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I was never interested in politics and all that biz. In fact, I was always repulsed by all of that. It all seemed like a giant pile of bullshit to me. A shitfest. Circus.

I'm a sensitive, touchy-feely musician. I think creatively, abstractly and idealistically, most of the time. I can be analytical too and I'm good with recognizing certain patterns. But all that political stuff just always seemed so cold and and heartless to me. It's the exact opposite of what I'm all about.

I'm aware this could be kinda dumb though. I guess it could be good to know some stuff about "what's going on in the world", the political climate, how it's all structured and how it operates, etc. 

What do you think? Is this stuff necessary for me to understand and integrate in order to become a fuller, more actualized version of myself? If so, where should I start? What should I look into, if I know nothing about any of this? Or am I really not missing out on anything that significant here? Is it all just unnecessary noise and distraction, as I believed it to be up until now?

In any case, would appreciate some pointers - how to go about unpacking and understanding all that stuff. Thanks! 

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18 minutes ago, ivankiss said:

I was never interested in politics and all that biz. In fact, I was always repulsed by all of that. It all seemed like a giant pile of bullshit to me. A shitfest. Circus.

I'm a sensitive, touchy-feely musician. I think creatively, abstractly and idealistically, most of the time. I can be analytical too and I'm good with recognizing certain patterns. But all that political stuff just always seemed so cold and and heartless to me. It's the exact opposite of what I'm all about.

I'm aware this could be kinda dumb though. I guess it could be good to know some stuff about "what's going on in the world", the political climate, how it's all structured and how it operates, etc. 

What do you think? Is this stuff necessary for me to understand and integrate in order to become a fuller, more actualized version of myself? If so, where should I start? What should I look into, if I know nothing about any of this? Or am I really not missing out on anything that significant here? Is it all just unnecessary noise and distraction, as I believed it to be up until now?

In any case, would appreciate some pointers - how to go about unpacking and understanding all that stuff. Thanks! 

   The usual, watch some mainstream news and alt news media in YouTube, maybe listen to the radio, and/or read newspaper. Make sure you're not only watching/listening/reading from one or few sources, but from a diverse source across the political spectrum.

   You can ask @Yarco, @Carl-Richard, @Forestluv or even @Leo Gura for some pointers too, and other users who got apolitical.

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@Danioover9000 Thanks. I get that, yes. I should be up to date and read about what's going on in the world. But I feel like I have no ground for all that information to stand on. It's a language I barely understand. I want to understand it all at it's core first, if there is such a thing. Whenever I read or listen to political stuff, I mostly have no idea what's being said. It's all very alien to me.

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Remember the time i was apolitical, it was the good time. The time that i focused on my life, science and sports. Now this political stuff showed me our depravity and brought more misery.

Clean your mind

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6 hours ago, ivankiss said:

I'm a sensitive, touchy-feely musician. I think creatively, abstractly and idealistically, most of the time

I would say go with your strengths when it comes to "service". As it stands now politics is not friendly to people like that, so you can still care but not get deeply involved if that makes sense. But service can come in many forms than politics.

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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8 hours ago, ivankiss said:

What do you think? Is this stuff necessary for me to understand and integrate in order to become a fuller, more actualized version of myself?

Yes by definition.

No one said self-actualization is easy or comfortable.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Some people just are not into politics. I get that. I was like this when I was younger.

But it also very much depends on were you live. I assume you are living in a first world democracy and have the luxury of not being political. If you live in most other countries like china,middle east,russia, and many more,you kinda"have to" be political. Because political arena affect each and every aspect of your life.

So I suggest start with basic worldwide political news. Then understand the politics of the place that you live. If you got interested,study some books about subjects that you find interesting. 

I think everyone who wish to grow should at least have some basic understanding of current geopolitics of the world.

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I believe every country is ruled by royalties and always will be. I don't think that's evil. It's just what humans do. America is likely ruled by the British royalty because the flag colors are the same. The reason they hide it is because the masses significantly outnumber them. In the past there weren't as many people so they were more open about it. Look at the word democracy. The word demo means show / exhibit.

I left this forum because a moderator has a problem with me talking positively about myself and giving advice. This reflects the forum as a whole. This place is negative, bitter, hateful and anti success. If you don't notice this that's because you're one of them. I hope some of you benefited from my posts. Take care.

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I used to be exactly like this not many years ago. I just got dragged into it somehow through YouTube.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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@ivankiss Beawre, politics bring up the worst in people. If not approached in a conscious manner, it will have a very bad effect on your life and self. 

Edited by LSD-Rumi

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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Appreciate it guys. I see your point.

It's quite confusing, difficult to consume and understand, but I think I'm going to give it a try. Mainly for the purpose of being a more "well rounded" individual. I assume it will come in handy to know a thing or two in social settings. Do I honestly care about all that stuff? Am I truly curious and interested in it? Passionate about it? No. Not at all. But I feel like it will do me good. 

If anyone could throw in some resources, that would be very cool. Thanks.

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You can connect this directly to your spiritual growth.

The more you realize the interconnectedness of everything, the more you will appreciate the value of being an educated citizen. 

I'd start by reading some Ken Wilber and checking out Schmachtenbergers Consilience Project to get your metaphysics and epistemology attuned to politics.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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@ivankiss Why are you making it so hard? I have a 4 part series that explains all of politics. You could just watch that and be done with this issue.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura by the way leo, what do you think make someone have a conservative or a liberal mind. i can understand very much the conservative mind however i can't help being intuitively liberal 

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2 minutes ago, Majed said:

@Leo Gura by the way leo, what do you think make someone have a conservative or a liberal mind. i can understand very much the conservative mind however i can't help being intuitively liberal 

Combination of personality type and early survival environment.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura so do you think that's why jordan peterson is conservative even though he's at yellow ? 

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@ivankiss Why are you making it so hard? I have a 4 part series that explains all of politics. You could just watch that and be done with this issue.

Its incredible how stupid you are for being so conscious.

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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14 minutes ago, Majed said:

@Leo Gura so do you think that's why jordan peterson is conservative even though he's at yellow ? 

Of course. Why else?

His Yellowness is marginal and spotty.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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16 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

Its incredible how stupid you are for being so conscious.


Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head… And as I climb into an empty bed, oh well, enough said… I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go… Over…

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Going down the rabbit hole now, and wow... I don't think I ever felt this dumb. I've got a lot of catching up to do. I'm still resistant AF, but also kinda excited at the same time. 

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