
Your daily spiritual practices?

6 posts in this topic

I’m curious to know. What kind of meditation you do? For how long?

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I generally do four thirty-minute sessions per day of a type of meditation that I'm not quite sure how to classify - I sit with the sole intention of keeping my body relaxed and still. In other words, in a state of non-resistance; in this state, what had previously been repressed within me (fear, anger, upset, etc.) can gradually arise and release, and energetic blockages in my body can gradually break down. It takes lots of patience and discipline, but I've found it to be extremely potent.

The exact amount I meditate for each day can vary, from time to time I shorten sessions or even skip them altogether if I'm feeling a bit fried and feel like I need to ease off. It's important, I feel, to listen to what your body is telling you, rather than trying to push yourself beyond what you can reasonably handle. You have to find the balance between being lazy in your practice and pushing yourself too hard, but it's something that gets easier with time.

'When you look outside yourself for something to make you feel complete, you never get to know the fullness of your essential nature.' - Amoda Maa Jeevan

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Saying alound and meditating on Divine Names of God in Hebrew and Armaic.

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TMDMTEB developed by Micheal Langford

It's 2 hours a day, similar to Leo's and Ramana Maharishis method.

Its similar to self inquiry, neti neti, concentration, and I AM, meditations. 


Edited by itsadistraction

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my whole life is a spiritual practice. my work, my relationships, sleeping, contemplating reality, contemplating myself. 

as a formal practice, sit an hour or two every day in nature in silence, and once a week or so do psychedelics, if i have time.

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I try and essentially constantly do David Hawkin's letting go constantly. And, I pretty much spend the whole day trying to trigger and get access to emotions I'm dissociated from. My baseline level of consciousness is quite low tho emotionally imo (deep depression/ apathy), so i find it tricky.

What about you @StarStruck?


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