
Christmas Present Idea for Significant Other

19 posts in this topic

I've been dating my boyfriend for 7 months and generally speaking I'm not the best at giving gifts. I was wondering if yall had any ideas lol 

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Hello dearest @soos_mite_ah,

I am so happy to hear you've found a special someone. ;)

What you can offer him depends so much of context that's it's a bit tough to assess what will make a perfect gift for your beloved. :D

But here are a few thoughts:

- Deep within, what we crave most from others is their presence/awareness/love. So I would suggest that whatever you gift him comes from that place, and hint you've been mindful of his life experience/needs since you've met him. I've found throughout time that a good Christmas present is always touching in that way. Show him you are attuned to him.

-Objects can be very cool, but the nec plus ultra is probably shared experience. I don't know what are your ressources, but maybe you could gift him with a small trip, or organize some very cool stuff you know he likes that is a bit out of the ordinary. And there, you could make sure again you give him your undivided, loving attention. Some real quality time.

-Check around his center of interest and passions.

15 hours ago, Phil King said:

An envelope of cash or head.

xD. Yeah. I would advise against any type of blatant self-commodification. You probably don't want to enter a dynamic where Christmas sex, birthday sex and all that becomes a norm or expectation -_-. But if you're crazy about him, maybe you can buy yourself some really beautiful underwears (Etsy got gorgeous stuff) and dig for some know how and set him up for some nice time together :D!

Edited by Etherial Cat

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@soos_mite_ah either just ask him straight what he would like or... give him something unique or unusual that represents you in some way.

Edited by LastThursday

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Get him a gift for him to give back to you that you have to wear regularly. Like a super sexy pair of panties and cheerleader outfit or lingerie. If I had a gf, I would love that. Of course that could just be my sex starved imagination talking and he really just wants something more for him.

You could always just get him an Arabian Ass Accelerator

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You know your boyfriend better than anyone on the forum…

But you can never go wrong with an experience. Get y’all a weekend vacation or pay for a fun trip. Those are my favorite gifts. 

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What are his interests?

Try to think of something useful he will use everyday, men love useful - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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@soos_mite_ah Cute! What kind of guy is he? I.e. is he super masculine? More in touch with his feminine side?


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Yea I would try to go off of his interests/love language. If he really doesn't like gifts or stuff then get him something small if you really wanna get him a gift.

I got my bf a gift from etsy its a mug with a rock climbing hold since he loves rock climbing. He loves it!



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Glass bottled soda can bewitch a mans heart. This one in particular has holiday vibes.

Butterscotch beer.jpg

I left this forum because a moderator has a problem with me talking positively about myself and giving advice. This reflects the forum as a whole. This place is negative, bitter, hateful and anti success. If you don't notice this that's because you're one of them. I hope some of you benefited from my posts. Take care.

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I always give creative presents to my SO. Like hand-made stuff, hand created images, poster of a show we both like, that is like an inside thing for us, or "blank" ones. Blank ones are the best, like some empty journal, special paper, coloring book or art supplies. 

Or something practical if it's something useful, like an ebook reader, it's really not that pricey for a gift if you factor in how much you would have otherwise spent on making a DIY thing xD

Maybe some gift that makes a promise. Like hiking gear and a promise that you will go on a great mountain adventure in the summer together. Or tickets for some hippie summer festival or concert.

Oh, oh I know, I know! Prinitng photos makes a great present. But not the standard lame-ass postcard size, but bigger, like twice as big at least. They are great. Big, high-qulity, selected photos of YOU, together.

And since we are on self-actualization forum, then Yoga accessories make a great gift. Maybe a cool hand-made psychedelics stash, or vape stash, or maybe fance vape accessories. Muse headband for meditation. 

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Look into dive centers. Or skydiving if you dare :P

Does he like poetry? Then a good book on that, or nutrition, philosophy, etc.

I prefer to focus on experiences rather than the mere object. 

A mug with a picture of his dog and a funny or loving quote.


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He's really likes working with his hands and fixing things in his car or around his house during his free time. I . thought about getting a tool set of sorts but I don't know much about it, I'm not super familiar with what specific kind he is looking for, and good quality sets are out of my budget. 

The main idea I'm planning on going with is getting scarf and embroidering it with his initials myself. I know he gets cold easily and I thought the embroidary would be something that added a personal touch and would show some more effort on my part. He's also planning on going to Chicago to visit family for Christmas and he's been talking about how he already feels like he's freezing in Texas :D

On 12/4/2022 at 4:03 PM, Leo Gura said:

What is up with all this sex cringe?

I see a lot of cool gift ideas on Instagram. I bought my brother this thing:

I also like the puzzle idea that Leo suggested. While it isn't something we really talked about, I know there is a general trend for people who like to work with their hands also liking puzzles. I feel like this is something that he would like. 


As for the weird sexual comments on this thread, I guess if all else fails I could get him a pair of boxers with my face on it lmaooooo :P 

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41 minutes ago, soos_mite_ah said:

As for the weird sexual comments on this thread, I guess if all else fails I could get him a pair of boxers with my face on it lmaooooo

An ex-girlfriend of mine mailed me a pillow with a photo of her ass printed on it.

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13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

An ex-girlfriend of mine mailed me a pillow with a photo of her ass printed on it.

Do you sleep face down on it? ???

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8 hours ago, Greatnestwithin said:
8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

An ex-girlfriend of mine mailed me a pillow with a photo of her ass printed on it.

Do you sleep face down on it? ???

Sleep on it? Why not frame it and put it up on the wall? 

(I can't believe I just said that)

57% paranoid

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