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Bret Weinstein humiliated On His Own Podcast

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Edited by Epikur

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   Interesting video, what are your thoughts @Carl-Richard, @Leo Gura?

   I don't like the majority report people, they're too progressive and socialistic in their responses to this video clip, a bit too judgmental. It's the same problem they had when talking to Destiny, and Destiny flipped that back onto them.

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   My take on this whole issue of the video clip, was that the body language and tonality of this Robert Wright person is suspicious and a bit deceptive, look at how he's too jittery with his hands and face when he's accusing Bret Weinstein of his covid takes, hear how he talks to Bret, like he's too nasally and tries to copy JP for a moment, talking down. At 2:16 to 2:19 Robert puts a left hand to cover he's mouth after giving his opening statement as to why he's in Bret's podcast, as if he has second doubts or regrets to say that to Bret. Prior to that he's eyes shifts upper left to briefly higher left meaning he's bringing to mind images or videos in memory as he talks. At 2:29 to 2:36, Bret's accusation of some persons feeding Robert information to defame Bret made Robert shake his head, chest and shoulders, and he's left hand, overall jittery Karate-choppy movements tell me that when he heard that he felt very nervous/worry and sudden tension, as if Robert felt suddenly defensive, could these gestures be defensive or deceptive?

   Robert Wright is, on the larger picture, right in addressing Bret Weinstein's Covid takes, but the way it's done is not as optimal or optic appropriate, choosing to try and humiliate Bret in his podcast is just going to trigger Bret to be more close minded, defensive and a bit dogmatic in defending his Covid takes.

   Again, it's worth bringing up again, but THE MAJORITY REPORT is biased in their take of this video clip. And they still owe Destiny a fucking apology for misleading assassinations of his character and take. 


Edited by Danioover9000

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I don't want to derail ,but holy shit this is funny.


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20 minutes ago, zurew said:

I don't want to derail ,but holy shit this is funny.


   Jesus Christ that's cringe, why the hell was Sam Seder thinking repeating that straw man?! ??? 

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20 hours ago, Epikur said:


   What is your take on this @Leo Gura, @Forestluv and @Carl-Richard? Seems to me there's a lot of factors going on here, one of them to me is that this Robert Wright guy is doing the pre-rational to post rational fallacy.

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Bret Weinstein has definitely made a fool of himself on Covid and some of his anti-mainstream views.


"Reason is the Devil's greatest whore." -- Shakespeare

The Majority Report trolls people too much. They don't accept anything that isn't peak Green. They are incapable of integrating Blue & Orange and they infect their audience with that limitation, which creates needless polarization. They seriously lack Yellow.

Spiral Dynamics perfectly explains their situation.

Destiny has more Yellow awareness, so he sees the limits of what The Majority Report and other progressives are doing. But the key mistake that Greens make is that they perceive anyone Yellow as below them because it's not radical enough for them. So someone like Destiny cannot get through to them because they just dismiss him as a centrist.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Destiny is a great example of someone who moved up the spiral throughout his life. 
He grew up as a very conservative Iraq War supporting Republican given his family upbringing in Nebraska. Then he become a Ron Paul libertarian in his early 20s. Then during the 2016-2018 period he was a pretty hardcore leftie who just wanted to shit on conservatives and now he’s more interested in understanding and bridging different perspectives.

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@Leo Gura

7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Bret Weinstein has definitely made a fool of himself on Covid and some of his anti-mainstream views.

The Majority Report trolls people too much. They don't accept anything that isn't peak Green. They are incapable of integrating Blue & Orange and they infect their audience with that limitation, which creates needless polarization. They seriously lack Yellow.

Spiral Dynamics perfectly explains their situation.

Destiny has more Yellow awareness, so he sees the limits of what The Majority Report and other progressives are doing. But the key mistake that Greens make is that they perceive anyone Yellow as below them because it's not radical enough for them. So someone like Destiny cannot get through to them because they just dismiss him as a centrist.

    Bret does have some yellow values in him, it's just with the Covid virus and anything related to Covid specifically is the pressure point that tilts him over the edge, plus his anti-mainstream bias that he has. Other than that, he's okay to listen to, provided 

   It's ironic, considering that Destiny lately himself doesn't consider the centrist/moderate position to be more effective than a more polarized position, as an already polarized position lets that person take more risks than a centrist

   William Shakespear really has some underrated quotes; they can be quite profound.

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Bret def has Yellow, but he has become self-deceived as a political reactionary. His inability to integrate Green has derailed his fuller development into Yellow. Like JP, he's too distracted fighting Greens to the point where he debases himself.

His takes on Covid are just wrong.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura What do you think about Russell Brand’s take on politics.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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1 minute ago, How to be wise said:

@Leo Gura What do you think about Russell Brand’s take on politics.

I think he is brainwashing a lot of young people with conspiratorial garbage.

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@How to be wise

 good video, Tristan touches on Russel Brand. Russel Brand is getting pulled down conspiracy rabbit holes by his audience and he doesn't realize it. 

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I think he is brainwashing a lot of young people with conspiratorial garbage.

It’s interesting since he has interviewed so many non-dual teachers that he can’t be tier 1. So why is his politics so bad?

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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2 hours ago, How to be wise said:

It’s interesting since he has interviewed so many non-dual teachers that he can’t be tier 1. So why is his politics so bad?

Spirituality & politics are pretty far removed from each other, so many spiritual people actually have awful politics.

A lot of spiritual people are anti-vaxxers and the like. Most popular spirituality is just New Age dogma.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Calling Destiny stage yellow is beyond cringe, the only reason he criticizes the left is because he is spiteful towards progressives (because they have held him to account for dumb shit he's done). Not because he has transcended biases associated with stage green.

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20 minutes ago, DrugsBunny said:

Calling Destiny stage yellow is beyond cringe, the only reason he criticizes the left is because he is spiteful towards progressives (because they have held him to account for dumb shit he's done). Not because he has transcended biases associated with stage green.

Destiny is still immature in plenty of ways, but he truly has some Yellow perspectives on politics. He's not merely spiteful towards progressives. His spite stems from seeing the limitations of peak Green and wanting a more integral approach.

Edited by Leo Gura

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