Leo Gura

How To Improve Actualized.org - Mega-Thread

291 posts in this topic

We all know it's perfect, but just in case ;)

This should be a doozy.

Let's hear it all.

No guarantees of implementation.

Be gentle with me. I might cry. ¬¬

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Dark Mode. Don't really care too much about it, just throwing it out there.

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@Leo Gura be more polite and stop insulting people when you lock their threads. ;)

For real though..First, take a look at your website's design. Is it outdated or does it look like it was made by a professional? If it's the latter, then you might want to consider hiring a web designer to give your website a makeover. Take a look at your blog's content. Is it informative and well-written? If not, then you might want to consider hiring a content writer to help you improve your blog  content. Because sole of your recent written blogs of yours were like trolling and low quality. 

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There should be a commission for mods. Some are misusing their mod power to get favors  and attention of female members. It really ruins the so called high consciousness environment of this forum. 

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The above user is complaining about me and spreading false rumors. 

Some users constantly engage in personal attacks. Mods don't do much about it. It makes the place very unsafe. I want to complain about the above user who is constantly going after me. It's very frustrating 

This shouldn't be a place of gossip and false rumors that these users are engaging in. 

And users shouldn't be forced to reveal identities. 

I have already complained about it yet the same behavior will continue 

I'm sick and tired of complaining and reporting doesn't do shit. 


There should be a better way to handle user complaints. 



Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Honestly? More courses. They don't necessarily have to be as big or grand as the Life Purpose course. I'd buy shorter courses on:

- How to use Psychedelics for spiritual growth

- How to reach stage Yellow & Turquoise thinking

- Leadership / Healthy masculinity

God and I worked things out

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  On 11/28/2022 at 10:08 AM, Something Funny said:

Function to sort blog posts by tags and categories.

I don't mind the design. It's kind of cozy, never bothered me.

this. The blog is full of amazing insights but clicking page by page looking for the specific post is tedious. at least have the option to see all titles in a single screen - like with the mp3 download site - for clarity.

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I honestly for me actualized is perfect it gives me all the tools i need and then i can be on my own learning and deconstructing my mind, but it would be great if leo can cover basic self help in depth in few video, for some reason actualized attract people with high level of dysfunction in their life that they lack so much of the basics and they dont know what is there missing (well at least that is what i noticed), for me personally all the things i was missing in my life actualized teal and sadhguru (well and yoga) filled that need or gap, i know leo loves mostly to explore consciousness and philosophy which is amazing, but if he did one or tow videos covering all self help basics it would be amazing and few more videos on conscious business/leadership/relationship, but tbh actualized.org is not for everybody and leo can never ever makes everyone happy, and i would love that leo write a big ass book on philosophy and a big ass one on psychedelics, anyway thank you so much leo for your amazing content and your time and the struggle you went throw to build actulized.org

i really think that most of us is stuck in the mentality of that somebody should spoon feed us the information but all we need is few tools and concept to get us started tho as i mentioned some people lifes  are too dysfunctional they need more help and more fundation.

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It would be cool if on the homepage there's a button next to forum that says dating. And if you click on it then you're asked a bunch of questions that determine your level of consciousness. And then you get matched with people who are on the same level as you.


I left this forum because a moderator has a problem with me talking positively about myself and giving advice. This reflects the forum as a whole. This place is negative, bitter, hateful and anti success. If you don't notice this that's because you're one of them. I hope some of you benefited from my posts. Take care.

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Make warning points and their causality public at the profile. Make people wear their criminal record on their sleeves ?

Old Leo would never allow this since it was regarded as chimp gossiping and chimp behavior, but now we have gone full circle and are going through the rolling up the sleeves and  " civilizing the chimps " phase , since Leo  is starting his Master Debater journey. I appreciate the extra content btw.

Maybe add some sort of social credit system

Why are you not open for coaching? Not that I can afford it anyways. Maybe offer coaching for your mods to have more effective public law enforcement?


EDIT : How to turn on Emoji Keyboard ? @Leo Gura  You are sharp with words. Time to master emojis.

Edited by mmKay

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  On 11/28/2022 at 10:48 AM, mmKay said:

Make warning points and their causality public at the profile. Make people wear their criminal record on their sleeves ?


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  1. some people here consider you a role model, and thats pretty healthy as long as its not "guru worshipping", but you have some things that could negatively influence others that you could change, like stop being disrespectful to others and show more emotions.
  2. i sometimes notice in some your videos and such, you use ideas from specific authors/people without giving credit or mentioning the source, that could change. 
  3. more videos for youngsters please :D

also wanted to add that you changed my life.

won't make it long since words won't be able to capture it, but you really saved my life and made life something i love and enjoy living, i am thankful from all my heart, and i aim to surpass you one day leo ;).


so thanks. 




I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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I know you’re not interested on debates but Curt is doing a Λ series of rounds and would interesting to see you talk with someone you’d be interested, if any ofc, like Rupert Spira? I had learned a lot from your interviews tho.  

As a improvement for Actualized.org I might need more time to think since I come to visit from time to time. As a artist, sometimes I focus a lot on teaching and teaching techniques, show my process, etc.  that sometimes it comes good to do and maybe share stuff outside your hardcore teachings, maybe like you did your retreats content, vlogs were great, how to make a journal, maybe show some of your visual art, the point is to keep doing yourself and not be too hard and serious on you, at least that’s how I manage to keep fresh my content.??‍?

Edited by Juan

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1. Create a clear Vision about where you are going personally and as a brand. Communicate this vision to your community. The vision can be a span of 3, 10, 30 years, or anything in between. 

2. The highest teachings are not what you have said, but what you have become. Focus more on embodying the things you have said. People copy your words consciously and your being subconsciously. Become a mystery that can't be copied. :) 

3. Rather than giving broad general advice to faceless crowds, go into the crowd and meet the individual faces. See the beauty in every face.  

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God in a can.jpg

I left this forum because a moderator has a problem with me talking positively about myself and giving advice. This reflects the forum as a whole. This place is negative, bitter, hateful and anti success. If you don't notice this that's because you're one of them. I hope some of you benefited from my posts. Take care.

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dark mod/dim mode

as for you my only critic is you shall go beyond using words like : left/right/republican/democrats.

I think this narrow perspectives and give a bad taste to your vibration, at least the focus on it seems unhealthy, you told it yourself that you wished to integrate more of a game B perspective.

I prefer the idea of blue church/red church for instance.

So maybe it's time to build your own lexicon that frame things with less charged vocabulary.

a second idea :
in fact you shall limit messages posted from members to 10 maximum per 24 hours.

too many people abuse this forum to not do any type of serious work, and the quality of messages is also broken by this.
this is maybe abusive, but I see to many shitflood posting and people do not measure their words.

at least on twitter in a way, the fact you have to make a point in few words, force you to be concise and clear and not just spreading permanent non sense.

at least I feel it that way;

Edited by A_v_E

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@Leo Gura -more practical videos like the how to get laid series but about business and health 

-videos like "making sense of jordan peterson" but on other interesting figures or phenomenon in society, basically a "making sense of" series like for example making sense of women, the evolution of technology, climate change, incels, sadhguru, etc...

-a second video on jordan peterson would be appreciated :)

also thank you for your work :) 

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More stage orange stuff or basics self-help stuff and uploading these vids more frequently. 

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