Leo Gura

Police Cam Mega-Thread

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Totally gives me new perspective. I am now curious about the perspectives of what's going through the minds of those that escalate the situations.

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5 minutes ago, ZenSwift said:

what's going through the minds of those that escalate the situations.

Most of them have mental illness, or are on drugs, or are career criminals with a record of felonies, probation, and arrest warrants. Many of their lives suck so bad that they look forward to death. They have little to lose, nothing to live for. Many of them are at stage Red levels of development. These are the kids in school who always caused trouble and never listened to authority.

Edited by Leo Gura

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22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Most of them have mental illness, or are on drugs, or are career criminals with a record of felonies, probation, and arrest warrants. Many of their lives suck so bad that they look forward to death. They have little to lose, nothing to live for. Many of them are at stage Red levels of development. These are the kids in school who always caused trouble and never listened to authority.

I appreciate the insight. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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It's good that police have guns. I won't go into details but they saved my live in a shoot out when I was a child and where I live guns are strictly regulated. 


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To people who think that police can be replaced with social workers, this is the video for you. This is a schizophrenic guy in his own house. The cop is a true professional. Amazing:


Edited by Leo Gura

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Replacing policemen with social workers doesn't work like sending them to dangerous crime scenes in their place. No, the police is still needed, it's naive to think otherwise. Of course, they are not saints, but they do dangerous things when needed (not in Uvalde) and their presence serves as a persuasion for people not to commit crimes as well.

The job of social workers can be preventive, it's needed and it lowers crime rates by a lot. Most people who engage in violence are in social and economical exclusion situations. People with income, shelter, food, and basic needs fulfilled don't engage in violent crimes, they have more to lose. But some people and some communities have it harder, and they may be more exposed to violence in their surroundings. But social workers can't do enough without funding, money is required.

Social workers are also needed after crimes. Jail or detention centers rarely fix any root problem, make them worse probably. I'm not saying people who commit crimes shouldn't be punished, but there has to be a culture of reinsertion as well. Again, funding.

What's happening in the USA with guns and fire weapons is lunacy. In most of Europe, nobody has firearms, it's mostly the law enforcement corps, hunters, and not many more than that. You obviously need to have a legal license to have them. The regular municipal policemen don't have firearms on duty. Gun confrontations are extremely rare. If a lunatic like Kyle Rittenhouse would show up with a rifle in a riot, the police would go to detain him on the spot. Militias in the streets full of rifles and guns would be stopped too, probably by the army. It's crazy. The US population has been brainwashed into this madness, there are lobbies dedicated to that. But you do you.

Are the police in the US easy with the trigger? Probably yes. It's not a paranoia they have that anyone can have a gun hidden, it's the reality. I'm not justifying them, it's their job to be sure that someone has a gun before shooting theirs. You don't like it? Well, be a firefighter then.

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From watching many hours of police footage I’ve learned that police carrying a gun are at a great danger just for carrying it. Once someone is with range to wrestle them… tasers and guns become huge risks. This is one reason for shooting people with knives, etc at a distance. 

When it’s life and death all it takes is a second to get stabbed or shot. When you are in the field it’s very tough: hormones, survival drives etc.

Plus, laws are complicated and cops aren’t law specialists. They often do their best. 

Police are important. We can improve them but… is also just the reality that it’s dirty work. Messy, lots of mistakes. The law and reality at the cutting edge is messy. Theory meets practice.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I've watched a lot of knife videos now, and about 50% of them justified, but 50% are excessive. Most knife situations can be handled with a taser.

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11 minutes ago, Hatfort said:

Replacing policemen with social workers doesn't work like sending them to dangerous crime scenes in their place. No, the police is still needed, it's naive to think otherwise. Of course, they are not saints, but they do dangerous things when needed (not in Uvalde) and their presence serves as a persuasion for people not to commit crimes as well.

The job of social workers can be preventive, it's needed and it lowers crime rates by a lot. Most people who engage in violence are in social and economical exclusion situations. People with income, shelter, food, and basic needs fulfilled don't engage in violent crimes, they have more to lose. But some people and some communities have it harder, and they may be more exposed to violence in their surroundings. But social workers can't do enough without funding, money is required.

Social workers are also needed after crimes. Jail or detention centers rarely fix any root problem, make them worse probably. I'm not saying people who commit crimes shouldn't be punished, but there has to be a culture of reinsertion as well. Again, funding.

What's happening in the USA with guns and fire weapons is lunacy. In most of Europe, nobody has firearms, it's mostly the law enforcement corps, hunters, and not many more than that. You obviously need to have a legal license to have them. The regular municipal policemen don't have firearms on duty. Gun confrontations are extremely rare. If a lunatic like Kyle Rittenhouse would show up with a rifle in a riot, the police would go to detain him on the spot. Militias in the streets full of rifles and guns would be stopped too, probably by the army. It's crazy. The US population has been brainwashed into this madness, there are lobbies dedicated to that. But you do you.

Are the police in the US easy with the trigger? Probably yes. It's not a paranoia they have that anyone can have a gun hidden, it's the reality. I'm not justifying them, it's their job to be sure that someone has a gun before shooting theirs. You don't like it? Well, be a firefighter then.

I agree with you 100%!

I live in Slovenia and this gun related violence and madness simply doesn't happen.

We are not obsessed with guns. Many people think Americans are crazy and also there is no democracy there. 

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@Leo Gura I am open to learning more.

I just have seen cops get tackled and have their guns stolen. Not just knives, but I’ve seen cops get tackled. 

Sometimes maybe cops shoot with a gun because they want to completely limit risk. Tasers can work too. I really am not an expert. I don’t know.

When it’s life or death, better safe than sorry. Some one was waving a knife around and got shot? Well, that’s tough but it was complicated. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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6 hours ago, Starlight321 said:

@Leo Gura but the teaser has the disadvantage of having only one shot and if you miss that one you're in big trouble.

1) There exist 2-shot tasers.

2) Often there are 2 or more cops present, they could all have tasers.

3) Tasers can be reloaded.

Edited by Leo Gura

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@Leo Gura @Kksd74628"Tasers are not for deadly force situations," said Eugene O’Donnell, a professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. “The only time the police need to be shooting is when there is an absolute matter between life and death. It’s not a tool for apprehension.”


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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

@Leo Gura @Kksd74628"Tasers are not for deadly force situations," said Eugene O’Donnell, a professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. “The only time the police need to be shooting is when there is an absolute matter between life and death. It’s not a tool for apprehension.”


Pure nonsense.

Use your own brain rather than quoting some profressor.

Plenty of vidoes on this channel show how effective tasers are in a knife situation

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A man is peacefully speaking to police - within seconds: 

1. he has shot them

2. stabbed them

3. tackled him to the grounded and it fighting for his weapon…

after seeing these situations on camera.. I’m just in a state of not knowing what is proper police force in all situations. I can see why cops use too much force..

Fear, trauma, wanting to come home to their family, uncertainty, risk management, etc



obviously it’s all contextual

Ive seen 8 cops all shoot a woman with a knife… though she did chase them all out of her apartment. They could have tazed her. 

Im open to my mind changing. But, I also realize the danger and life or death nature that is happening in these situations.

I don’t know. 

At the end of the day, the cop wants to come home to his family, as does his family. 

But, how do I balance and be unbiased towards both cop and criminal/ mentally ill person?

Ive seen plenty of footage of bad cops. I’ve seen plenty of footage of good cops. I’ve seen plenty of footage of average cops in very ambiguous, confusing and potentially very dangerous and scary situations. 

Sometimes it seems entire departments can be in over their heads in their struggle to management danger. They want their colleges and friends to come home. So, sometimes if someone is chasing with a knife they put them down. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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11 hours ago, Starlight321 said:

@Leo Gura but the teaser has the disadvantage of having only one shot and if you miss that one you're in big trouble.

That's why you have a taser in one hand and a gun in the other.

It's not hard to pull a pistol after you fire your taser. This should be done in cases were the criminal is far away and clearly has no firearm.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Here's a 2-shot taser solution every cop should have: https://www.axon.com/products/taser-x2

Also, reloading a taser is not that slow. It reloads as fast as a pistol. I have one.

Edited by Leo Gura

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E@Leo Gura I mean by that these police men are trained to use a gun over a taser for deadly situations. 

Also the police is trained to shoot always on the middle Part of the body(chest) in all Situations. So the one Video where the police shoot someone into the arm where he holds a knife may be pure luck because  the police man was trained to shoot him into the chest


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@OBEler I understand why police shoot in the chest. This is irrelevant to the taser issue.

I have seen plenty of videos where a guy with a knife could have been easily and safely disarmed with a taser, but the cop either didn't have a taser or didn't use one. I don't think it's excusable for a cop not to have a taser.

Edited by Leo Gura

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On 12/8/2022 at 1:54 AM, LSD-Rumi said:

I am gonna say it, black people are not making it easy for cops not to racially profile. If I was a cop in the US, I will be 10 times more catious when dealing with black people. Racial profiling seems to be necessary and essentail if done in a proper and (ironically) unracist way xD

The fact that you come to that conclusion off a couple of videos? You do know statistically majority of crime by the numbers is done more by white people. Blacks have higher percentage within their population but if you take raw data of the numbers of violent crime its white people by a mile because of population. So if I sat you in a chair and showed you all the police videos of crime it would be overwhelming white, so after that sitting and watching...should you profile white people? Your brain would only retain whites as criminals as the sea of all that white violence gets drowned by the totality and sheer numbers.

You see how silly your statement is when taken at face value?

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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