synchronizing With Our Life Path Through Psychological Flexibility. Burying The Depths Of Life Through Stagnation.

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Hey guys. Here's another text I wrote when feeling inspired. Hope you enjoy it, and please give feedback if you want to :)

(The narrator is our inner voice)

I want to help you, but more importantly, I want your freedom.

Thus, you have to chose to receive help, or else I cannot give it to you, because your freedom is much more important. It is the prime essence of your being here, exercising your freedom. Your growth matters less than your own choice of growing, your will to do it, your joy to lift your foot towards any direction.

« Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. » Matthew 7:7

Remember. The universe conspires to send back what you emit.

Just choose a path and it will flower before you, expressing itself with the same depth and nuances that you are carrying within.

You know it, that’s what scares you. You’re responsible for everything that happens to you, and everything that doesn’t happen too, kind of. Just energy and imagination making love to create reality in each thought.

But you shouldn’t take it so seriously. Life’s your playground. It’s not a matter of life and death, in any case, you’re made of matter and you’ll die, it’s the point of living. Might as well enjoy the ride fully instead of mindfucking yourself to oblivion with that complex labyrinth in your mind preventing you to escape from your conditioning and finally cocreate your life consciously with the Infinite Intelligence we bathe in.

« Wait, and ye shall not arrive; wander and ye shall be lost », those may as well be part of the quote. What you are, what you think, what you feel and what you do, is what you get. Whatever you do, and however you do it, you’ll get more of that.

So keep waiting for the moment to arrive when you finally take the first step. That’s what you’ll surely be doing. Wait and wait and wait.

Though if you start walking any path, knowing that it will flower before you, then you won’t stop walking. So when you’re already moving along your path, it’s easy to continue, and when you’re not even walking, it’s easy to keep standing there. What’s difficult is to get ourselves out of that trance-like state of unconsciously going over the same days, thoughts and feelings, stagnating for years instead of exponentially improving ourselves.

It involves being able to let go of habits, which means of parts of our identity. Being flexible in who we are in our personnality, in our web of thoughts and patterns which we define as « Me ». See this « Me » is the psychological « I », and when one is strongly identified with it, it may bequite difficulte to tackle it with fluidity and flexibility. But the raw « I » is the spiritual « I ». And this one is buried deep within our consciousness. It is it, that chooses our moment of birth and death, that arrange seemingly random coincidences, fortunes and misfortunes. It is the ever-present Witness of Experience, viewing all different paths from Above and guiding us through our intuition. Therefore by connecting to this state of being, one can more easily hack into the psychological « I ». The will can hijack habits if it is backed by the spiritual « I » and faith, gratitude, discipline and love for the universe and one’s authentic self. IT doesn’t even register as will then, for it comes from within, and will is often thought to be imposed upon the core from the surface layer.

Deep authenticity involves acknowledging our whole depth, the integrality of our Selves. And this wholeness actualles encompasses all the Evil in the world that we all strive to appease. We are made of It. We are EVERYTHING. Thus, shall we accept the whole of the Mind in order to become free human beings, never again viewing someone or something as outside of one’s self. Never believing something to be out of reach. Knowing that the substance underlying all Experience is Imagination, in which and by which we’ve been thriving and coping for aeons of time, and will do still for Eternity.

It will require to consciously become One’s own Self, a cell among the body of the Universal soup to finally walk in Life as in lucid dreaming, realizing our deepest truth from our most authentic core, our purpose as this cell at every moment in time.

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