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Guest Edvardas

Fear, Ego, Kundalini, Energetic Enlightenment, Infinite Intelligence

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Fear makes you tense up. Contraction litirally cuts you off from your true self. Ego is a contraction on the energetic level. Ego has 2 levels - mind and body. Eventially, when you surrender 100% on the mind level and body - your body and mind become one and you live in Unity with all of life. Oneness.   

On the body/mind levels the mechanism of surrender or letting go is exactly the same - it's a relaxation. And you relax by letting go of your will. Which means you do NOTHING. Zero doing from your side, not even meditation, no yoga, nothing. Then, the highest form of meditation manifests itself in you automatically.  If you're doing well and your kundalini is active - you might experience Kriyas. Spontaeus body movements. Continue doing nothing. Finally, they will manifest as a beutiful dance. Not everyone experiences those, though. 

Liberation on the energetic level is simply raising your Kundalini to your brain, when Sahasrara opens it's pettals and the ocean of Bliss washes over you permanently. 

Your intellect gets inmeshed into the fabric and structure of reality. You think Infinitely, you feel Infintely, there is an Infinity of time (eternity), everything looks Infinitely Beutiful.  

You can literraly construct whatever you want. It's never human pleasures. It's like 100x better than that. It's Infiinite Love. It just means Total Awakening. Enlightenment.  

Leo's video of Poetic Description of God realisation is not Poetic at all. It's literally how it is there. It's just that it's an extremely high level, so no one knows about it. 

At the highest level it's not just Bliss. It's much more than that. The only word I find for those states is Glory. 

Anyway.. I think only 1 in a 1000 teachers are in their final lifetime. Until you understand that you must eradicate guilt by knowing it is not there AND when you raise your kundalini you're done. Byebye dreams of seperation, welcome Infinite Potential. Leo visits Infinity and knows what it's like there. Its fucking insane. It's like being the Supreme Lord. Words can't describe it. But the closest symbol I found for those states is a drawing AI made by my query. Attached img.

The actual viauals are of hyperbolic geometry mixed in with life. This world and that world mix into one.   For some time you can leave this world in total - just chill in infinite beuty eithout specific form - just an infinite mandala. Note - you can be seeing infinite mandalas and still be dumb af. You really reach Enlightenment when you know the Truth and your are a total genius. 1 in 7 billion I mean. Because there can only be 1.

Anyway.. Read Jan Esmann's books on Kundalini and start raising it and mix that with total surrender, which just means doing nothing at all - complete 0 use of your will.   

Also, read the Dissapearence of The Universe trilogy and all other books by the author with Pursah and Arten (forgot their names) - it's one of the only books in the world that are better than what is in Leo's book list. It's a must-read if you want to wake up. It will save you lifetimes. Especially if you do ACIM and raise your Kundalini.  Of course, do DMT or other mindblowing psychadelics. They save lifetimes as well. That's the prescription for awakening, if you read all Leo's books, listen to all videos and do shitloads of meditation. 

Anyway.. Just rambling..


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30 minutes ago, Holykael said:

Sounds too good to be true

Hehe :P

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that is reality and true spirituality. when you realize that you are the whole of existence, you have only taken the first step. the next steps are to be. Once you have left the sad and dry path of the mind, enter the path of dancing reality, of unfathomable joy, of pure and spontaneous intelligence.

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4 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

that is reality and true spirituality. when you realize that you are the whole of existence, you have only taken the first step. the next steps are to be. Once you have left the sad and dry path of the mind, enter the path of dancing reality, of unfathomable joy, of pure and spontaneous intelligence.

I'd add egoic to the word mind there. You could say that at high levels you are also a mind, but not a human one, a Divine one. 

Besides that, I have to agree captn!

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3 minutes ago, Edvardas said:

I'd add egoic to the word mind there. You could say that at high levels you are also a mind, but not a human one, a Divine one. 

Besides that, I have to agree captn!

agree, all is mind, but not a greedy mind that cringes in fear, analyzing everything and needing a hold, focused on a fictitious center, but a mind that flows free, without fear, aware of its non-limitation, of its totality. In the end, the ego mind and the divine mind are the same, only fear changes as a limiting factor. Spirituality is get rid of fear

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26 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

agree, all is mind, but not a greedy mind that cringes in fear, analyzing everything and needing a hold, focused on a fictitious center, but a mind that flows free, without fear, aware of its non-limitation, of its totality. In the end, the ego mind and the divine mind are the same, only fear changes as a limiting factor. Spirituality is get rid of fear


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