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Having Trouble Getting Started, Any Advice?

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I have had trouble beginning my self-improvement journey. I have such a long list of issues that I want to tackle but I am having trouble building momentum. For example, I decide to begin meditating but then I get distracted by how I need to improve my time-management and switch all my focus to that. Then a week later, I would get distracted by wanting to lose weight and shift all my attention to that. I can't seem to shake off the restlessness and make real progress on anything.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I feel that this is the main thing holding me back.

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What I would suggest is that you should devote one month to gaining one positive habit. For example: In february you decide to fix your time managing problem, and use all your resources for doing that, also keep your focus only on developing time managing skills. After 30 days, you still continue that, but also begin new thing, for example going to the gym and beginning to lose some weight, after another 30 days, don't stop neither of them (time management and losing weight) and begin a new thing... And in couple of months, you will have gained couple of new habits, and you will also gain an experience in building new habits. 

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