Jobs with a lot of free time

By Jannes in Life Purpose, Career, Entrepreneurship, Finance,
I worked at a coffee job and at the supermarket before and it was okay but pretty stressful and I think the effort money ratio could be optimized.
My idea is to have a job that requires little effort so I can spend most of the time productively working on my studies or whatever else. I thought about working at a casino but when I entered a casino the first time of my life I could smell the vibe of desperation everywhere. It would be a perfect fit practically but the misery there would drag me down I think and it would conflict with my values to work at an unethical place like that. Other ideas I had were babysitting, working at a small shop with little customer or working at a gas station because I heard you have a lot of free time there but I never did it myself.
Any experience or recommendations?
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