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Duality in Unity

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There is only light.

But Light has two aspects.

One is STILLNESS (No motion)

The other is cyclic MOTION

Motion at 186,000 miles per sec

Total Reality is duality of wholeness

Two opposites that BOTH exist

BOTH forms of Light exist ALWAYS.

Since one aspect is Timeless & eternal, the Cyclic aspect will exist for eternity.

TIME is the contents of Timeless Eternity, Timeless Eternity is a Record of Time. Cyclic Light is Time.

This DUALITY has been expressed before


Notice the upper part is separate and different in contents.

The UPPER PART represent the Timeless, Non-physical aspect to Reality. Below is Time and physical Form.

So 2 OPPOSITE things are going on at once. First let's look at the a, b, c's of CYCLIC LIGHT.

Cyclic Light is Time

Time is Motion

Motion is physical

Physical is change

Change is process

Process is Thinking

Thinking is Sequence

Sequence is Form

Form is Outside

Outside is space

Space is Time

Spacetime means: Space = Time


If Timeless is STILLNESS, then it is SILENCE.

The exact opposite, Time, being Motion, is therefore SOUND.

Space Is also SOUND Since Time Is Space.

Space is Oscillation at 2.73 degrees Kelvin.

That's - 270 degrees Celcius

Generating filaments & Focal points.

Seperation (Withdrawal) of ONE into TWO.

Like a cool breeze or a gentle SOUND just above ABSOLUTE ZERO.

Galaxy is a Focal Point of this PROCESS.

A process of ONE material becoming TWO, compressing and expanding at the same time.

The galactic Disc rotates around a singular location at the center.

Current wisdom suggests that a Black Hole exists at the center.

Let's see what duality has to say about this.


If Time is space, then the opposites are also true.


Timeless Still LIGHT needs No Space to exist.

So it will appear in space as a SINGULARITY with ZERO dimension. And it will appear Black because Still Light cannot been seen using ANY physical means.


If you could see Still LIGHT the entire INFINITE Universe would be an unchanging blinding luminosity.

In other words, Still Timeless LIGHT IS Non-physical.

Non-physical is COLD


Stillness is POTENTIAL

Potential is INSIDE

Inside is FORMLESS

Formless is NO SPACE

No Space is TIMELESS

Timeless is ETERNAL

Eternal is INFINITE


A Galaxy is Timelessness surrounded by Time or ABSOLUTE COLD surrounded by HEAT or STILL LIGHT surrounded by Cyclic Light or STILLNESS surrounded by MOTION.


If Stillness is Eternal, then Motion is Eternally Cyclic. And the OPPOSITE of NO SPACE is INFINITE SPACE.

In other words, the Universe is INFINITE in Space & Duration.

Therefore, there are an INFINITE number of Galaxies in the Universe.

No need for MULTIVERSES when the Universe is already INFINITE.

ALL to process a single material

This PROCESS applies to a Galaxy, a Star or a Planet.

ALL bodies in space discharge from their equators.

ALL spinning bodies in space have COLD, ZERO point centers.


Stars are like fruits on the Galactic TREE.

Generating Planet, like seeds from the STAR fruit.

This means LIFE exists EVERYWHERE through out INFINITE SPACE.

But what's it all for?

Let's consult the Duality Oracle again.


Stillness is MIND


INFINITE MIND becomes SINGULAR in a step down process.


Because MIND Cannot THINK.

MIND can only KNOW...


And Stillness cannot change.

Thinking is change.

What is thinking for?

It's for achieving Enlightenment (understanding)

Total MIND uses a physical step down process

That allows it to watch contemplation.

So it can understand & know itself totally.


Mind must Be SINGULAR to see itself as TOTALITY.


We are physical so we can contemplate and understand that MIND is ALL THERE IS

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Wonderful, but the mind is not all there is. Beyond the mind is the Self. Beyond the Self is no-thing. Beyond no-thing is divinity. Keep investigating, but note that you have to transcend the mind to the Self first. :)

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Self = spirit 

I am the spirit. 

Total mind is spirit

In this case i was refering that to consiousness. It's just semantics 

There is only one truth. And it can be only one single truth. Which is that the Self is spirit. Which is consiousness. That's the truth. If there are more than one truth then it would render Truth meaningless. That's why there is only one truth. 

No thing, divinity = Spirit. 

We say its no thing because spirit is non manifested. You can't find it in the visible manifested world. But together they make whole. Like a holeon. 

Spirit can be known only through BEING it. 

But yeah i got ways to go still. ?

Edited by Nercohype

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On 28/11/2022 at 11:56 AM, Nercohype said:

Mind must Be SINGULAR to see itself as TOTALITY.

How does this happen? What would the Totality be? 

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