
I think I'm ready to let go

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all this time people in my life and leo have constantly being telling me to stop focusing on and needing to get my life 'right' socially, whether that be getting the right peer group, or romantic and sexual acquisitions. I've fallen down time and time again but my logical brain somehow was determined to weasel its way around this issue and keep on striving and wanting , but too many other factors get in the way and I end up doing more harm than good. I think i'm sick of hitting my head against the wall and letting things happen naturally, although still put my self in social situations. 

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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What is the problem you are trying to solve socially? Or what are you trying to develop in yourself?

I experienced a lot of social anxiety in the past, but almost never do anymore. I am so grateful that I stuck with it, and lost my fear of people and social situations. People are everywhere if you haven't noticed, so being able to deal with them powerfully could be really worth your while :) .

Edited by Rob06

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@Chives99  Good!

All your social sticking points will be smoothed over anyway if you apply an enormous amount of childlike curiosity and self-love and forgiving self for mistakes.

At least in my experience.

The difference between me and someone who doesn't struggle socially, what I have observed, is that someone who seems to get what they want/need effortlessly have a sense of trust that they will be provided with everything eventually if they just are themselves and do what comes natural. And when they mess up, they don't have a huge shame reaction so they learn quicker.


Edited by flowboy

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Interesting. I'm in a very similar situation. 

Part of me wants to improve by manipulating and "getting" and at the same time I feel like it is pointless and that I am exhausted. 

I feel afraid of letting go because I have some basic shit to solve. 

I'm doing lots of journaling to negotiate internally, connect and align with progress. It may be personal or spiritual or both... I don't know. I'm praying to god show me the way. 

Be OK with the process, identify your limits, and be loving towards yourself. We are on this together. 

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Letting go = accepting who you are  regardless.......

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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