Julian gabriel

Meditating Alone in the Forest at Night?

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I've recently started meditating in the forest at night and it feels way more powerful than meditating inside or during the day. 

Anyone have any theories as to why it feels so much more powerful?

It feel powerful in the way of clearing my mind and grounding me in my breath and silence instead of my egotistical thoughts.

I have theorized that it helps me face my PRIMAL fears and this facing the primal fears, such as fear of being alone and fear of the dark clears the mind. 

Please let me know what you think, thanks 

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There's more environmental stimuli, so it pulls you into the present moment. Like how a cold breeze forces you to focus on your body temperature, which inadvertently pulls you into the present moment.

It's also a new environment, so it's less likely to trigger old thought patterns you might usually get sucked into.

And it's not predictable, like your house might be. It's new stimuli. Your awareness naturally picks up on new and novel stimuli as opposed to stuff it is already used to.

Edited by Osaid

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I'd love love being in a forest. I'm a forest animal. 


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@Julian gabriel I agree with your interpretation.

I think meditation in that context will bring up a variety of fears that wouldn't be so present in a typical meditation environment. And so meditating in that context gives you an opportunity to process and change your relationship to those fears, imo.

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When you conquer your resistance and you get through it, you'll always feel a sense of power. You are developing courage.

Reading this makes me excited to go out to a forest at night again. It's always scary but fun scary.

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On 12/6/2022 at 2:20 AM, Osaid said:

There's more environmental stimuli, so it pulls you into the present moment. Like how a cold breeze forces you to focus on your body temperature, which inadvertently pulls you into the present moment.

It's also a new environment, so it's less likely to trigger old thought patterns you might usually get sucked into.

And it's not predictable, like your house might be. It's new stimuli. Your awareness naturally picks up on new and novel stimuli compared to stuff it is already used to.

This is what I would've guessed too. Its just so fresh and new you can't help but be more present. Not to add that in nature its much easier to focus since its usually much much quieter.

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