At What Level Of Accountability Are You Operating At?

By Razard86 in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
I've noticed a lot of people complain about how the ignore function works. They complain about how some people's posts can show up in quotes and that the person can still reply to your posts etc. Now I haven't completely tested all the in and out's of the ignore function so someone else can comment on how it works. But to me it is sufficient. Why? Because if your normal replies are blocked....its fine. Also....I have seen some complain that they maybe tempted out of curiosity to maybe look at a comment? So I have a question for the people who are saying this. There is no judgment here just a question. Are you really going to blame the block system for you choosing to show a person's post you blocked? I refer to the title of this thread. At what level of accountability are you operating at? So its the ignore function that needs to be held accountable? Could you just choose to not show their post? But if you do choose to do it, you admit that you made that decision and no blame the ignore post as the problem? Can you please see....the underlying issue here? Your issue with the ignore function not being really a complain against yourself and you are blaming the ignore function for it. I personally find the function adequate. It meets the general use that it is there for. Do I sometimes get curious and click show post? Yes, and I do so with full knowledge that I CHOSE to do it and if I don't like what I read its on me!!! Its actually pretty good at showing you in real-time accountability....and yet I am seeing more run from this. Come on...if you are given an option to ignore...and you violate is it the fault of the option giving mechanism? Also when someone quotes can just scroll past it you DON'T HAVE TO READ IT. You see? Can we please take some accountability? Why is it okay to ask for the people you block to be held accountable for what they do....but you cannot hold yourself accountable for what you do? Do you see the game? Others should be accountable, and the ignore function and those I ignore are at fault, but me I am not at fault?  This isn't judgment....its a pointer....could the ignore function be more robust? It could...but in the meantime...can we just CHOOSE to scroll past, and if we CHOOSE to read....not blame the ignore function? PRETTY PLEASE?
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