
Netflix show that teaches you game!

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I recommend to watch the show Wednesday on Netflix! it really surprised my how the main character has many characteristics of the game(actually embodying it with behaviour and attitude).Without the characteristics that she has,you are not having the foundation to start building game.If her behaviour shocks you or you dont have them(everyone does but supressed) then you have alot of work to do if you plan to learn game( i do need work).If you have seen the show or planning to watch it, i want to hear what characteristics im talking about and we can have further discussion tnx!

Trailer is here:

Ps. im not claiming i have game learning in progress ...

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@Something Funny its about the girl that cant fit into society so she is transfered to special school...

Lets use your post ,she said "feelings makes you weak" so thats one characteristic shes not run by her feelings that much...

If you dont wanna watch it then dont, i wont just handing to you information, helping you being lazy...

Edited by NoSelfSelf

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@Something Funny then you have to watch it treat it like a book club :D,because its not the same as me saying to you here without the context of scenes and your objections :), because its a different perspective and way you will see when i point it out to you!

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It looks like an interesting show, maybe this character could help you integrate more of a “IDGAF” attitude. But it’s not really practical advice. Acting like this girl is not what success in dating looks like.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@aurum Yeah IDGAF attitude is huge,why you think its not practical ?

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@Something Funny Nice!,biggest thing about what you saying about not giving a f, is that shes not defined by the outside world aka not caring about basically in game you dont really care or communicate with outside world you communicate with yourself ...see how she makes it all about her and her views etc.

You basically is defined by outside world and care about it so you want to learn social skills to get something from them which is all bacķwards(same with me so you dont get offended )

Thats why it doesnt work because you need it so you cant express who you truly are because you have no game meaning your standards and way of being that doesnt care about the world(it can only come as foundation that you only care about you its not possible other way around because then you are faking it or manipulating)

Being a constant in the world that is always changing

One mind one way (game)

Edited by NoSelfSelf

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@Something Funny that's definition of game i got it from few that teaches the real thing...

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@NoSelfSelf lol being grounded yeah that's true, but also game requires learning through trial and error and developing skill, the not giving a fuck attitude is itself the result of developing social skills through approaching and getting rejected. 

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@Majed Im talking about foundation here of the game, which " i dont care attitude" is just one piece of the puzzle(crucial) and yeah it takes alot of skills too but you are jumping to things without grasping the basics because if you knew foundation then you will know that rejection doesnt exist...(and its not metaphisical like it sounds) trial and error is needed like for everything you judging my post is also sign of caring...

Game has nothing to do with people or women...(but its practiced with them so its confusing ) im still trying to grasp the conceptual part tho

Edited by NoSelfSelf

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@NoSelfSelf actually you're kinda overanalyzing it, i've had success with women through pick up, all you need to do is approaching as much as you can and learning the theory from leo's series. have you approached thousands of women ? 

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@Majed what is sucess with women?

I dont see that theory will ever grow me like this im presenting

I dont keep track of that but i think its close to a 100...

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@NoSelfSelf success with women means attracting a lot of women, making out with 10 women in one night, being able to pull girls from the club.... 

it is good that you care about the theory, but ultimately the real results come from approaching thousands of women. you do not need a lot of theory just the basics that leo covers in his three part series.

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@Majed so basically sucess with women is self validation and pleasure..

For me that is like a desert i wouldnt be able to do it just for that ,for me its more important to build character and to learn game because its beautiful and freeing im doing it for freedom im attracted to that ..


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@NoSelfSelf dude all of the theory has been derived from the field. you're going at it backwards. to be able to build character and become free you need massive practice, no amount of theory will give you that. reading books about enlightenment, although important, won't make you enlightened.

plus, you should not demonize pleasure. pleasure is a good thing as long as your whole life is not built around it. 

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@Majed we are mismatching theories because what im talking about is centered around me what you talking about is centered around women...

yeah there is alot of practice involved i dont see where im denying that

Im not demonizing pleasure im saying that that would be a tragedy if thats the only focus of this thing...thats like saying material sucess is all there is to life there is bigger things to get out of life...

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22 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@aurum Yeah IDGAF attitude is huge,why you think its not practical ?

Because in real life this person would be highly anti-social. This is a TV show. If you want to see what good social skills look like, go out and socialize with people who already have good skills. It will not look like this girl.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@aurum Social skill is a skill inside the game so im not here looking at that, im looking at her attitudes and mindsets that is foundation to learn game...

Nobody will look like this girl shes 1of1 thats basically the point of this, there is nobody like her and shes misunderstood because nobody knows how she operates, shes unique now thats game and level of thought that is more impressive and admirable, than anyone with great social skills in my humble opinion...


Edited by NoSelfSelf

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3 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

im looking at her attitudes and mindsets that is foundation to learn game...


I understand your point. You want to be authentic, non-attached etc etc. And you could make the argument that this TV character shows some of that.

The issue is that here it’s done in a way that is not applicable to the real world. If you act like this in the real world, people are not going to like it.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@aurum lets say they wont like it, then queastion comes is being liked more important than being the best you possible, is being the king of your mind better than being a slave of worlds ways,definitions and how things are...being self suffiecent or dependable of others?

I dont think mind works to have it both...

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I think there's some use you could get from watching a show for these reasons.

However, its a drop in the ocean when it comes to actually learning game and success in attraction imo.

Even doing 10 approaches in a nightclub and analysing them using high quality teachings is going to teach you more than any show imo.

Watching these shows can easily just become mental masturbation for avoiding doing what it actually takes to get serious results in dating imo.


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