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How to deal with ADD?

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Hey guys!

 I have always struggled to follow through, had a poor working memory and found it extremely hard to focus on one thing at a time. I also forget where I put my things every single day and make small errors when working with details. It has always bothered me but now I realize how big of a problem it is - I´m literally stuck because I can´t focus my way of any situation.

I can´t follow through on my plans - and therefore I don´t go anywhere. I´m suspecting I have ADD and I feel kind of helpless. No matter what I do, I can´t seem to solve this problem.

Send help..:( what should I do? Anyone that has been able to overcome ADD? Any tips?

Edited by SamC

"Sometimes when it's dark - we have to be the light in our own tunnel"

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I would first recommend speaking with a doctor to figure out if you have add so that you dont waste too much time if you dont. Either way from my experience this is something that has to be largely resolved through education and experimentation. I personally recommend checking out as a great starting point and get his course on adhd/add, its like 20 bucks (he also has some free videos on youtube you can check out). It introduces alot of cognitive behavioral therapy that will be essential to understanding how to resolve this and create systems/an environment that is optimal for you (something thats useful even if you dont have add), learn why you do what you do, and finally how to improve focus/memory/attention and more. From there you will have a better understanding and awareness of how things work to research specific areas within add that can be improved.

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I have ADD and what helps me to reduce the problems you described is mindfulness practice and yoga, being in nature also gives the same grounding effect, if you can it helps to be barefoot in nature for a while.

Limiting screen time and distractions also help. If you have something that you need to focus on, take short breaks between sessions of 10-40 minutes of focusing (depending on your focus span). 

Cutting sugary food, salty food, junk food from diet and eating more fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals also beneficial.

And of course, the most importent is self-love, acceptance and patience ^_^


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Watch a 20+ minute video every day without pausing it. 

I left this forum because a moderator has a problem with me talking positively about myself and giving advice. This reflects the forum as a whole. This place is negative, bitter, hateful and anti success. If you don't notice this that's because you're one of them. I hope some of you benefited from my posts. Take care.

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You can get stimants and SSRI's from doc. ADHD is very misunderstood in mainstream culture...I reckon it's super common, quite difficult to work with, each ADHD brain can be different. People with ADHD are also more susceptible to other mental disorders like BPD, GAD, SAD etc. Just be careful with psychedelics and other drugs of your on medicine. At the end of the day, you need to be able to function...and medicines like SSRI's can improve concentration, focus, consistency and motivation. Also if you can gain power over it, you'll actually have a supermind some instances 

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You need to be diagnosed before you can be treated, but it's a lengthy process in most parts of the world. Some mental illnesses show similar symptoms to ADHD/ADD and it's harder to get diagnosed if your symptoms weren't noticed when you were a child. Some doctors may also refrain from prescribing controlled substances right away, so they start you on non-stimulant meds.

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definitly mindfulness every day! Also you schould give medcine a trie i wouldnt recomment ssris buth rilatin or concerta.

They have a bad name buth if you have ADHD or ADD they really work

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@SamC I can sympathise with you on this ADD problem. It can feel so frustrating at times where you wanna focus, but you just CAN'T. Kriya Yoga helped me a lot, it kinda felt like this focusing ability was the problem of my bad inner energy (chakra) alignment. Also trying to focus more and putting your attention back to the task helped a bunch. Try and ignore your thoughts for the day when they arise. Just try ant blow them away like the wind. After some time you will notice that you can focus more. This will take some time, months maybe years, but DO IT! You must grow your focusing muscle. Believe me I've been there and it's getting better with time, just keep doing the practice. Keep growing your will-power muscle. With time you will be a focusing GOD!


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Single pointed focus meditation. Do it with a candle. Keep bringing your attention back to the candlelight.

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