Leo Gura

How To Improve Actualized.org - Mega-Thread

291 posts in this topic

3 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Do you think that this forum is a cult? 

No, but it wouldn't take much to flip it around.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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6 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

The moment I realized I was in a cult was when people started to unite around fear, paranoia and suspicion.

When I think of a cult I think of oshos community.

From the outside it was labeled a cult, but on the inside I bet a lot of people had an amazing time 

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Just now, Raptorsin7 said:

When I think of a cult I think of oshos community.

From the outside it was labeled a cult, but on the inside I bet a lot of people had an amazing time 

When I think of a cult I think Heaven's Gate.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 on 1 guidance sessions.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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13 hours ago, Staples said:

Honestly? More courses. They don't necessarily have to be as big or grand as the Life Purpose course. I'd buy shorter courses on:

- How to use Psychedelics for spiritual growth

- How to reach stage Yellow & Turquoise thinking

- Leadership / Healthy masculinity


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Screenshot 2022-11-29 010701.jpg

@Leo Gura



I have many, many ideas, but chose to include only the simplest, most realistic ones that don't require much work or any webdev know-how.

In a prior post I also mentioned removing the "1 post per 2-5 minutes" limitation.  Mods with fewer posts than me have no such limitation, and double the image storage capacity.  You could at least remove this limitation for accounts active in the past 3 months with 1000 posts or more.



To clarify, the Guidelines header should be replaced with Main, and contain the sections of "Main/General" and "off topic".  Why? Because Guidelines already has an entire tab to itself, and the general/off-topic sections deserve more visibility.

Lastly, probably too difficult to do, but the "Journals" section could use its own oversized section with a preview of the top 3-5 latest topics.  Why?  Keeps it out of the way, yet still gives it relevance/importance.



12 minutes ago, AlterEgo said:

Agree.  This user actually contributes nothing but blame mentality and is allowed here to promote victim consciousness.  What about stealing pics from others and pretending it's you?  Leo has some real double standards.

Agreed.  Even tries to get others in trouble and then plays the victim.

Edited by thisintegrated

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4 hours ago, Jacob Morres said:

Agree I've no idea why she's allowed here? What are the standards 

Agree.  This user actually contributes nothing but blame mentality and is allowed here to promote victim consciousness.  What about stealing pics from others and pretending it's you?  Leo has some real double standards.

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Hey Leo!

I've been following closely since 2016 and Actualized.org has changed my life!!!

Here's my tips for improving Actualized.org:



  • website should function more like a "railroad" as opposed to a "buffet"
  • Make the START HERE tab much bigger and more prominent... 
  • The email capture beside the home video looks cheesy (due to low-res) and is crowding the home page. Update the image resolution and place it somewhere else.
  • The "What is Actualized.org video" needs to have some kind of caption that more clearly explains exactly what's in it for the visitor.
    • Nobody cares what Actualized.org is... it would be better if it was like "How Actualized.org can help you."
    • Maybe some testimonials on the home screen as well for social proof.
  • There's too many tabs. The "Best videos & all videos tabs should be merged, the contact & about tabs should be merged, the store & LP & book list tabs should all be merged" 
  • You want to reduce the amount of choices that the person needs to make when finding your site.



You're god. I meant to type "you're good" but it kept coming out as "you're god." after 3 attempts of backspacing and re-typing. Total accident. (but obviously not).

For real though your videos are awesome! Well-structured from beginning to end.


Leo's Arrogance/Snarkiness/Rudeness:

You're NOT too arrogant or too rude... in most cases I can tell that you're just expressing authentically (especially if it's about some philosophical point) a little bit of "rudeness" is actually just the flare of passion. 

I have NEVER gotten the feeling of "oh maybe I'll stop watching because he's being rude" because I think your temperament is similar to mine.

I like a little bit of flare when delivering ideas... it spices things up.

But not everyone likes spice. 

I get the feeling that a lot of people on here are very Stage Green (not saying this in a derogatory way, just in an observational way) where even a whiff of arrogance can be triggering. I know this because I went through that myself. SMILE WHEN YOU SAY THAT MISTER! :P 

But triggering others isn't always a bad thing... as long as you're not going overboard. (but you already know this)



Unfortunately, I don't find myself wanting to use this forum very much because of the overwhelming amount of low-quality posts and threads. Even when I do want to post high-consciousness stuff... I feel "what's the point" as it might just end up getting drowned out in the sea of stupidity.

I'm no expert at moderating forums (although I've just recently started my own and I'm learning the ropes)

Here's my 2 cents.

Much heavier moderation:

I personally don't worry about getting moderated or banned at all because I'm not posting garbage.

Don't want to get banned? Follow the fucking guidelines and don't post garbage.

If you don't even put in the effort to write in complete sentences... or if you're spreading low-consciousness ideologies... or if you're talking about chimp nonsense... then you've no right to complain about getting moderated or banned.


That's what this forum is about. It's a community and resource center for Self-Actualizers...

It's not an Instagram group chat with your high-school friends.

There's got to be some kind of incentive for posting high-quality things and some kind of deterrent for posting nonsense.


That's all for now. I hope that this is helpful :) 

- Adam



P.S. This is unrelated... But every year I bring up the topic of Astrology and every year I get your response "get that nonsense outta here." Astrology isn't nonsense... it might not be your cup of tea but it's actually a deep and beautiful language of symbology and archetypes. I've found using birth charts to be an extremely useful tool for discovering Life Purpose and understanding collective dynamics. (and also it's a really fun flirting game oh wow you're such a Leo)

Edited by Adam M

I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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Humilty and putting in the work would be very cool. Most I feel do care about your development I feel you come of as egotistical, as you don't think about others as much which is extremely off-putting. Thinking about more other holons would be cool etc. That fundamentally includes us. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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Yes, I love the poetry/insight type stuff as well as beauty and art appreciation. Also the mid journey a.i stuff was dope!

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Try to be more relatable. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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1. I’d love to see some in person retreats about god realization or your new alien whatever the fuck thing

2. Dark mode as suggest by multiple others

3. Daily post limits or some other form of post regulation so the same few people don’t spam every thread (you know who you are)

4. More courses please. Like seriously. Take my fucking money already.

I’ve gone through the LPC 3 times in the last six years or so and it’s been life changing. I see courses as being some of the most profound influence you can have on people.

For example, I’ll do every exercise and  worksheet in your paid courses but your free videos I don’t often do those. By creating a paywall you get my investment and I take those videos & exercises more seriously 

The game of survival cannot be won. 

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8 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

When I think of a cult I think Heaven's Gate.

If you join a community and there's love and connection you may find yourself in a suicide cult. 


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9 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

If you join a community and there's love and connection you may find yourself in a suicide cult. 


I wish that was just a joke.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Just now, Carl-Richard said:

I wish that was a joke.

It's just a distorted perception. 

You don't actually know what would happen if you joined a cult or this place became cult like.

When you find a way to process the fear make sure to make a tldr

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I’m personally looking forward to the courses. I think it would also be cool if we could interact with people who are also taking the course and discuss the content, like a FB group or maybe private section of the forum. Zoom calls would also be interesting.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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