The Universe

Is Hinduism More Reliable For Enlightement Than Buddhism ?

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10 hours ago, The Universe said:

So hello, my real "name" is Samuel and i'm currently working on both Buddhist practices and Hindu practices (notably to activate the Third Eye and cultivate the chakras, i'm not into divinities for the moment) and i was asking myself :

Do Third Eye meditation can help to get to enlightement by cultivating self-love and Letting Go + seing entities and Angels and all that jazz 


Do Buddhist meditation and really all the over kind of meditation (Vipassana, Letting the thoughts flow...) are more reliable

Thank you for answering that question. :)

I would suggest listening to what enlightend people have to say and stay away from religion.

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Hinduism is kind of everything you need and everything you dont need. Budhism is also kind of same minus brahmanical order.  Budha actually fought with Hindu brahmins  veiws which is same of abrahamic religion.  Hinduism dasha maha vidya (tantric) has lot of freedom compared to some budhist practise. And Hindus veiw on reincarnation is cool.

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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50 minutes ago, Harikrishnan said:

Hinduism dasha maha vidya (tantric) has lot of freedom compared to some budhist practise.

Buddha had chosen: he had chosen to escape from the world, he had chosen to leave his wife and child and old father, he had chosen to run away instead of encountering the world and facing the reality. It was a clear-cut choice against the world, against the material, in favor of the spiritual.

A man of totality has nothing to choose. His life is a life of choicelessness. Nothing to choose, nothing to discard; they are two sides of the same coin. If you choose something, you will have to discard something.

Buddha cannot laugh, cannot dance, cannot sing, cannot love. Now what kind of life will it be? Hollow! 

Where Buddha Ends Krishna Begins. Krishna is utterly incomparable, he is so unique. Firstly, his uniqueness lies in the fact that although Krishna happened in the ancient past he belongs to the future, is really of the future. Man has yet to grow to that height where he can be a contemporary of Krishna's.

Edited by Prabhaker

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Religions, and Buddhism, are perspectives. Following them is believing. Learn quantum mechanics instead. This sets you free. If the topic is enlightenment and seeing through reality, scientists did this to the furthest extent currently possible a very long time ago. Learn the science of reality and form your own understanding vs believing or not believing what another person has said about it. 



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Buddha had chosen: he had chosen to escape from the world, he had chosen to leave his wife and child and old father, he had chosen to run away instead of encountering the world and facing the reality. It was a clear-cut choice against the world, against the material, in favor of the spiritual.

A man of totality has nothing to choose. His life is a life of choicelessness. Nothing to choose, nothing to discard; they are two sides of the same coin. If you choose something, you will have to discard something.

Buddha cannot laugh, cannot dance, cannot sing, cannot love. Now what kind of life will it be? Hollow! 

Where Buddha Ends Krishna Begins. Krishna is utterly incomparable, he is so unique. Firstly, his uniqueness lies in the fact that although Krishna happened in the ancient past he belongs to the future, is really of the future. Man has yet to grow to that height where he can be a contemporary of Krishna's.


@Prabhaker What you refer to is a little bit inaccurate as it depicts only the Hinayana and sutrayana path of buddhism, the path of renunciation. But this is not the only path that exists within buddhism.

Actually, there are three principal paths or methods of teachings, none being more perfect or effective than another. In fact, all are really precious.

1) The path of renunciation (that you talk about) :

The sutra teachings of the buddha, the four noble truths. The basic principle is that, to bring an end to th suddering, it is necessary to renounce or abstain from carrying actions that produce negative karma. By observing rules/ precepts and guarding one's body/speech/ mind, one's mind rests more easilly in concentration and mindfulness is more easilly guarded all day. (Imagine if you had to follow 252 rules how mindful you would be of your actions, words, thoughts). The conduct is not the goal, nor is the renunciation. This is just a tool for wisdom to develop more easilly, and reaching a state where you realize that there was nothing to renounce.

In fact, a thai monk, Ajahn Chah, used to say : "I'm always talking about things to develop and things to give up, but, really, there's nothing to develop and nothing to give up"


2) The path of transformation 


The path of transformation can be found in tantric teachings and are based on the knowledge and application of energy. 

In Vajrayana or secret mantra, for example, nothing is to be renounced, and it is considered a violation to discard anything.

(In vajrayana, one must recognize every thought to be the display of wisdom, every sound to be the sound of mantra, and all form to be the display of deities).

If anger arises, for example, instead of blocking the anger by seeing the negative consequences of it as in the path of renunciation, the tantric practionner uses its energy as a means for transformation by visualizing himself as transformed into a wrathful form of deity. Much harder to do, and much more dangerous, but if done well, brings tremendous insights.

3) The path of self-liberation

In atiyoga, or the dzogchen path, there is nothing to renounce or to transform. Easy, one can say, but if one does not have sufficient capacity, this self liberation will not bring real results and it is then advised that one should use whatever method is suited to the situation until one has acquired deep knowledge of self-liberation.

In fact, many accomplished 'buddhist' yogis had a wife, children, a regular job and did not renounce anything of this life. 

Therefore, any spiritual practice cannot be defined by such dichotomy and all teachings meet at one point. They are tools to reach this meeting point where tools are not needed anymore and teachings can be discarded. So we cannot make hasty judgements about how it looks from the outside.

Edited by Guivs
missing quote

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Krishna is an alien?,  how the hell can he do all those beautiful things he was perfection. 

From what i heard Budha to had a teacher for 3 years or more. and he had lot of teachers grace on him and good past life deeds that abled him to attain Nirvana.  Internet can never be a teacher. Internet can only bring you teachers?. You need a good teacher to move forward. Hindus say this" And when time is right;Teachers comes to u"

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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1 hour ago, Guivs said:

In Vajrayana or secret mantra, for example, nothing is to be renounced, and it is considered a violation to discard anything.

I was not talking about Buddhism, I was talking about Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama).

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Sure, but you responded to that : "Hinduism dasha maha vidya (tantric) has lot of freedom compared to some budhist practise.",this is why I thought it would be good to clarify ;) 

Edited by Guivs

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@The Universe An India-born aquaintence suggested I go talk to someone in a local Hindu temple after I got awakened. He said I would need their help in order to keep my path pure. I declined, staying clear from belief systems. There's no 'me' to be instructed about anything anyway. Meditations, direct observation, practicing Being, and shadow work all keep me well rooted in reality. Don't think about stuff... just BE.   

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12 minutes ago, Natasha said:

@The Universe An India-born aquaintence suggested I go talk to someone in a local Hindu temple after I got awakened. He said I would need their help in order to keep my path pure. I declined, staying clear from belief systems. There's no 'me' to be instructed about anything anyway. Meditations, direct observation, practicing Being, and shadow work all keep me well rooted in reality. Don't think about stuff... just BE.   

That made me feel so good. Thank you for that! I agree. It seems even the practices themselves can be bottomless pits on thinking if we are not careful. It is a slippery slope mixing any religion with self actualization. At the same time - whatever gets someone interested and going on their path is also beneficial, but still learning that will need to be let go of down the path. Much joy to you Natasha, your words are always so balanced, insightful and simple. This is a path I am pursuing and I always appreciate your example. Thank you again. 



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@Harikrishnan I think that both of those religion have some pros & cons :

On one way the Buddha gives a great direct path to get to enlightement without even being obligated to take in count all the basic principles. The method is already great by itself.

On the other hand Hinduism is more profund to the cultivation of good feelings and chakras to get to that : "aha" and eventually enlightement.

I'll say ( well that's for me ) that both religion are interesting because they deliver two way of understanding the reality but also two final "truths" to understand which for me are relevant for the two of them which are :

God by loving yourself and the World with Hinduism 


Nothingness and Oneness with Buddhism.

Edited by The Universe

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@Nahm Do you have some references and ways of interpretation to put out for us to start to learn how reality works with quantum physics ? :);)

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@Natasha i already know that by living in the present moment ;) :). But that's good to repeat tho. Répétition is a great learning way ! :) ?

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@The Universe I'm not enlightened, but have had experiences.
Can't say for sure on if you will meet an entity.

A lot of it is pretty much carving out your own path and seeing where it takes you.


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@The Universe No, Hinduism isn't better for enlightenment than Buddhism or vice versa. It's all about your preference. There is the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in Hinduism and in Buddhism there is the 8 Fold Path. Both of those lead to direct liberation. When you succeed in them, you can experience Absolute Infinity without 5-MeO-DMT. (I'm not joking) Although most people will NEVER put that into practice because their ego won't allow them to be that disciplined. A lot of people don't like to hear that but it's true. Waking up from the dream state is extremely hard. 


The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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Edited by Harikrishnan

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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1 hour ago, The Universe said:

@Nahm Do you have some references and ways of interpretation to put out for us to start to learn how reality works with quantum physics ? :);)

youtube is an easy entry



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