
Are these men sick abusers?

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I predict that the age of consent will increase to 21 and eventually 25. There will be some kind wearable device that everyone is forced to wear that keeps track of who you have sex with. The device can decide if you're allowed to sleep with them or not. Even if they are legal age. For ''virus reasons''. The real world will gradually be made less fun so people will plug themselves into virtual realities. Finding someone to have sex with will become increasingly hard because almost nobody will be leaving their house. 

I left this forum because a moderator has a problem with me talking positively about myself and giving advice. This reflects the forum as a whole. This place is negative, bitter, hateful and anti success. If you don't notice this that's because you're one of them. I hope some of you benefited from my posts. Take care.

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@no_name If both people are underdeveloped why doesnt that make it more likely that guy or girl overpower one another because they dont know any better?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf I have pmed you. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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To those who don’t know better- they will be a victim of predators until they learn not to engage with predators.

to those who know better (predators)- they have to live with the fact that they are piece-of-shit predators every day

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2 hours ago, integral said:

Ive tried to make this point before with out success, but younger women abuse older men as well. Many older men are needy, lonely and desperate and are easily taken advantage of by a pretty thing. 

There is a wide range of diverse situations people can fall into. 

One is expectedly inexperienced, the other is unwilling to learn. I feel 0 empathy towards the other. 

Edited by no_name

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7 minutes ago, no_name said:

Again, see my comment about experience and how idiots don’t learn from it. If you don’t learn your lesson life will keep hitting you in the face with it. I have 0 empathy for those men.

Couldn’t you argue that after she got scolded on the bus that she learns her lesson and doesn’t do that for him again and dump him?

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3 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

Gosh, you are so toxic, calling people names left and right...

Also, how is it okay to speak to people like that?

@integral doesn't it fall at least under one of two points from forum guidelines?

- Verbal abuse (she actually directed it at a specific forum memeber on top of that...)
- Hate speech: racism, sexism, homophobic slurs, threats, harassment, or excessive profanity

@Something Funny I think you are obsessed with me, you follow my every single post and can’t stop yourself from commenting.

@integral please keep in mind that this forum is heavily regulated towards male users. Women on this forum have to endure all kind of abuse, but god forbid you offend men in any way.

Also it has nothing to with racism but with third world culture where it’s still normal to be misogynist towards women. 

Edited by no_name

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22 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

@no_name I am not really obsessed with you, but your posts often blow up because of how controversial and polarizing they are so it's hard to not notice them. And, to be honest, people like you trigger me a lot because of how hateful you are towards others.

I am all for regulating men as well when they are crossing the boundaries. It doesn't mean that you specifically should now have a greenlight for abusing others

So why aren’t you commenting under a thousands of posts like this that men make? Why aren’t you reporting that?

You’ve patted yourself on the back for not participating in the “women are run through” open discussion we’ve been having - interestingly you’ve commented that also AFTER MY POST.

Or because I am a woman I am not allowed to be “controversial and polarizing” not to make entitled “centre of the universe” males like you “triggered”? 

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4 minutes ago, Something Funny said:

Cause that dudes opinion was just too cringe to even discuss it. And no, I didn't do it after your comment. I was following it since the beginning and had a strong urge to start an argument with him, but was able to hold back, of which I am proud to be honest.

As I already said, you general views and arguments are kind of valid. What triggers me so much about you is that you just have to call everyone names and use personal attacks. If not that, I think I would actually be friends with you.

Edit: also, I do call people out oftentimes whenever they post retarded red pill comments under my own threads and discussions.

That is my style of communication. It will never change. In fact, you being a pain in the ass makes me want to call people names even more. 

See you do it, so maybe instead of trying to teach a grown woman of how she’s supposed to speak you try and change yourself? 

Edited by no_name

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2 hours ago, Eyowey said:

There will be some kind wearable device that everyone is forced to wear that keeps track of who you have sex with. The device can decide if you're allowed to sleep with them or not. Even if they are legal age.

This restriction would without a doubt only be imposed on men if such a dystopian scenario manifests.

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3 hours ago, Eyowey said:

I predict that the age of consent will increase to 21 and eventually 25. There will be some kind wearable device that everyone is forced to wear that keeps track of who you have sex with. The device can decide if you're allowed to sleep with them or not. Even if they are legal age. For ''virus reasons''. The real world will gradually be made less fun so people will plug themselves into virtual realities. Finding someone to have sex with will become increasingly hard because almost nobody will be leaving their house. 

Why was the age of concent 18 to begin with? Why is it that in US you aren’t considered responsible enough to have alcohol until 21, but yet it’s ok for a 40 year old grandpa to date you? 

Or why is it that you can’t even rent a car until the age of 25? But yet you are considered wise enough to marry/start a family/ bring in children to this world.

Edited by no_name

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3 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@no_name If both people are underdeveloped why doesnt that make it more likely that guy or girl overpower one another because they dont know any better?

Because growing up children have been taught to listen to adults because they are older and thus know better. You were not told to listen to your younger/same age sibling. Being older has a natural authority to it.

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Age tends to create a power differential.  Such power differentials exist in many areas of society (surgeon - patient, parent - child, CEO - employee, politician - people). 

These power differentials can be beneficial, but they can and often are abused as well. Historically (and currently) men certainly have been guilty of this. 

Because of this abuse, feminism has necessarily been about leveling this power differential. Women no longer have to depend on men for money and resources, they can have a career and make their own money. They can vote politically. They have reproductive autonomy. This gives power back to women in the differential. 

In the future, we need to both develop a healthier relationship with power differentials and eliminate toxic ones. 

The problem is less that there is some power differential and more the tendency to exploit this power for personal gain. Power can be very seductive for the ego and it takes a high level of development to stay in a place of responsibility and not exploitation. 



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37 minutes ago, aurum said:

These power differentials can be beneficial, but they can and often are abused as well. Historically (and currently) men certainly have been guilty of this. 


38 minutes ago, aurum said:

Because of this abuse, feminism has necessarily been about leveling this power differential.

Historically perhaps. But, what rights do men have that women don’t as of currently?

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5 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:


Historically perhaps. But, what rights do men have that women don’t as of currently?

You think that the power balance between two genders will change over night right after you fix laws? 

Also in some countries men have the right to bare their head and drive cars that women cannot do.

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44 minutes ago, Emotionalmosquito said:

Historically perhaps. But, what rights do men have that women don’t as of currently?

My argument was not that men have more legal rights than women. In the west things have definitely progressed. Other areas of the globe are lower on the spiral and have not hit full feminism yet. 

Still, interpersonal power differentials between men and women in relationship can exist. Whether this is healthy or unhealthy for the relationship depends on many factors.

Both genders are obviously capable of holding the power differential in their favor and committing abuse. This is not about gender per say. It’s about selfishness and the ego’s desire to seek survival gain often at the expense of others. But the masculine is of particular concern here since the Jungian feminine tends to seeks masculine containment. 

Edited by aurum



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44 minutes ago, no_name said:

You think that the power balance between two genders will change over night right after you fix laws? 

Also in some countries men have the right to bare their head and drive cars that women cannot do.

Women’s lib happened quite a bit longer ago than overnight.

Granted many places are still underdeveloped in that way. But most first world countries have both genders pretty much on equal playing fields now. Depending on location, women have actually gained better positions than men in certain aspects. For example, in the UK, men can be jailed for looking at women without their permission. And it’s pretty well known that in the west, females will usually be given lighter sentences for same crimes as men. 

@aurum makes sense 

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I try not to respond to these threads in too reactive of a way (because rarely does it do much good IMO), and generally, I'm past getting particularly provoked anyway. I've pretty much seen it all, when it comes to the justifications of perspectives on the opposite side. It's mostly all the same arguments.

You could say something which is basically the equivalent of >>it's just reality women should deal with it!!!<<     Ok, but does this resolve people of the responsibility and ramifications of pushing out their worldview dogmatically? Where are the actual limits of just saying whatever it is you want in this space?

Here's where I feel concerned: I've sometimes been talking to women who are younger than me from here in private, and it is usually this section that makes them extremely uncomfortable. To some degree, even a little bit, they wonder if they are overreacting for feeling the way that they do, for feeling that the way that women are talked about here is just wrong, particularly when it's at its worst. Like, it's degrading, condescending, hateful, etc...

They wonder if dating in "the real world" is going to be this bad (and in that case, they might not want to deal with the opposite sex at all). Though I myself say that I don't think it is at all, and that in my experience, it hasn't been the case. (But that also, there might be some generational differences with technology causing some people, especially males, to not be socialized as well...) But also that there is also a much wider spectrum of male persons out there in the real world, including those who have a MUCH healthier and more positive attitude towards the opposite sex. Many people here would probably just call "normies" too, on a forum obsessed with self-development and spirituality. And say stuff which basically amounts to, well... I'm higher up the SD spiral than all of those plebians, therefore I am just better. But clearly, they have experience being better socialized with the opposite sex...

Why is it, that the real, "plebian" world is much better than here with this one issue especially? Why is that ok?? How do you justify this to yourself other than "because reality/ survival + fuck women I gotta get what I want because no one else will get it for me? If you want to call and think of yourself as "better" at least have some higher moral standards for yourself?

If you saw women talk about men in a similar spirit with similar language as used here, well... the result would be pretty predictable.

But really, who can blame women for coming on here, reading all of this stuff, and getting concerned for their well-being as well as incredibly turned off?

Edited by eos_nyxia

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The thing is that I came to this forum a couple years ago with a more understanding, open perspective. Like I was willing to put myself in the shoes of other people to the best of my ability, whatever was humanly possible for me to do, and to take this to an extreme. This very much includes perspectives which I don't find hospitable to me personally. Because I like to learn about all perspectives in pretty much any way, I don't feel this need to get married to ideology whether it's practical or not. I've read a lot of incel/ red pill/ black pill "philosophy" and various other things that I could get my hand on starting years ago. I'll literally read anything.

You say no one understands you or cares? I do.  ...for whatever that's worth.

Even with me... this never-ending barrage of shitting on women turns me off. And I don't think it's right.

And frankly, when you say other women don't care at all... having looked around? I'm not convinced. Women by default here make concessions of extending greater understanding and "keeping the peace" simply by being here, especially in this part of the forum.


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10 hours ago, no_name said:

Would be more interested to hear of your ACTUAL experience.

Also are you from India? Indian men are non-datable in US because they are probably the most misogynistic and entitled men on the planet. 

Also, becoming bitter with age is a phenomena both genders may face if they are regressing in life. Men who think it only applies to women are usually bitter AF themselves.

You should thank your lucky, privileged stars that people are taking your racist opinions seriously. 

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